
importaant new law

 Waste  of  money in Sweden
June 30  2016

It is  sad  day a  waste  of  150 Swedish  millions  which  could  have went to lower  the  electricity cost   create  new jobs or housing.  If  you  see  any lack of  money  in  Sweden  it is  just to  blame  them on wasting that    much money  when so much  still  needs  to  be  done  in  Sweden. I wonder  who`s  great  idea was it.

Today  is  the  last
  day  for  20, 50  and  1000  Swedish  bills (money) You  have  until august  31  to put  them in the  bank. In  Sweden  not  all  banks  you   can take  out  money. an  Examples  is  Länsförsakringar.

After  that  you put money in  your  bank Account  to  August  31  2016 if  your   bank  is  one that    allows   you to put in money,

Also  there  might   be  older  people  who  build   up  the  country  with  old money who  do not  trust  bank  or other people.  I  guess  they  join the  ranks  of  the  growing  poor  people in  Sweden

March  17  2016\

A new law  that will  take place in   a  few   months

I think  something  happen    because  I was  new  here  to finish writting it.


Bye Britain you will be missed ( Brexit )

I  am not British nor English and  do not understand  why British Prime Minister David Cameron.   had   to resign  . I  read  that one  of the  reasons  he won the   Election  there  was  because   he said  he  would   let  the  people  decide if  they  wanted  to  stay  or leave and  he  did.  .
Just  like  the  president of the United  States  we   the people   do not always  agree  with  him but his still   represent  us.Otherwise  we  would  have  so many  Presidents.

I  want  to  wish  you people  well as  an  American and  A Swedish Residence. I hope  you  come  back.  You  will  be missed  by  everyone.


Insurance Company (Försäkringskassan )

Most  people  in Sweden  do  not  have  to  pay  back when  overs  a  year

JUne  21  2016

Few people  who  was  overpaid   or  received  the  wrong  amount  of  money   are punished.   One of the  reason  was   the time  has  passed. I mean more  than  a  year    as  I have  written  below on  June  20 2016. .Yet  I did  not owe  money but they deliberately undersold  my Condominium  and  came  back  3  days  under 10  years to forced  me to  pay for  a  Condominium  which  they  did not  want  to  get.Christina Gellerant Hagberg rikskronfogde in   kronfogden is  aware    but  refuses  to   give  me any  help.
You  see  they  punish  that   old man in  a  Diaper who  Condominium who  they  drag  out  of    bed who did not  want his apartment to be   sold.  In my  case  I was  waiting  for  a   court Trial
which  was  drill in my  head. I just believe and  was  taught wrong  that people  like  who  head of the Agency  can take  away  your apartment  and not  even the Swedish  Welfare  Social   will  help  you. the  Agency in the country  which is  suppose  to  help  people

Read  about the man  below
     on http://www.di.se/artiklar/2016/6/17/kronofogdens-visning-utreds

 Read  and  translate   on  the  site

"Both the Social Insurance Agency and the police are guilty of some crime time-barred. It may have been a long time between the grant of the offense and that the insurance agency reports. The police have many other issues higher priority. "


JUNE 20  2016

Insurance  Company   (Försäkringskassan )   or  any  take  over  a  year  to  get  their money   to  be paid back.

Think  about  when they  unsold  my  condominium  they  came 1-3  before     10   years
and  forcing  me to  pay  the  money  because  they  undersold  it. 
Translate  it  for  yourself  then think  about me  and  that   poor man  that  
force out  of  bed by  opening  his  door  with a  Lock Smith to  sell  his   condominium.
He  did  not  want  them to come in  but they  did . That  was  done  by  the  Kronofogden  headed  by Christina Gellerant Hagberg
translate  it  below 


 "Recovery of contribution takes too long
Published 2016-06-16 07:32
@Mariaachieve or longer, which can lead to unnecessary economic hardship for individuals, says Susanne Accum , Auditor General of the National Audit OffiProcessing times are upwards of a year or longer, which can lead to unnecessary economic hardship ""


CEO: Björnar Berg .Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB ...( Garbage and Water Department ) Arne Lundberg chairman (ordförande )Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB

I  sent  it  to   customer  Service  too  give  to them
June 15  2016
  • Björnar Berg.vd Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB  and  Arne Lundberg  chairman  (ordförande )Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB 
I  do  not have   or need  the  (startpaket ) start packet  for  garbage-
I have not have any  garbage  over  3  years  or more  but you refuse  to  acknowledged it  and wanted  me  to  pay  for  services  not  received.
Please  let  me  know  you  received  this  letter so I  do  not  have  to put  you on  my  list     of not received  or  unanswered  mail.
I  do  not have   or need  the   (startpaket )  start packet  for  garbage-
I have not have any  garbage  over  3  years  or more  but you refuse  to  acknowledged it 
Please  let  me  know  you  received  this  letter so I  do  not  have  to put  on  my  list    not received  or  unanswered  mail.
 Thank  you
 My name
Customer  Number

Vem är vatten och som sopor du laddar mig för Björnar Berg, VD, Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB ? 

 October  7  2015

     Dear Björnar Berg, VD, Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB

 I  have not  been in  my house    for  over 3  years. .However  you  are  charging me  for    water  and garbage.  Who's water  and   Who's garbage  are you  charging  me  for? This matter has  been brought  to your attention   several times

Please email me  that  you received  this email.  Also answer  by email if you want to make sure  I received  your mail. You may send  by snail or regular   mail too if  you  must. This  was documented  by the  post  office. that  I do not always receive my mail

 My  name

 April  5, 2014

    Is Björnar Berg CEO  of Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB really  doing  his  job  by  letting me  live  without  water ?

Now  since     made  it  public . they  want to charge me   for the  ghost  water  in  an  empty   house.

