
appeal to erica Wass (court case)‎Acting Chief Enforcement Director at Kronofogdemyndigheten / Swedish Enforcement Authority

Erica Wass jag inte kommer att betala för dina misstag kronodfogden.
 Erica Wass  (Acting Chief Enforcement Director at Kronofogdemyndigheten / Swedish Enforcement Authority (rikskronofogden. )

I am not going to pay for EricaWass rikskronofogden   mistake in selling     my  Condominium fora very  very price over   about 20  years  ago

September 19 2015
     " I know  you will find this  hard  to believe they  want me  to file for Bankruptcy which  they  call Debt reconstruction for something   they did wrong.  Can you
imagine    over  a deliberate  mistake someone  else her doing.   She  Erica  Weiss  sold a condominium in Stockholm for under priced and wants me  to pay for her mistake. I will keep fighting Erica Weiss?

 Bankruptcy is a legal status of a person or other entity that cannot repay the debts it owes to creditors. In most jurisdictions,

     I know  you will find this  hard  to believe they  want me  to file for Bankruptcy which  they  call Debt reconstruction for something   they did wrong.  Can you
imagine    over  a deliberate  mistake someone  else her doing.   She  Erica  Weiss  sold a condominium in Stockholm for under priced and wants me  to pay for her mistake. I will keep fighting Erica Weiss

 Bankruptcy is a legal status of a person or other entity that cannot repay the debts it owes to creditors. In most jurisdictions,

Sept 18 2015

. Kronofogden ( Erica Wass) which works for Businesses and Collection  Agencies  and  not the  Individual  Tax  Payers who  pay their salary

goes to court  against   Tax Payers even   if  you do  not   owe  the  bill  or = not.  They   accept payment from  the  Collection  Agency/CreditAgencies    and  conduct secret  trials  On  the  same case  in Sweden  you  can have 5 or more Collection Agencies/Credit  Agencies  going to  courts  on  the  same  cases. Otherwise  you   can  have  the  same  CollectionAgency -Credit Agencies going to   court  on the  same case while you fight  the case. The  same  case   kan  have many differentcase  numbers
Many trials  are secret. Kronofodgen  wants  it  to look  bad  for the individual  so  you cannot    rent    get  and  anything  you  need  to   get  a credit  check See  what  they  have  done to me  below in the  letter,It  makes me look like  I do  not pay bills

As you have  already  witness   that  I am  appealing  they undersold my condominium  and  still  charging  me  money. also  I  am not using  a  drop  of  water   and  not  any garbage Pick up, and  have not over  3  years  and  they  are  still  charging me  inspire  of not   services.  I  am paying    my  bills which include  2  insurances Dog
present house  insurance  and  loan  etc.

A Collection Agency said  if they knew  my  about  situation  there  would not have  been    a problem.

A  Secret  Trial is one  you do not  know about which  is  common in Sweden. There  have  been  countless on  my cases.

 Talk  to the person in Sweden before  you deny them credit . If you want  to be  fair  because  of  a person in Sweden  may be  appealing   on  a  case like  mine.Specially  if they  are  a foreigners  because  we  have  drilled in  our head  like me  that  you must
have a  trial and  be present and  know  about  it. There are  some Swedish  people  too  who  maybe  helped  the  wrong person  or  stepped on the  wrong
toes. Maybe  that  is why some Swedish people commit  Suicide.in Sweden
(Kanske är det därför några svenska människor begår självmord i Sverige )

 Kronofogden   -Acting Chief Enforcement Director at Kronofogdemyndigheten
Sept17 2015

Their letter and  my  answer  below EricaWass / kronofgoden  chef  should have to  live on my money

Hello  they did  not  write my name

I have received your e-mail witch you adressed to Erica Wass. She has asked me to present you with an answer to your questions and demands.

The Enforcement Authority, Kronofogdemyndigheten, is administered by the state. Our In order to get Kronofogdens assistance in recovering debts, an applicant has to present an enforceable title. Such titles are for example  judgments of general and administrative courts or titles may emanate from the summary procedure of the Enforcement Authority as an injunction to pay.

The claim från Lindorff, our ref.no  filled in , is based on a judgement witch eminates from a summary procedure, an injunction to pay. The judgement is from  mont  date1994. This judgement has gained legal force. The claim from Vingåker Vatten & Avfall AB is based on a judgement from the district court of Nyköping, dated month  date 2015.

Kronofogdemyndigheten means to collect outstanding debts eminates from Swedish law, the enforcement code. When it comes to attachment of salary, Kronofogdemyndigheten will considerate witch amount each debtor should be reserved for costs of living. For a single household this is SEK 4 675 to witch the rent is added.  In your case you have been reserved SEK 8 832 of witch you receive SEK 1 915 from KPA and the remaining SEK 6 917 from Pensionsmyndigheten.

