
Is Sweden a Police State ? Is your country the same ?

 June 23 2014

 Dog is traumatize  by the  police and  the  Social workers.

He could not  protect his  housewhole.  He scream now and his behavior has changed.

Does the   4police  come to  your house  without   a warrant and made the dog  sick 
by checking  your house  when  everyone inside  said  not  to do it ?

 june  20  2014

 I had a nightmare    because of  everything that happen yesterday.

I dream I was  somewhere  and they want to  give special   ID  cards  to all foreigner  regardless if were   refuges   or  foreigners. they want  to put  me  in a  camp like 
the Concentration Camp  the  Jewish  people  were forced to live in

I called  Swedish television expresen   tv  4  aftonbladlet  they  were  not interested.

They  believe  that  the  Police has the right to  come into your  home  without any warning  and   search.  Think  about  you being anywhere and  anonymous person calls the police. they can come in.

The Social came back today.  they refused  to  write down anything with 3   social workers. They tried to call the police to come  out again. I guess  the police
have  other more important things to  do than  search houses  without any warrant ordered  by  anonymous  people. They have a  hard job

Well  now you know  how the Police and  Scocial workers  work in Sweden.

I had a nightmare    because of  everything that happen yesterday.

I dream I was  somewhere  and they want to  give special personal to all foreigner  regardless if were   ref  or  foreigners. they want  to put  me  in a  camp like 
the Concentration Camp  the  Jewish  people  were forced.

I called  Swedish television expresen   tv  4  aftonbladlet  they  were  not interested
most of  the  staff gone because of  the holiday

They  believe  that  the  Police has the right to  come into your  home  without any warning  and   search.  Think  about  you being anywhere and  anonymous person calls the police. they can come in.

The Social came back today.  they refused  to  write down anything with 3   social workers. They tried to call the police to come  out again. I guess  the police
have  other more important things to  do than  search houses  without any warrant ordered  by  anonymous  people. They have a  hard job

Well  now you know  how the Police and  Scocial workers  work in Sweden.

I called  Swedish television expresen   tv  4  aftonbladlet  they  were  not interested
most of  the  staff gone because of  the holiday

They  believe  that  the  Police has the right to  come into your  home  without any warning  and   search.  Think  about  you being anywhere and  anonymous person calls the police. they can come in.

The Social came back today.  they refused  to  write down anything with 3   social workers. They tried to call the police to come  out again. I guess  the police
have  other more important things to  do than  search houses  without any warrant ordered  by  anonymous  people. They have a  hard job

Well  now you know  how the Police and  Scocial workers  work in Sweden.

June 19 2014    Would  this  make  you feel sick and not  safe  ?
I feel   so  sick and  cannot  eat  but  must force myself  due  to not feeling  safe.
Knowing that Sweden  is  like a  police  state that  the police  can  come into  my
where  ever I am without  a  warrant  and  because  of an anonymous   source.

I  had problems  with  my neighbor  trying  to  sic  his dog  on  me on more than one  ocacion  ( trying to make  his  dog  bit  me his  dog  bit  or attached  not   one  policeman  showed  up  or when  my husband   raped  . There  are  other  instance. In this  case   4 police  showed  up unannounced and demanded  or else they would  break down  the door.It  was not  a  good  situation

JuNE  18  2014

Is Sweden a Police State ? Is your country the same ?
In  Sweden  they  do not need  a  warrant  to search  your  house.

 I was shocked  and now  feel  afraid because  when  I  was visiting someone the police  said they  had  to come or they would   break the  door down.
First there  were  2   police people.and  2  social  workers.  then  3  more police  came.
It was  a  horrible situation
Where  were the police  when I needed  them

They  was  looking for  the woman nephew who was  a  child  and not  going  to school . This is  summer and there is not any  school/
She  said  she  was  American  and  they could not  do it. They said  " this  is  Sweden and  we  can do  it. "
Police  supervisor  said  to the woman  Listen to me  quietly   and if   say  one  word I will  hang  up. when she  was  speaking to  the  police  supervisor  to ask if they  need a  written warrant  They were looking for a child  under  15

What happened to the  police  when  my husband  raped me  or  a neighbor with political   connection     followed  around with dogs  they never  even  showed   up?

 In Sweden  you  are  no  safe the police can come in your house anytime without  a warrant  and search.  How  is your  country.?

In all  EU  or  EC  countries  or without  I wonder  how the law in your country.  ?

Why did not  the social contact the  woman who is a regular  citizen.  It is probably  because  of  me? That is  why people do not want to  know  me
things happen to  them.


stockholder or shareholder Aktionärs Kleinaktionär(in Besitzer der Aktienmehrheit Aktionärs Kleinaktionä Aktieägarare Aktieägarare IN E.ON and VattenfallAb

 June  17 2017

Why have you voted  for      Dr Johannes Teyssen, CEO of Eon  (and President of Eurelectric, and   Øystein Løseth ceo  Vattenfall  fighting   over   who  should  help me instead  of  turning on my electricity.
    off.        who wanted  me to sign  a contract  I never   made. If  I do  then  I will not have to  owe  them any money  after not having 

electricity  over  3 years. Then  it  will be  even  worst  according the the Swedish system. You  let my refrigerator    and  freezer  be turned off without any  warning, The food  spoiled and  I lost food that  I maybe  never  can made again. I  thought  this  would  go to court and  they I could  show what both companies  done to  me. 