 . They want to make   me  quiet  by paying  which  is

947.55 USA  dollars or    691     euro on the  exchange  rate April  5  before noon

If   I was living there  and the  ghost  watter taker  living there.  Which  of  us
would have  the  higher  bill  ?????????

Björnar.Berg CEO  of Sörmland Vatten och Avfall ABhad someone  write  me  back  and without  a  signature.  He  has  refused to answer  my questions.
The  unsigned  letter   he had  sent to me  is  below.
He wants to    pay with  money  I do not  have for  service   that  I have  not received. He  refused to  take  any   responsibility      at  all.

I I guess in Sweden  many CEO  take your Tax  money or  customer's  money   and  do what  they want.

It would  be nice it Björnar Berg  was forces  to  lived without  water
My name

BLEMISH. http://www.basichumanrightstoday.blogspot.se/

Apr 4 (1 day ago)

to me
Hello my name

As soon as you pay your current debt to Sörmlandvatten AB of the amount of 6 197:- SEK, we will turn your water on.
This amount is for the two attached invoices together with intrest and claim charges.

Kind regards

0150-800 1000150-800 1000150-800 1000150-800 100

Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB
Vingåkersvägen 18, 641 51 Katrineholm
Kundtjänst: 0150-800 1000150-800 1000150-800 1000150-800 100   I   Fax: 0150-800 199

 April 2 2014

 Björnar Berg ceo  Sörmland Vatten och Avfall aB  Do  your   job .

I  have  sent  him   letters  to have  my  water turn on by April1. 2014  which he  have not  answered. I am not  changing the  date to May1 2014.
Below is  a  copy of  one of the letters  sent  to him date  March  18 2014. Someone  tell  him  to answer  his  mail. I have  sent a  copy to   customer  Service  this time so  he  cannot  avoid it.  I called and they  said he did not have  a  secretary

APRil 1  2014
Björnar Berg ceo  Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB . someone tell him to answer  his  mail
  1. I asked  the  community   to cut  down a   tree  which was  blocking  my land on the  Community  property. They  did it   and  afterwards the man offered  me  the wood. I  said no  because it  was  the community wood not   mine.

 2. My pipes  became  clogged  with  tree  roots  and the  plumber   came out  and  said it was  Community fault. They came  out and  clean their  pipes. My house   pipes  worked
3. During that time  a  bill came and  for it  and  after  that they turned hostile.
because  they wanted me to  pay  for the wood  and the  taking   down of  their
tree. I did not have the  extra  money or know  that it  was my  responsible to pay  for the  tree on  their land.
  3a (Sambo  is  a  person  like  a boyfriend  or  girlfriend  who lives  with  you(

Also the   the jealous  neighbor  is  involved  in politics   and her  Sambo who   I reject  her     was usually   talking  to anyone who   been  at house.
 He told someone "Stop or it  was going  to be  a  war. " I did not have anything to do with  him but he  follow  me with his  dogs   around harassing me  and not any   any Agency or  Authorities  would  help me.
4,The  next time   there  was  a clogging  in my  pipes   the community  said their side  walks, It  was  now  my  side walk  and  my fault.
I had a trial at the  water board and the community consument  person.  went on trial  against  me. I thought  this  would  be impartial  but  it  was not.
 5.I had another plumber  who said  if  he helped me  it  was  said he was  told   he  never  get  any work. He  said  he  was  sorry  but  needed  the money  and work

6. I  asked if I  could   still   pay the  water  court  money  each month  in case it did not work out.    (Even I knew  i was  right.  ) The Water Board  said  no    and  The Water  Court  said      to wait  until the   trial was  finish. They demanded everything  in  full.  I  did  have  extra money  so    no water.
7.The  Court Trial in the  real   which   held  after the  was  water  was  turned  off proved  that it  was the community  fault and the  only  reason   the  Plumber  was  charging me  was  because  I   was the one  who   called  him.  The  Water  Court  should  have  waited  for  that  decession.
8. It  was  turned  on years    later  once   because  of  a  secret trial  
 9.I do not know how many times  it  has  been  off and  on because  I have  been treated  like a  yo yo or  Tenis  ball
 10 The last  I  wrote them to  turn it off because  I had no electricity. Which  they  have  been charging  me  ever  since.
10 liters   more or less   month for a  ghost using  water . It is  impossible.

11.Since  then  they  have open the sidewalk  which was    they said  was    mine property and  fixed the   pipes.
Björnar Berg
Now  the  CEO      does  not answer  my  mail

the first  time   my plumbing  was    clogged with roofs  said  it was  the communtiy.  fault they  came out  and  fixed
 3. they  sent  for  the tree  was on their  pproperty and  . ask.   after  that  dis
A  turnover

i  asked  th court  if  i  could  put  asside  they  said  no. At  want  more  that

neutaility there  is none

March 18 2014

bjornar.berg / ceo Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB ...

My water  has  been turned off  more  than  3 years. Your company  has charge  me during  that time for  bills  not owed.
I wrote  you  a letter  years  ago  but  you disregarded  it .

I  turned it off inside  because I did  not want the pipes to burst because there was not any heat  in the  house.

When  you sent  me  a notice to turn it off.i  had already  informed  you  that
there  was  not any  use of garbage pick up  and  water.

Your  company does not  seem aware of itself

The  status   of limited  has  passed  for  your  allege  bills  which   I  did not  owe..  I need  my  water  and  garbage  on  by April 1 2014

If you plan not to turn it     on, Please  write in  details in English why  ? 

my name

A customer  discriminated  and    forced  to live without  water  or  garbage pick up   due  to  not  being able to    pay allege extra  bills not owed   by me 


companies or people I request for help