
Cosmetic Surgery,

  December 26  2016

A certain known   Cosmetic  Surgeon  uses
 Lennox Hill Hospital in NYC  which  only checks   to see if  you  pregnant  and not  any other  checks on  your health  for elective  surgery.

Some  Insurance  companies  are  going  to  paying  out  a lot in the future if this  continues

 Cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape the appearance of body parts. Cosmetic surgery can create physical changes and changes in self-esteem.


Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday message to my clicker or reader

December  24  2016

I want  to thank all  of you   who  have  been clicking and  wish  you a Merry Christmas  or  Happy Holidays

I am  now  up  to  .49  kronors  
I will keep you  updated  every  week.

If  you  get  bored  or know someone who has nothing to do have  them click on  my  ads on my blog.

 seko  11 +(122)  side  bar    On my  side  bar  it  showed . Also  other  items  which  I do not understand  I will   learn  how  this  work  in the  future

Remember  every  click  counts 


Rådmania AB an apartment buildings that does not exist any more

 December 18 2016

  I  rented  an apartment  with  the  management  stating    they said  things  have  been  changed ( renovated ) or  they  were  going to  do it..  I met  someone  who lived  in my apartment while  I  was  living  there  over  10 years  ago and  he  said   everything was  the  same  even the  wallpaper

I  was   not  even allowed to  use the   benches outside the  building. There  were  many other things  they did wrong.

I called the   Renters  Union on them    and they saw  the bad things  but  it  good I go  somewhere they were not helpful

The  Renters  court  would not take  my case  because  they said  I  did not live there any more  because  I brought  a  house.

It  was  a  good  thing  I found  a  house  to buy


Klaus-Anders Nysteen .-CEO Lindorff Corporation chairman Siri Hatlen chariman

11:53 PM (0 minutes ago)
to info
Dear  *CEO of Lindorff Group.- **Klaus-Anders* *Nysteen*,

I need  your help  since  your   employees would not  help  me.
I just  needed  the  name  of the bank and  address  which
Bank  which  you  represented. The  case  number  is(      number9    they  told  me

The employee   who could do it  was  a supervisor
-Teamleader    Special Collection
Direkt: +46 (0)31 733 32 00 <+46%2031%20733%2032%2000> and   he has  all my

I  am  forced  to suffer  on  a meger  pension because  a mistake  was
 made   between 15 - 25  years  ago and at  a  trial I  never   knew  or
My  Condominium  was  undersold. in  Stockholm  for a  very low  price

I wanted   the  Debit  case (  case  number  )  recalled  and  stopped because  it
 should  have  never  been  brought. It   took  one day for   you to  say
 no  to stop taking  my  money  each
month   until  I found  an attorney or  received  my   papers  request
 from   your company.

If  I do not  hear  by the end of the  day  then I will forced  to  write
 to someone  else who  hope makes  sure  you read this  or  can get  your

 My name

December 9 2016

 Dear  CEO of Lindorff Group.- Klaus-Anders Nysteen,

You  are   the  head  of  your  company  and  responsible when they are not doing  right.

I tried  to get  help  from other  people in  charge  but they refused   or  did not give me  what  i asked,

information by  email and  or  top  it  temporary taking  of money  from  my  merger  pension  for something  not  owed,

Below  is what  i  wrote  to them 
  ``MY Condominium  was deliberately under sold  .by Kronofogden  Authorities very  quickly.
 It  was  3  days  before  10 years  Kronofogden   decided  to  pursue  it  and  wanted  money from  me.
I was  given  1   price  and  charge   another   which  was more than  double the  amount I been told  I sent them    immediately. 
 . showing  the proof.
. I want  a list of each and  every  payment  made and  the  amount..

I want  a  copy of  everything between me  bank  and the  Real  Estate woman sent to the  bank.
-An  example  of  how  I  was  treated 

   an executive At  Swed Bank  cursed me  out using  the  F  word  and  the  Racial  remarks.

I want  it  frozen  on the amount  you  are taking  each  month from  me   until  I   received   all documentation immediately  ``

I  was  never  present or knew  about the  trial.

I had  been  dealing  with  person  name  below.

