
Update when you have not heard from me or just my thoughts

November 6 2013
The  reason  you have not heard  much in the  last month is  because my  computer  was having  problems and not  feeling so  well that I had to  think.
I  had to  go to Hewitt Packard.  hp  They  have  a special care  package  which  picks up
and  delivery  your  computer  directly  to you.  It  a good package.
I am glad I  pick them over  other  companies because  a  computer is  a major  part of your  life.
Also  I have problems  putting information  on  the site  and it  take  times.  I do not know much  about  computer.
I  think  within a    year  or less  the truth about  the  incompetent  and  ruthless people  in  Sweden have done  to me  will     come out and  my life  will
be  back  to normal.  Living in my  own  house  with  water and  electricity.
You  people  reading this  should  think no  matter where  you  are
how wonderful  it is to have  water or  form  of heating.
I  am now not  a fan of electricity but  alternative  heating  due to the  greedy heartless  CEO, Leaders  of companies  who  are so Greedy . There  are so
leaders  or head of companies  who  do not  deserve their large salaries because  they do not  care. I have  written about  a  few
. . One who does not is  Bill  Gates   **Microsoft** someone   tell him to  pay me for my stolen  idea which  makes   his company  better  when they  use them.. Anyway it is  up to the  stockholder to   vote them out. 
Anyone  with  another  form of heating  PLEASE  CONTACT  me  and  I  will test it for  you.
Also  a   act of kindness  would  just be  to  leave  a message  anywhere  , friends, family, companies,
organization  even  enemies for  them  to  read  this and  be  glad  they are not me or maybe they  or  you  can help.
There   is not any  age  limit
  Act of  Kindness if you  are  bored and have  nothing  to  do or want to feel helpful. I have  put many  to test and some  have  failed.
You  can  tell  1  person  a  day , week ,year and the  sky is the  limit.. My life  will get  better inspire of  everything and  you  can help it go   quicker  no  matter  who  you  are. You  count  in  my  eye

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