
Easter Presents from CEO to their Customer VattenfallAB. EON. General Tax Director and Sörmland Vatten ab


April 20 2014

  Vattenfall  AB.Does he have  electricity ? Someone  tell him to answer  his  mail. His  secretary  is rude too.

OYSTEIN LOSETH  CEO  OF  vattenfALL aB  think  he  above   all.  

NO water  no  Electricity  These  are words from  Mr Oystein LOSETH. CEO  VATTENFALLab      and  bjornar.berg@sormlandvatten.se

 NO water  no  Electricity  These  are words from  Mr Oystein LOSETH. CEO  VATTENFALLab      and  bjornar.berg@sormlandvatten.se

Their  Easter  present  to  me  it  to  not  turn  on  my water  and electricity.

 Dr Johannes Teyssen, CEO of Eon and President of Eurelectric,E.ON  is under the  belief that  if they  do not  help me  that  is the  duty of  law  in Sweden

Ingemar.Hansson - Director General for the SwedishTax Agency took  1,ooo /swedish  Kronors   each month   and refuse to allowed me to  appeal  even thoughb that  is the  Swedish  the  law.  Ta x  without Representation  in  the  welfare  country  of  Sweden a  you  all  have  heard  about.

(åKtieägare  eller  styrelsemedlem   Betalar du dem så mycket pengar att they har förlorat 
kontakten med sina kunder?)

Stockholder and  Board  member  are you paying them so much money they have lost touch with their Customers?

More  than  3  years  has passed which is the  status of limitation and if  I  was guilty  it should  be over.  They like  to punish me while they enjoy  both  water  and  electricity. I am not  guilty  but they  do not  care?

If  you  know them  talk  to them  about this  matter???