Do you  sign  contract  you never  made ?????

Tell         Dr Johannes Teyssen, and           Øystein Løseth  want   you  want  them to  do.

Did  you  vote for them to do this to me?

 (My  electricity  cost   else where  is even higher.)

June 16  20016

stockholder or shareholder    Aktionärs  Kleinaktionär(in   Besitzer der Aktienmehrheit Aktionärs  Kleinaktionä Aktieägarare   Aktieägarare  IN  E.ON and VattenfallAb

stockholder or shareholder 
 Aktieägarare   eller  aktieinnehav.Besitzer der Aktienmehrheit Aktionärs
Diese Seite übersetzen. Ich bin sorrry Ich spreche kein Deutsch-översätta den här sidan. Jag är ledsen att jag inte kan översätta denna sida

Your  CEO Dr Johannes Teyssen, CEO of Eon  (and President of Eurelectric, and Oystein LOSETH  ceo  Vattenfall  fighting   over   who  should  help me instead  of  turning on my electricity.

 Dr Johannes Teyssen, CEO of Eon  (and President of Eurelectric,) said        and "because of the cancellation of the contract with E.ON, Vattenfall are bound to make sure that you get a new supplier"
Oystein LOSETH  ceo  Vattenfall  Ab  has  not  done it  because it is not  true . He 
   said  I had  a  contract  now they  have  backed and  said I  did not have a contract  after having the  ombusmannen  
"because of the cancellation of the contract with E.ON, Vattenfall are bound to make sure that you get a new supplier"
Oystein LOSETH  ceo  Vattenfall  Ab  has  not  done it  because it is not  true
 Thomas Gustafsson  / Customer Ombusman on the side of the company  for  e.on

 Birgitta.Clemensson oMBUSMAN  on the  side of the  company for  Vattenfall AB


Games can kill or hurt . ( Video or board games )

Games  can  Kill or hurt 

 Do you know what     games    your  children  relatives or friends children  playing.? The  answer  is probably No. It is  best to find out today. . Read the stories   below. How many people  have been killed in  silence  or hurt due  to someone getting an a game.  We will never  really know

The people  who  create the  games  are  very intelligent  and  can  develop game to live , enjoy life better.  to help  people  get along or so much  in positive field.

They can make the  world a  better  place to live in.Of course this is only  1  person  opinion.

  When  TWO    12 years girls   tried to  kill their  friends  because  of the slenderman  game.?

I  have  played  the  Slenderman game    and it  scared me.


Some Ceo, Vd , General Director and others with power in Sweden deliberately create bad environments which may kill

 June 2 2014

This  time  it is the  Principal of  a  School
An eight-year-old girl, , was found in a critical condition at her southern Sweden home in early May. She died later that day in hospital.  
On Tuesday, the principal at the child's school was suspended.The Karlskrona municipality confirmed that the principal knew there were troubles at home, but had chosen against sending a formal notification to the social services.

  It  was not the  poor unusally  unpaid   teacher  who   was  blamed.  Of course  there  are  bad  teacher  who should  not  teach. I  hope he is  prosecuted   not just  blamed. This might  save  a life  next time.

June 1  2014

Are the  CEO, General  Director and  other  Leaders  against me  Psychopaths?

I read  an article  about   Psychopaths  who  function below

"Dangerous predators who lack the behavioral controls and tender feelings the rest of us take for granted
Basically, when you get them talking, these people [ie. psychopaths] are different than human beings. They lack the things that make you human: empathy, remorse, loving kindness "

That  might  be the  reason they   think  a person can live  without  water  or  electricity.  I feel sorry  for the people  who are  children, relatives   or live with  these  kind of people

April 24-25   2014

 "It is the first time a Swedish court ruling on director liability for an employee who committed suicide."
  The Offense is serious, consider the district court, and can lead to imprisonment for one year. The managers are former unpunished and therefore a suspended sentence.?

I think  they   should  have went  to prison   because  they know  what they did.  He  is  dead and nothing   will bring him  back. 

Maria Lundqvist Persson, who police reported the heads after her husband's death.

His name  was Lasse  Persson  and  he  was  a  caring socialworker,

This  case  was  a landmark  which many other  people  in Sweden.

2 supervisor convicted for  creating  a  bad  environment 

I am  mobbed  in life  by the     some  CEO etc  as you  read  are  aware  of  my   problems

  "And Lars Persson was considered expensive for Krokom. Generous with promises and benefits to clients, "fellows" as he says. The municipality had a sudden spike in LVM, costly compulsory placements of addicts. 
 He  was  punish  for doing  somethings  good.

   I am  mobbed  in life  by the     some  CEO  as you  read  are  aware  of the  problem

He took it hard and felt he was getting singled out" 

Lars Persson, who worked for 30 years as a social worker, took his own life in 2010. His widow Maria said his mood deteriorated a year earlier when he got a new boss who she claims was not happy with her late husband's work. 

He felt he was being called into question and was removed of some of his duties and he became more unsure. He took it hard and felt he was getting singled out

There was an investigation

It did not mention who carried out the investigation I am sorry to say  I believe that it  was impartial like most are in Sweden.  

He  must felt  very alone that he took  his life.Well   I am not  alone and  I  have  you.