You can find more information about Kronofogden, in English, on www.kronofogden.se.

Yours sincerely


Teamchef, Verkställighetsteamet E


 Sept  17  2015

Örjan Boberg  (EricaWass /Kronofogden  chef (

     Thank  you for  your answer  but  I  do not  understand  it. You  are taking  high interest  out   of my money  for   an apartment undersold  ?You  should  never  had undersold my condominium.  in Stockholm. It  had a  hearing  I never knew  and  I  am   still  appealing.  I  think you   should  wait  until  I  appear at  a  hearing.

 The  second  is with  the  Vingåker Vatten & Avfall AB  a  still on going  problem which    I  am appealing  too.

Explain to me  why  you  do not allow me  to   get more  to  live a normal life not to be  put into  a  life of  poverty,

How and  for  what  do you  give  me  for  rent  and  heating  in  cold cold  Sweden.?
 How much  you gave  for food clothing etc.  I do  not  know  your thinking
Again  I request  for you to wait until  the appeals are over . The Kronofogden should  wait  fr  appeals in the court  if it is working  for Tax Payers  and not Many  Greedy lying collection Agency ( inkasso (
My name

is my  Letter to EricWass  Acting Director  in  Kronofogden

number 12141105770 appeal to stop taking of my money

 Erica Wass-Chief Enforcement Director at Kronofogdemyndigheten / Swedish Enforcement Authority (
biträdande rikskronofogde.)
I am appealing for   immediately  stop    the  taking of  to  1.018 Swedish Kronors   from  my  pension  and  they   wrote I have the right to  keep 6917  Swedish.kronors. It  is  a joke and  a form of  suffering  and  discrimination. I need  clothes food   shelter too.

It  should  be immediately stopped  until  the  case is held in  a  court  and  decisions  made with  me there like in other  Democratic  countries  they  hold  trial  with  person  being  present.What they done to me  IN  Sweden is against  Human  Rights

More reasons are below.

1.There  is not  any  signature on the form it  written  Beslutsfattare   (  Person  who  did it  did not sign  there  name )   .People can  steal  forms  and  send it,.  It  could  be a relative to someone  who does  not like  me.    a  known  Racist. or etc

I would like to know   the name  of that person. Also  have  they worked on  other parts of  my file.I have made   complaints  against employees  working    in the past  on my case  and  nothing  has  been done.
2. I am not living alone I  have  a Service  Dog

3.These  are  illegal  Bills  never  heard  in a  court. I  count  me being there  as  hearing.Like being  drilled  in my  head  by people in authority or  people in general  in  Sweden  which  has  not  happen to me

4.As you  know they  are  many  people like  me  a cut  in money can  drastic   effect  a lifestyle

5. You  are  aware  of  my  high cost of living  and cost  of living in Sweden. I would  like  a  detail list  how a person  who   cannot  live in  a house without  water or electricity  can do. Hotels  etc cost lot of money in  Sweden.

As  in the  Drowning  5  years    not one  person tried to  save  that  child  in Sweden  out  of about  200 on  that  beach. Why would  anyone  try to  save me????  read

My name


to erica.wass, bcc: ericawass, bcc: kronofogdemynd.
  Many  people owe   debts but   do not have  the money to  pay.My debt  are allege debts   which  they   held  secret  trials without   me being  there.I , found  out many people  pay  Debits in  Sweden   they do not owe because  they  know there  is not  any way out.. Who going to  protect  them not

or    erica.wass-Rikskronofogen or     datainspektion   which is     suppose to do  it. people   have  business in Sweden    just sending not  owed  bills.

Sept 9 2015

She  has  refused  to hear  my  appeal or  answer my questions.

to erica.wass, bcc: kronofogdemyndigheten
 sept  2 2015
Dear  Erica  Wass  ‎Acting Chief Enforcement Director at Kronofogdemyndigheten / Swedish Enforcement Authority
case numbers  cases- I am  not  sure  they  are  correct due  to court  trials happen be hide close  doors without my acknowledge

 I am sending  this to  you  because  you  are  the CEO  or  General Director  of your Agency and  a miscarriage of  Justice  has  been happening  for many years. Only  you  have the  power  to do it yourself or appoint someone  who can or  sending to someone  who can.I  have  been complaining for  years  how  and   about various people  who  were doing  wrong. Please   take  care  of the  part that involves your agency.

 OBS I  will  acknowledge  on  my  page  below any  document  I receive  because in the past many have been lost. Also the Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too. Also acknowledge by email when you receive my documents.

 WHICH decision you appeal

1.  That the  Tax Authority  has given  Kronofodgen   the  right  to take  over 1000 Swedish Kronor each month    from my low  pension on a debt not owed 

That my name    be  immediately taken off the Debt  list  until  this case  is  settled

3.. A real trial held with  me being there.

