
My Happy New Year wishes fore·cast in 2014

 I wish all the people who  have tried to help me , thinking  about helping me or  just  told   others  about  me   a  Happy New Year.

This year  is the   beginning  of great things  for me. I know with your help  I will have  water and  Electricity.  I  want to change from electricity when  I  get it  back  to something    more environment  people  friendly.   It  will  be  better for me  with your help. I wish all the  people responsible  for  making  me suffer   ??????????   you  fill it in yourself.

Also  I will  get JUSTICE  and  people  against me having  a   better life  will be   punished   by GOD, who or  what  you believe  in.  Many  Swedish people  in  Sweden  have told me they   do not  believe in  God  and then  it is    by the law of  nature. When  things  start  happening  in their
lives  then they  will believe it . It does not all happen at once . It goes  back  and forward. Until  they  realize  what is  wrong and  do something  about it.

Below  I  will write about  people  companies  who  have  crossed  my path  in some  way. How  I wish  they will change

Bill wiliam  Gates  because   he is heartless and  greedy. Of course he helps  people   that  would  get  him g result  in the  newspaper.  In reality he had  cheated  me. His company in Sweden  was not  doing their  job  and  I  have made improvement  which  they  have  changed,
which  he  refuses  to  acknowledge.Maybe he  will one  day wake up  and do the right   by me.

I wish  he somehow     could  loss  all his money  and have  to live  like  a Begger.

He will  be  called  Beggar Bill


My Christmas Greeting

 Merry Christmas  to all who read  my  blog.. I  wish you healthy  wealthy and prosperous New Year.  I hope the people  who   have done   me   wrong have a  change of heart. Otherwise they lose their job and made  way  for someone  competent. You  who know the  truth about  them  stop  them for doing what they have done to me to others.

I would like  you to do something for someone  else. It  can  be to help them or just
a small conversation with them to  show that  they count.

In my eyes you  count no  matter your  age or whatever

Here in  Sweden most  people  celebrate  Christmas on  today  December 24
and most  99%  of the  stores  are  closed.  A few  are open to    2  p.m  or 16.00

I hope  Santa  Claus  bring  you  all what you  deserve.


A mistake that needs to be fixed. Do your part and help

December 19 2013

My  apologize the   matter  about  Devyani Khobragade India  Diplomat

  is  important  to India and  other  people around  the   world. I just think  about that poor India  boy away from his  loving  parents who did nothing wrong.

please take up that matter  too.

Yesterday  I wrote to  

Venkatesh Raman in the technology  group which  has not  responsible.

Skekhar Gupta/ editor   in  chief



ubhash/newindianexpress.  , Associate Editor,

Today  iI will try feedback@expressindia.com

I hope  one of them  takes  it up

Today I will  write to the one  below.



December 18 2013

The  parents  were on the  plan to return   to India  when he was taken  off. They were  doing nothing  wrong,  Bring him  home. Please  contact me when you write about  it  so I  can  link  back to the  story.He is more important than the  rich Diplomat (Devyani Khobragade — an Indian diplomat.) you wrote about. I understand your newspaper is  known  as a fair  newspaper

One  who  want  him  home 
Read  about  on my  profile  under  

This  was  sent to the  people  below.

December 17  2013

Instead of being embarrassed over what the  Diplomat  has done

India and   the Indian  Express should  be  outraged  OVER  this  boy  BEING  separated  from  his Indian mother and Swedish father on the  way home to India. Bring  him home to India and  give  the people  who have  him should  give  him up to his   parents.

Instead  of the  story  below

"Outraged by the arrest and handcuffing of an Indian diplomat in New York in an alleged visa fraud case, New Delhi Friday lodged a strong protest as it summoned the US ambassador to India Nancy Powell and told her the "humiliation" was "absolutely unacceptable".

India and the IndianExpress    should be writing about this boy to bring him back to india.

I will keep you  informed