Teamleader Special Collection

If you think  they have  made the right   decision please let  me know.

I asked  them  to refrain from taking  my money from my low pension  each  until 

I received  all the papers  on  my  cases which included  payment  and information   from  my side  send to the  bank.  I have never  received it.

I wanted it send  by email because I usually never  give my  mail  by post  even  the  post  office has  confirmed.

 My name

A person  suffering because  of  mistake  Lindorff  Made


September 12  2016

We  will see if lindorff com  is  serious  company

Please  give  this  to  Klaus  send  to rune.sjohelle in  pr  and  communication  to give  to him

Klaus-Anders Nysteen-ceo  Lindorff
Your  company has  made  a  gross mistake  in sending  me the  bills  for  ViaSat

I  called Viasat    earlier  than   2011  and  spoke  to  CEO  or his Secretary  and  informed  them I did not  have any  electricity. They  said  it  was  ok. I   should  let   them  know  when to start  it  back . I have   not  due  to the fact I have   no Electricity.

Also in case the  person  did not know there 

 is  a State  of  limitation  if  I  had  not.  I  always  a person should  pay the  bills  they owe.

Please contact  your  employees and  ask them  to  put their name  and  title on information  send  out.  Nowadays  people are  stealing information  and  adding  what  they want.

Also  have  them  to sign  the form  and  their name  and tittle  on it.

The  case  number  they talk about  is case  number and  it  is in Göteborg

Thank  you

my name
June  8  2016

Endre Rangnes.-CEO has left

June 8 2016

Dear Siri Hatlen  Chairman  of Lindorff  and  Klaus- Ander  Nysteen  ceo

  I  want  you  to  return  my  Tax  refund  which I need on a  debt  not  owed

I  appealing to  you  since  you  are  the vd  and Sri  Harlen  is the  president  of the  board  and a  and   the  money is  badly needed  by  me. 

Which  bank  was on  the  loan   ?

  I  want  you  to  return  my  Tax  refund  which I need on a  debt  not  owed

Important points

Also  I  would  like  the  monthly  payments stop  until  I  am  able  to get  an  Attorney or  Lawyer  and have  the   case heard  this  time with  me   being  there and  knowing  about  it
Important  Points

1.I  had  an condominium  over  20 years  ago  in  Stockholm   while  living   under a secret  address   due to   my   ex  Swedish  husband who   abused me both  mentally and  physically. During  that  time   kronofodgen  under sold  my condominium   for  a very low price. .

As soon  as  I found  out  the amount  the  Re-estate for  mortgage  and  interest  I contact  the bank to correct  it.
I  was  cursed  at  the  out  and not anyone would help me  at the  bank

My  condominium  was  sold  for less  price quick and  without  having  a   trial  with me  present.

These  numbers maybe important  to the  case   I put in  3  case  nuber
I  was forced  to  pay  even  a little more for   down payment.

If  your  company is having financial problem  and  cannot  do it  let me know. You  can  send  back my money  from  your  salary to make  it  fair  until I  have  an attorney

A  person  which Lindorff receives  money  from  and  does  not  owe the  Debit

My name

 I  am going to answer and you already  know  I  do not  owe  it.

December 18  2015   but  put  on  December  19 2015

Hi   My first name

Thank you for your letter  where you claim that the period of limitation has passed.

A claim against a consumer is only limited to three years if the limitation is not interrupted before the time has passed.

The limitation is interrupted by the person in debt by receiving a written agreement or a reminder of the demand.
When the limitation is interrupted, the period of limitation resets.

We have continuesly sent you letter as you say in your email to your adress without them getting returend so we decline your objection of limitation.

To find a solution  to all parts,we would like to offer you to pay 60% of the total debt which is 17 964  000 SEK by 2015-12-28.

If you do not have the opporturnity to pay it all toghether ,we are willing to split up the payment with 500 SEK each month for 36 month with start 2015-12-28.Please get back to us for confirmation at the latest 2015-12-23


  Person  he  had  to answer  my mail
Debt Surveillance B2B
December 17, 2015

Dear Mr Endre Rangnes.-CEO Lindorff Corporation

This  is  questions  about   the     letter  you sent  me.