4. That Collection  company  Lindorff Svergie AB. or any other   Collection Agency involved  be taken off  the  case and the  real parties involved be included.   

5. All money pay  back with high  interest and  damages.

 6. Why did Kronofogden  sold  my  condominium in  Stockholm without being  a  hearing    and   for the lowest  amount they could  get paid

7. Explained exactly  how  after l day before  10 years   kronofogden selling  my Condominium  take up their  claim and  start  taking  money  not  owed   out  salary  and  now pension for a apartment  they  sold

8. I  be allowed  to live  rent  free  in my condominium apartment  sold illegally.  If  not  find  in  that building  that I  approve of  until it is  settled

 9.I  am allowed  find  an   internationally   attorney or Lawyers   outside  of  Sweden  to take my case  to the  EU  or  EC

10.. There are other  reasons  but  due  to the  fact   I am not   an Lawyer    or  Attorney  cannot  think of it 

Why you think the decision should be changed and what change you want

1   The Tax Authority  has stopped .Kronofodgen    before  by     making  lower  or  stopped it.It  is not  a  real Debt.The  property  was  sold  so  low  .I could  have  sold it  myself for much  more.

2.My name should  not  be on  a  List that  ruins  my life  for  trial for  a  case  never   heard  in the  court   or  I knew  about.


3.It is  the  Swedish  Law that  I should  have  had  a  trial with me  being  there. It was   drilled into my head  by   Swedish courses people  in authority and Swedish Taxpayers and  people  who  knew about Sweden 

4.The  Collection Agency Lindoff Sverige AB  are  not parties involved in this case.The Restate Company which make the  agreement  and the  Bank they  made  an  agreement with  are  the  only  parties  involved. Any other  parties would  be  wrong

  5.The money  should repaid  to me with  high  interest  due to   my condominium  in  Stockholm was   deliberately  sold  my    for a low price.  They  forced me 
to  lived a  life  unlike  I was used  to if they  had  not  sold  it.. Things I  was  not legally  being  able  to rent
buy  proper clothing  food  heath  care  etc  for my self  and  dog

6.The apartment  should never  have  been sold  for  high price  it  was  a penthouse on the highest floor with a  great  view.
I paid  my rent and  the loan  as  agreed on by the  restate company

7.Explain in detail    how  Kronofogden step by step just  1  day before 10 years  they could start   taking money  from  me   every month because  they  sold it to low. Was  it  really 
10 years ? 
In Stockholm  people  always  want  to  live there and  there  is  a market. It  was  Racist  motivated because  I  was a  foreigner  a  brown skin  and  not  A black  skin foreigner.  I  am one  of the  few   I  do not  know  or heard  of  another  case at that  time .

It  was my  home  and   due  the  fact  I was  under  secret address and  The  Tax  Director in Sweden Täby lied to keep me and my information  secret.  My  apartment  should be  return  and   rent  free  due to   the nightmare I have   been  put through. I was  suppose  to  get help and  I  was not  asking  for  money

9. 9.See    the story  below  not  1  person help  a drowning  5  years old. Also woman  killed  her  children  in  a  situation  like  mine  years ago.  It  was  wrong but think  if someone  did this to someone  you loved  or yourself.
Why  would  they help me?  I have  tried   and  been told  by an
American  Attorney  practicing here  that  I cannot  get  justice  in Sweden

10. Since  I am not  Attorney  or Lawyers  do not know all my rights. What  they  seemed  to have  drilled  in head  seems to be  wrong about  how  right and  Justice  the  Law  in  Sweden  is.. It is  changing  strongly  but there  is a  strong  Racist Party in the  Government anti foreigners  even though  we  have  worked and  contribute  to
great lives  for some  people in Sweden as  I have  done.

The proof you need to bring and what to strength

.1. Check the Kronofogden Tax Records
and  the Tax  Authorities record  and  it  would show how  they could  lower  or  higher  it  whenever  they  want. They  have  the  power  to  do it
and  have  done  it.

.2. My  name  has  been on  and  off  the    Bad Debit more than  once in the last 10 year  they have  been  taking money. Check with the  proper Agency

3. There  were  never papers  signed  by me to show  it  was  served as  everyone  tells me it is  stated  in the  law. The
post office  was  even  aware  that  I did not  always  get  my  mail. 

