
Serious but Heart Warming

  This  is about  a tortoise had been found with a badly infected leg after being abandoned by his owners.

Doctor who took an extra step and  gave him a Lego leg.

You can  see and  read about it   below  and  see  a  short video


Dr. Panagiotis Azmanis and his team of vets at the Bird Consulting International 

What is  the difference  between a  turtle and  a  Tortoise. Read below  and  now   you will know too.
Tortoises and Turtles are both reptiles from the family of Testudines, the major difference being that the land dwelling ones are called Tortoises and water dwelling are called Turtles. The body of a tortoise and a turtle both is shielded by a shell, the upper part of which is called Carapace and the lower portion is called Plastron. TheCarapace and the Plastron are attached at the end by a bridge which means that though the head and limbs may be withdrawn from the shell, the whole body can never be totally detached from it. These reptiles are generally reclusive and shy in nature.

 read  more  about it  at  http://www.diffen.com/difference/Tortoise_vs_Turtle. You will  also  see a  picture

When  you have  extra money    it should  be sent to Dr Pangiotis  Azmanis  and his team  At  Bird  Consulting International  in  Germany.  Keep up the good work 

Dr. Panagiotis Azmanis 


Funny but serious

November 14 2013

I have  read  both  statements  in black   background on  a  site

If you pass by  a  bus stop you will  see this most of the  time.
When the  bus  comes  the  people  rush forward.You may see this  when you  are lining
up somewhere.

Don't stand too close to other commuters when lining up
This is such a well-known Swedenism that it became a meme. If you stand too close to someone, others might think you are drunk or insane, so why risk it. Worse, you might be trying to start a conversation with them, something that is strictly forbidden. The horror.

imI have  seen it on the  Buses and  Trains it looks very  strange. Sometime  even  people  with their  friends  take a seat in front  or back of  the people  they  are traveling with.

Don't sit next to someone. Ever. Unless you have to.
You know you're in Sweden when you get on a bus and every single pair of seats is taken by one person sitting by the window. Prepare for a glare if you sit beside someone and there's a double free. You're breaking unspoken rules. And don't you dare try to start small talk.


November 12 2013
 This is  a story  about  a criminal who  stole 2  computers  but
left  be hide  more money than they were  worth.

You  may  read  the story  at the  site  below
and  translate  it.


They  did tell  us the amount  or  around  the amount  to protect

the Criminal.

The Government and newspaper  protects Criminals more than the  Taxpayers  or the

Public  in Sweden.

The Tax authorizes  which uses   kronofogden , public companies   and other Government  sell the information about  you. 

The information  may not  be true which I found  out  1st  .hand.
One  government  Agency  like  the   Försäkringskassan told another
government  Agency   something about my house. I wanted  to change it  and  was not  allowed  due to the fact that  a Government  Agency
would  believe  another person over you  about your self. The government in Sweden makes  their own  information. There  are some  good   people inside  and outside the  government. trying to  change it but they need the  Public support.

They  sell  the information unless you have a  protected  address  which I had due to  my  violent Physically  and mentally ex husband.  I  said  i would never  be  safe. they throw   me out without  notifying me  after  a. few  years. I was  forced to  protect  myself.

So now you now there is a lot  false information  about me out there. Unless I confirm it you know it is not  true.. Hard to believe it but true.

I have problem due  to  people being  allow to make their  own information


True but you are the Witness because you have seen it written here .

november 13 2013

Sweden 'failed to protect' shower girl: court

In my case you read  how  I complain  about  the  not  being effective and nothing\
Happened.You  can see there is not  a adequate legal   frame  work to  protect
again not having water  and electricity with the  obligations  under Article  8 and many more



Below  are  from  part of it.

The Swedish legal system failed to protect a 14-year-old girl whose stepfather, who was acquitted in Sweden, covertly filmed her naked in the shower according to a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights.

"The Court found that Swedish law in force at the time had not ensured protection of Ms Söderman’s right to respect for private life – whether by providing a criminal or a civil remedy – in a manner that complied with the Convention.
after her stepfather was acquitted by the Swedish court of appeal in 2007.

"The Court found that Swedish law in force at the time had not ensured protection of Ms Söderman’s right to respect for private life – whether by providing a criminal or a civil remedy – in a manner that complied with the Convention.
In Tuesday's ruling of the case, which was called Söderman V Sweden, the court said that the plaintiff had not complained about the effectiveness of the criminal investigation carried out by the Swedish authorities.
"The question before the Court was whether, in the circumstances of the case, Sweden had had an adequate legal framework to protect Ms Söderman against the actions of her stepfather, in compliance with its obligations under Article 8," said the court in a press statement.