In Sweden How  often  does  a  company  do  a  credit  rating  on a  person?

Does  it count negative  In  Sweden every-time   you   get  Credit  information  on

 a person.

The Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too  . Please do  that  this time

My name 


I am not  sure if Christina Gellerbrant Hagberg head of Kronofogden ( Goverment  collection agency  ) ask  or  gave illegal debt to Lindorff to  make me  suffer. . They  have forgot to put  a  date on  it.Who ever  head  of Kronfogden  Rikskronofodge  feels  that  do not have to  answer  questions  but  pick  up their  high pay check.I  do  have   questions  for Endre Rangnes.] Ceo
December 10 2015

Lindörff har tagit  en  kreditupplysning  på dig pga  obetald skuld som vi hanterar.Kreditupplysning en är en del  av  den information vi behover för att  kunna fora en bra
dialog med dig och för att kunna fatta rätt beslut om den fortsatta hanteringen av inkassouppdraget .kontakt oss gärna  så kan vi gemensamt försöka hitta en lösning.

The  words  below  I had to  look  up   my  self  because  it  did not  translate

My  translation  below

Lindorff has a credit report on you because of unpaid debt we handle Credit Check a part of the information we need to keep a good
dialogue with you and to make correct decisions about the further handling of the collection assignment .Contact us so we can work together to find a solution.


(Bonnesen as President and CEO)Mikael Björknert, -. Koncernstrategichef och chef SwedbANK

 December 12  2016
Birgitte.Bonnese- ceo of  Swedbank

I need you to  answer  my  mail. If I do not hear  from  you by End of December 13 ,I  will have to write  others due to the importance of my letter. On  December 14  I will have to  write  to others  on  your  behalf 

A  Customer  who  Swedbank  had  cheated 

My name

  I  do not  know what  happen  to  Michael  björknet.  I  sent  the letter  to  Birgitte  Bonnesen  too.

Birgitte Bonnesen as President and CEO

Mikael Björknert, -. Koncernstrategichef och chef  SwedbANK

 December  6   2016


I  request an immediately  stop  and  no  any  more  money further taken
for  my  already   tiny  pension  each  month.
Please  answer  by December  7   otherwise  on  december  8 I will be forced  to ask others to give it  to you

The basis for this debt is a verdict with reference number:  put  in   said  Lindorff said.

  MY Condominium  was deliberately under sold  .by Kronofogden  Authorities very  quickly. over  15- 20   years  ago.
 It  was  3  days  before  10 years  Kronofogden   decided  to  pursue  it  and  wanted  money from  me.
I was  given  1   price  and  charge   another   which  was more than  double the  amount I been told  I sent them    immediately. 
 . showing  the proof.
. I want  a list of each and  every  payment  made and  the  amount sent  by email 

I want  a  copy of  everything between me  bank  and the  Real  Estate woman sent to the  bank. all send to me  by  email.
-An  example  of  how  I  was  treated 

   an executive At  Swed Bank  cursed me  out using  the  F  word  and  the  Racial  remarks.
when  I  wanted  to  explain  the   mistake  you  made.

I want  a  a  frozen  on the amount  you  are taking  each  month  until  I   received   all documentation immediately  and  find  an attorney.

I was  never  present  or knew  about the hearing

 My  name

One  who  money   taken  each    money for  a  Debit  not owed but  Condominium sold  for  very  very low  price quickly


should go in another section but not working


December  8 2016

 Sweden is  planning to take money  out  of  circulation  and  has done  some  already when the  money  wasted could have   went to  lower  heating  bills and  give  better  care to  all  who  need it   specially  the  elderly , foreigner  and   poor   like  me. All   the people 

Below are  examples of  how  some  are  suffering in  Sweden

digital  society  leaving out the poor and  elderly  Swed

The study identifies five factors that cause digital exclusion, which in effect causes inequality: broadband access, education, motivation, user ability and the access to for example a computer or tablet.

People  having to  cASH  in bottles   on  order to  eat. Translate  and read   again about  it

A person  having to collect   bottles  for  food

People  in there  90´s  cannot get  the help they need  read above