4.  The  Collection Agency  are not  party  on the case  and  never produced the  real  Contract which was  between me and the  Restate  company  and I was   forced  to  pay more  than higher  for  the  down payment  ( hand penny)

Show  how much  they paid to take over the  case and  who  they  talked  with


5. The  real contract  be Allowed from  the  restate  office  be allowed  . I was forced to pay more  than the market price  for  down-payment (hand penny ). I  could not buy  it if  I did  not. Interest  was  higher before. Explain  why   they  were  charging  me  for   interest  and  not  mortgage

.6.I  It  was  sold  for  to low  amount  and  yet   it  was  Penthouse  condominium  in  Stockholm

7. the apartment was  sold  to quickly. Was  it sold  to a  relative  friend?  What   was  the time limited  and  having  about  2  days to move in  a holiday   for a woman living in   fear  was  wrong

8. All the  evidence  collected  and let  me move  in the  apartment immediately or one  close by due  to how  I   have  been treated

9. My  case  should  have  been  done properly and  If  I could have  found  an  attorney  in Sweden it would have  gone differently. .My  whole life would  have  been better . I   want  to prevent what happen to me to happen to anyone else.

10.This  would  never have happen if  I knew the  rules.  I want to make  sure  that not anyone  has to live  the  way I have  done and make the same  mistakes. I am  sure some of things that  has happen  to  me internationally it  is wrong  because  it  goes against  human right  or maybe even  civil  rights.


appeal sept 2 2015 blog has problems so I had to move it

 This cases  the  same  was  sent  to  3  like general-director  or VD    below.   I  made separate  section due  to the  fact  the  blog   having  problems and  I must  divide  it  into  3  section  for the people below. You  must  read  each  section  to find  out  how  that  Agency with  the  people  below are taking  care  of  this  important matter,.

1. Erica Wass tillträder

2biträdande rikskronofogde

Ingemar.Hansson/ Tax  general  TaxDirector  in  Sweden

3.Kristina Svahn Starrsjö - Director General  the Swedish Data Protection Authority

case numbers  cases numbers  I am  not  sure  they  are  correct due  to court  trials happen be hide close  doors without my acknowledge

 I am sending  this to  you  because  you  are  the CEO  or  General Director  of your Agency and  a miscarriage of  Justice  has  been happening  for many years. Only  you  have the  power  to do it yourself or appoint someone  who can or  sending to someone  who can.I  have  been complaining for  years  how  and   about various people  who  were doing  wrong. Please   take  care  of the  part that involves your agency.

 OBS I  will  acknowledge  on  my  page  below any  document  I receive  because in the past many have been lost. Also the Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too. Also acknowledge by email when you receive my documents.

 WHICH decision you appeal

1.  That the  Tax Authority  has given  Kronofodgen   the  right  to take  over 1000 Swedish Kronor each month    from my low  pension on a debt not owed 

That my name    be  immediately taken off the Debt  list  until  this case  is  settled

3.. A real trial held with  me being there.

4. That Collection  company  Lindorff Svergie AB. or any other   Collection Agency involved  be taken off  the  case and the  real parties involved be included.   

5. All money pay  back with high  interest and  damages.

 6. Why did Kronofogden  sold  my  condominium in  Stockholm without being  a  hearing    and   for the lowest  amount they could  get paid

7. Explained exactly  how  after l day before  10 years   kronofogden selling  my Condominium  take up their  claim and  start  taking  money  not  owed   out  salary  and  now pension for a apartment  they  sold

8. I  be allowed  to live  rent  free  in my condominium apartment  sold illegally.  If  not  find  in  that building  that I  approve of  until it is  settled

 9.I  am allowed  find  an   internationally   attorney or Lawyers   outside  of  Sweden  to take my case  to the  EU  or  EC

10.. There are other  reasons  but  due  to the  fact   I am not   an Lawyer    or  Attorney  cannot  think of it 

Sep 2 (7 days ago)

to erica.wass, bcc: kronofogdemynd., bcc: ericawass

Why you think the decision should be changed and what change you want

1   The Tax Authority  has stopped .Kronofodgen    before  by     making  lower  or  stopped it.It  is not  a  real Debt.The  property  was  sold  so  low  .I could  have  sold it  myself for much  more.

2.My name should  not  be on  a  List that  ruins  my life  for  trial for  a  case  never   heard  in the  court   or  I knew  about.


3.It is  the  Swedish  Law that  I should  have  had  a  trial with me  being  there. It was   drilled into my head  by   Swedish courses people  in authority and Swedish Taxpayers and  people  who  knew about Sweden 

4.The  Collection Agency Lindoff Sverige AB  are  not parties involved in this case.The Restate Company which make the  agreement  and the  Bank they  made  an  agreement with  are  the  only  parties  involved. Any other  parties would  be  wrong

  5.The money  should repaid  to me with  high  interest  due to   my condominium  in  Stockholm was   deliberately  sold  my    for a low price.  They  forced me 
to  lived a  life  unlike  I was used  to if they  had  not  sold  it.. Things I  was  not legally  being  able  to rent
buy  proper clothing  food  heath  care  etc  for my self  and  dog

6.The apartment  should never  have  been sold  for  high price  it  was  a penthouse on the highest floor with a  great  view.
I paid  my rent and  the loan  as  agreed on by the  restate company

7.Explain in detail    how  Kronofogden step by step just  1  day before 10 years  they could start   taking money  from  me   every month because  they  sold it to low. Was  it  really 
10 years ? 
In Stockholm  people  always  want  to  live there and  there  is  a market. It  was  Racist  motivated because  I  was a  foreigner  a  brown skin  and  not  A black  skin foreigner.  I  am one  of the  few   I  do not  know  or heard  of  another  case at that  time .