In my case you read  how  I complain  about  the  not  being effective and nothing\
Happened.You  can see there is not  a adequate legal   frame  work to  protect
again not having water  and electricity with the  obligations  under Article  8 and amny more


Discrimination in Sweden and the letter J in Jewish people passport long ago

November  8  2013
I  was  also   very  surprised how  much  Sweden  cooperated with the  Nazi. The information  was 
things I  find out  about  Sweden.

 "Nazi-Germany wanted to threw Jews to somewhere, but not to Sweden neither to Switzerland. Why? What arguments Sweden and Switzerland had in hands when they urged 10 times bigger Germany to use J-stamp - and keep Jews in Germany?
However, when it came to trade with the Nazi regime, the Swedes, for a period of time, accommodated themselves to the Reich to an even greater extent than the Swiss did. The Swedish economy was, for a number of years, almost fully integrated into the Nazis' New Order; the country supplied Germany with high-grade iron ore (30 percent of that used by the German armaments industry), as well as ball bearings, foodstuffs, wood, and many other raw materials. In matters of finance, the Swedes cooperated with Germany by providing credit, which allowed the delivery of vast quantities of military equipment to the Wehrmacht. Moreover, after the war, the Swedish central bank, the Riksbank, "examined gold it had received from the Nazis in payment for exports and returned about 13 tons that presumably had been stolen [from] Belgium and the Netherlands."24

The Swedes believed, at least for the first years of the war, that cooperation with Germany was necessary to preserve a precarious neutrality. But after 1943 the Swedish government, heeding Allied warnings about neutrals doing business with Germany, detached the country from the German "political and commercial web," and gradually established closer ties with the Allies.25 There is no doubt that for several years Sweden put its considerable economic resources at the disposal of the Reich; but its behavior in the latter stages of the war removed much of the stigma of collaboration."


Read the article below and I was surprised


The  Jewish  people  are one of the  most  respected  and helpful  people in the  world. I was  surprised  when  I  read  that  Sweden went along with  putting  the J  in the  passport a long time  ago which  was  harmful for them.
Also  some  Jewish wear   a  Beanie cap in Sweden was not  good. Where   people  that  were  Jewish People  in the United  States   the  Arabic people  and   both  go into  each other  area   some with   special clothing  and nothing  happens ,    but in  Sweden  they  are. I have  seen people  hid  their  Beanies and  change and now  I know  why.
Since  a  few   people  were involved  in that  I do not  what  or who in involved  in doing  what they have done to  me.


Update when you have not heard from me or just my thoughts

November 6 2013
The  reason  you have not heard  much in the  last month is  because my  computer  was having  problems and not  feeling so  well that I had to  think.
I  had to  go to Hewitt Packard.  hp  They  have  a special care  package  which  picks up
and  delivery  your  computer  directly  to you.  It  a good package.
I am glad I  pick them over  other  companies because  a  computer is  a major  part of your  life.
Also  I have problems  putting information  on  the site  and it  take  times.  I do not know much  about  computer.
I  think  within a    year  or less  the truth about  the  incompetent  and  ruthless people  in  Sweden have done  to me  will     come out and  my life  will
be  back  to normal.  Living in my  own  house  with  water and  electricity.
You  people  reading this  should  think no  matter where  you  are
how wonderful  it is to have  water or  form  of heating.
I  am now not  a fan of electricity but  alternative  heating  due to the  greedy heartless  CEO, Leaders  of companies  who  are so Greedy . There  are so
leaders  or head of companies  who  do not  deserve their large salaries because  they do not  care. I have  written about  a  few
. . One who does not is  Bill  Gates   **Microsoft** someone   tell him to  pay me for my stolen  idea which  makes   his company  better  when they  use them.. Anyway it is  up to the  stockholder to   vote them out. 
Anyone  with  another  form of heating  PLEASE  CONTACT  me  and  I  will test it for  you.
Also  a   act of kindness  would  just be  to  leave  a message  anywhere  , friends, family, companies,
organization  even  enemies for  them  to  read  this and  be  glad  they are not me or maybe they  or  you  can help.
There   is not any  age  limit
  Act of  Kindness if you  are  bored and have  nothing  to  do or want to feel helpful. I have  put many  to test and some  have  failed.
You  can  tell  1  person  a  day , week ,year and the  sky is the  limit.. My life  will get  better inspire of  everything and  you  can help it go   quicker  no  matter  who  you  are. You  count  in  my  eye