It  was my  home  and   due  the  fact  I was  under  secret address and  The  Tax  Director in Sweden Täby lied to keep me and my information  secret.  My  apartment  should be  return  and   rent  free  due to   the nightmare I have   been  put through. I was  suppose  to  get help and  I  was not  asking  for  money

9. 9.See    the story  below  not  1  person help  a drowning  5  years old. Also woman  killed  her  children  in  a  situation  like  mine  years ago.  It  was  wrong but think  if someone  did this to someone  you loved  or yourself.
Why  would  they help me?  I have  tried   and  been told  by an
American  Attorney  practicing here  that  I cannot  get  justice  in Sweden

10. Since  I am not  Attorney  or Lawyers  do not know all my rights. What  they  seemed  to have  drilled  in head  seems to be  wrong about  how  right and  Justice  the  Law  in  Sweden  is.. It is  changing  strongly  but there  is a  strong  Racist Party in the  Government anti foreigners  even though  we  have  worked and  contribute  to
great lives  for some  people in Sweden as  I have  done.

The proof you need to bring and what to strength

.1. Check the Kronofogden Tax Records
and  the Tax  Authorities record  and  it  would show how  they could  lower  or  higher  it  whenever  they  want. They  have  the  power  to  do it
and  have  done  it.

.2. My  name  has  been on  and  off  the    Bad Debit more than  once in the last 10 year  they have  been  taking money. Check with the  proper Agency

3. There  were  never papers  signed  by me to show  it  was  served as  everyone  tells me it is  stated  in the  law. The
post office  was  even  aware  that  I did not  always  get  my  mail. 

4.  The  Collection Agency  are not  party  on the case  and  never produced the  real  Contract which was  between me and the  Restate  company  and I was   forced  to  pay more  than higher  for  the  down payment  ( hand penny)
Show  how much  they paid to take over the  case and  who  they  talked  with


5. The  real contract  be Allowed from  the  restate  office  be allowed  . I was forced to pay more  than the market price  for  down-payment (hand penny ). I  could not buy  it if  I did  not. Interest  was  higher before. Explain  why   they  were  charging  me  for   interest  and  not  mortgage

.6.I  It  was  sold  for  to low  amount  and  yet   it  was  Penthouse  condominium  in  Stockholm

7. the apartment was  sold  to quickly. Was  it sold  to a  relative  friend?  What   was  the time limited  and  having  about  2  days to move in  a holiday   for a woman living in   fear  was  wrong

8. All the  evidence  collected  and let  me move  in the  apartment immediately or one  close by due  to how  I   have  been treated

9. My  case  should  have  been  done properly and  If  I could have  found  an  attorney  in Sweden it would have  gone differently. .My  whole life would  have  been better . I   want  to prevent what happen to me to happen to anyone else.

10.This  would  never have happen if  I knew the  rules.  I want to make  sure  that not anyone  has to live  the  way I have  done and make the same  mistakes. I am  sure some of things that  has happen  to  me internationally it  is wrong  because  it  goes against  human right  or maybe even  civil  rights.

2015 My court cases to get my life back or items needed

 sept 9  sentto krinistina ///////svahn  and  datainspektionen
Who  is   incharge  of  the  Inkasso  company when they do not  follow the  law.
 As you can  see the  Datainspectation      or  any  employeesdo not answer  their  mail
 Maybe  you  might  answer  this  question  since  your  agency  ignored  the  other.
involving  collection  Agencies  (Inkasso  companies
what  Agency  or  government  is in charge  of the Inkasso   (Collection agencies ) in  Sweden.
My name

Sep 2 (7 days ago)

August 18 2015

How  the swedish court  suppose to  work  but does  not  always. It is  against the  law but???????

Hellre fria än fälla  benefits of the doubt. My  water  was turned off

even though   court  case came up that  showed  it was  the  community  fault.  I  won  that  case  but  my water  was  not turned on then.
The Swedish  attitude   about  always doing something  the  same  way is  hard to change
  A person who wanted to  improve their services. was met, with just one exception, with glazed eyes and a

a complete lack of interest . That is  how  I am met  when  I explained  having  no water or electricity. Also  other  things  that  are  wrong. . If  it  has nothing  personally   if the life of  the person you are talking to or writing
Of course  I  have been  met with exceptions.There  are many things the old  way  I agree with   but not injustice or conditions that are  wrong

Below is the article it came from  about  many  people outlook  here in th courts.


 "5. Swedes know best

Swedes (like many Americans) think that the way they do things is the best way - their university degrees are better, their work practices are better, etc.

Annoyingly, unlike Americans, Swedes’ superiority complex is mostly warranted. After all, the Swedes are ahead of the curve on many issues.

But that doesn’t mean that newcomers to the country cannot offer a fresh perspective. Unfortunately, many Swedes have no desire to consider an outsider’s approach, or listen to new solutions to old problems. I’ve made suggestions to a few organisations up here on how they might improve their services. I was met, with just one exception, with glazed eyes and a complete lack of interest. I’ve met many other ‘new Swedes’ who have experienced exactly the same high level of indifference and have just given up.
The attitude from the local Swedes is very much, “Oh, we’ve always done it this way, and we’re OK - why would we change?”

They just waddle along complacently, happy with their lot, not at all bothered that there is a whole world out there that might, just might, know how to do some things a little better than they do.

A mistake  I made in a  letter  and  why I  send  it to  many  people

Aug 15,2015

Kronofogden  never  acknowledges  when they  receive  a letter  from  me.and  answer  if  or  when  they want.   I need  confirmation  that  is why I  must  sent to  the other places.

Also I feel Kronofogden  is doing  a  crime against  me   by taking  money    that  the tax  authorities   already promised  for a Debts  and hearing  on something  sold  for  a lower   price  and  paying for  water   garbage  never  used in about  3 years

Mr  Ingemar  Hansson cannot  say  he did not know what  his  employees are  doing to me. He  is able to stop  them

/////////below is  not  the  re  on that  mail

RE ID:13MBSKV343626 or ???   To Stop  money  from  being taken out of my pension immediately   on a case not I never had a hearing  and  is not true. Also  return  what  was  taken

It  was  dated   July 13  instead  of  August  13 2015

 My name
personal number

/////////////////////////  is not   for  my appeal.

August 14 2015
 I  was sent  to  the people  below.  I  Need  my  money
 Ingemar.Hansson Ceo  tax  Director of the  Tax  System in Sweden.
huvudkontoret@skatteverket.se  (Main Tax office)

kronofogdemyndigheten@kronofogden.se  collect money  from  collector Agencies   and  companies   to get people  innocent or  not  to pay money sometimes not  owed.

 August 14  2014

 I am  not  sure  what  it  about since  they  sent  it  deliberately in Swedish when time  after  time I  asked it  to be  sent  in English. They  even  refused  to remove     few racist people on my  cases
.. Someone   said they do  not want  to  return  my taxes
that  I over  paid.
I was told   they want  to  pay the   to Vingåkers Vatten %  garbage avfall 

and  Intrum Justitia   Sverije AB  fack.

The first  case  is in  the  court  now. The  Credits Company   who  admitted  if they knew my  situation
it would not have  gone  that way.  The second I do not know   because  I  do  not know  what  it  is about.

Again if  answered it should be  answered  by  email and   not  by      slow mail   or regular  but  not sure  if I will   get it. In the  past    the post  office  knows  . I do not  get my  mail.  I received  1  year    later   a  letter  brought  by  a person.

The ceo bjornar.berg his name      is  very hostile  and discriminates  against me and  has  made me  suffer  taking  my water  away  for   years and bring  back  with a  decision  be hide  close  doors.
also sending  the Consumers  person  to represent  them  against  me  when they turned  off my   water  one of the  times. Is   this normal??????

 If that  the Swedish law that   you are  guilty  until  proven  innocent  then  by all means  take  my money.

I  have needs   now to spent  my own  money  on personal stuff. It  a  emergency  that kronrofogden get  the money and  return  it over  to  me.


The Employees  at  kronofodgen should  ask   to their ceo  Ingemar.Hansson so  whoever  he  gives  his  permission  of  you   depriving me of basic items for Debits  not   true 

 Gunilla  Porsvant  a politician  is  my Neighbor  Just  like  the story   below when I just  ask  to loan  a screw  Driver  Gunilla  told  me to go to  the  store
when  I first moved in. No any one would  save the life of     5 year  old  kid. this community  has  put stones  in my water  etc. I need  a  fair trial and my appeal heard.

see  the  story  at http://www.aftonbladet.se/lokala-nyheter/d516ef05-a98e-4ba7-b2a3-27c05f64952c@omni   or http://www.metro.se/nyheter/ambulansskoterskan-cecilia-ingen-ville-hjalpa-oss-radda-femaringen/EVHohk!IxLNGvycfTec/

1. I want the money sent to me  because  it was  taken  illegally  and many years I  had  to go without things  everyone else  has.
2. I want the kronorogden to  contact  the  tax authorities   to  have  the money returned  to me immediately  due  to my pass  years of suffering caused  by them.
3. I want to now  what  is  Intrum Justitia  about  to explain. Vingakers had  special  rules.I sent  them my  letter  and  charged  when  I have  nothing to  pick up.

4. All this  should  wait  until I have  an attorney
5. Write in  Swedish  instead  of  English  shows their  disregard for me.even in the  EC  or  EU   things  are  translated  for them in their  native  language.

6.My  House  was  unsold.  I  was  not  sold for  what  it  was   worth to make me  suffer. I want  the  apartment  returned

My name  and personal  number


The  below letter  was  sent  to  the  people  or  Agencies  below

 Ingemar.Hansson Ceo  tax  Director ofthe  Tax  System in Sweden.
huvudkontoret@skatteverket.se  (Main Tax office)

kronofogdemyndigheten@kronofogden.se  collect money  from  collector Agencies   and  companies   to get people  innocent or  not  to pay money sometimes not  owed.

August 13 2015

Ingemar Hansson /tax   ceo  of  all of  Sweden   or  whoever he  appoints to help send  it the right  place.

RE ID:case  number or ???   To Stop  money  from  being taken out of my pension immediately   on a case not I never had a hearing  and  is not true. Also  return  what  was  taken

Please let me know  which  court to send this too and  the  case  number. Otherwise  you can  send it  for  me.I can only communicate  by  email.D.
I  am not  sure  if  it i the case number  above

This has  to be  heard  by the  court  and

Ingemar Hanson ceo  of  Swedish Taxes  said  they  must  send it to them because  they cannot  do anything
I  want    immediately  the   Swedish Tax authority or what  ever agency  the Tax  Director Ingemar Hansson gave power to have  them   stop  sending   Creditor Lindoff inkasso 1000  Kroners  of  my  pension  money . \\They  were  never  involved  on my  case. They are and  aware of  my  pain and  suffering.

 1. That my name    be  immediately taken off the Debit   list  until  this case  is  settled, . Lindoff are not  parties  to my  agreement  and  never  produced all of   papers  I requested .It was
illegal  trial was held without  me  being  there. As  it  was  drill in my head  at the  Swedish  school and  courses. You have  to be  present  at their trial because  it is   Democratic  country

2. That Credit company  Lindorff Svergie AB.   stops  taking   money  from my  pension  immediately each month which is  over   1000  Kronors   in spite  of me  begging  them  not to do  it. This was  not  a  real debt and  caused   hardship
3.  All the money  taken from me  be  paid  back  with  interest at a  higher  rate  .

4. The  real contract  which is  not mention  from  the  restate  office  be used as it  was   the one   my   agreement  was made on. When   I told   the  bank  they cursed me out and hung  up on me.That  is why I wanted a  trial

5.I  be allowed  to live rent  free due to  all  the pain  it  has  caused me 

6.If  not  I am given  equal apartment in that  area  with the  same  agreement as  above which  I  approve of . If not another  country which  I  approve  of
7. .  I  am allowed   to find  an   international   attorney or Lawyers   outside  of  Sweden  to take my case  to the  EU  court   because   Sweden has  it  hard  to deal with this  type of injustice because of my suffering. .I do not know  how to  represent  myself

8. There are other  reasons  but     because  I am not   a Lawyer  cannot  think of it  and my suffering.This   should  be  heard  by  EU   or  EC  court  due  to  Sweden   is pro business  ,not foreigners  or  etc.
OBS..Please  send  communication  by  email first and  if  you want  by slow mail  or  regular  due to the  fact  I usually do  not  get my mail and  it  was  documented  by the  post  office

 My name

Personal number

.July 18 2015

 "Which today builds on that no innocent will be convicted " Do you  see that  in my life.?????
Statements from the article below  translated into English  by Google.

1.. Prosecutors want to limit the lawyers the opportunity to present new evidence

2. It is impossible to prohibit evidence that could lead to a more lenient judgment for defendants

3,.- They have sat and thought up an amendment to the Code of Procedure which would mean a whole new Swedish vision of justice, which today builds on that no innocent will be convicted

Read  about  that at   http://www.aftonbladet.se/senastenytt/ttnyheter/inrikes/article21136060.ab  translated  it into  your  language


 Bad label in  Sweden
July 16 2015

Think about  life in sweden

Rättshaverist- complaint  and  lose.    You constant  complaint   

That might  be  a reason people  are  afraid to help me,   They  do not  not  want  that   label and  stay  clear of people  who fight  for justice.


Should you be  able  to understand  or  informed  about  your  trial?

July 15  2015
This  has not  happen  to me in Sweden.  time  after time  they have  held  secret  trials where  I never   knew about  and  they made  decisions.  This  would not have  happen to me there or many others   countries  which  Sweden  feels   they  are above.  Sweden  Has  taken my taxes  and  labor and  given  back  very little.  Now  it   is  time  again for me  to correct  the mistakes with your help.

I do not  understand the charges against  me or unable to participate  but  the  trials  in Sweden  against   me  went  on.

I m not  a  Criminal  but  a Abused woman  by  her   ex Swedish husband a  a Jealous Politician and  people  who   believe  that  foreigners  especially  through  with brown skin not  black  do  not  deserve a meaningful life. I  fell in a  deep  hole  and  need your help to climb out. I am thanking  you  again for your  prays  and telling others  about  my site. I know justice will win  and  the time  is here now. Is  this  the  Sweden  you  brag about??????
Read and  translate  below  about Guatemala's former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt



June  17 2015

-Justitieombudsmannen and   and justice.ministry have not  answered  their mail  .  It  was  a  complaint  about  the+Ceo Leader  of  comviq.  teliassonera  and Tele2

Mats Granryd. President and CEO Tele2  who hates  to answer mail  Group.  Thomas Ekman, VD Tele2 Sverige, Comviq

Johan Dennelind TeliaSoneraAB, CEO and  president. They are the  ceo  and  leaders  of the   3  important  telephone  communiction companies  which do not  follow their own rules.  I  will  keep you posted

sent justitieombudsmannen@riksdagen.se  and registrator@justice.ministry.se

Comviq  and  Tele2  are  part  of  this  case

Re .  this is  a  complaint 
June 16  2015

This  is  to  report Mats Granryd. President and CEO Tele2  who hates  to answer mail  Group.  Thomas Ekman, VD Tele2 Sverige, Comviq

with   Discrimination    unfair  business practices  and false advertisement.

 The  ceo is personally  aware  of my suffering.

1 They advertise    not  any  blinding  time.  You  pay  for month   for  the   internet services

and  they  denied   it to me.

I know people who have the  non  binding  service if it  not   paid  that  month  it is  denied   or  not working.

2. I  have been suffering mental and  physical  plus mixing  out on offers of  free  telephone  etc

3. 2 or  more  times  they  gave   my  information  and  even  give me  a  telephone number    and then  they cancel it .We  had  a contract and it was not honored 

När surfmängden som ingår i abonnemanget tar slut kan du inte surfa eller använda appar förrän surfmängden fylls på igen nästa månad. Men du kan när som helst köpa extra surf om du behöver, läs mer på telia.se/kopextrasurf. Om din surf brukar ta slut ofta kan du byta surfmängden som ingår varje månad i ditt abonnemang via Mina Sidor.

Enclose  is a letter send  too Mats Granryd  which is refuse  to answer. there are   other  letters

I  have even  filed  a  case  easier  which was not taken  up  and they found  it was not me.

I demand  compensation  or good well  under  my  terms

 Thomas Ekman, VD Tele2 Sverige, 
May 20 2015
Dear Mr   Ekman

I have filled out  your application  for  Wide  band and  router   subscription. and  have  been denied     with a  binding
subscription.  Which meant  I pay each month . I  need the internet  in today's  world  to look up  phone number etc  

If  you say  non binding  where  does  your  company  lose  out on  giving  the subscription?I will  get my  own router  if that  is   problem but  I want  100  gb  each month for  399  with  Trådlös mini-router or 

Hemmarouter. If  not  paid  it is turned off. Why would you stop it.?

Please  help me .

Which  Agency  will  help me ?  See  how  it  works in  Sweden

 justitieombudsmannen and registrator@justice.ministry.se
 June  15  2015

This  is  to  report   John Dennelind  ceo  and  his company  TeliaSonnera 

with   Discrimination    unfair  business practices  and false advertisement.

 The  ceo is personally  aware  of my suffering.

1 They advertise    not  any  blinding  time.  You  pay  for month   for  the   internet services

and  they  denied   it to me.

I know people who have the  non  binding  service if it  not   paid  that  month  it is  denied   or  not working.

2. I  have been suffering mental and  physical  plus mixing  out on offers of  free  telephone  etc

3. 2 or  more  times  they  gave   my  information  and  even  give me  a  telephone number    and then  they cancel it .We  had  a contract and it was not honored 

När surfmängden som ingår i abonnemanget tar slut kan du inte surfa eller använda appar förrän surfmängden fylls på igen nästa månad. Men du kan när som helst köpa extra surf om du behöver, läs mer på telia.se/kopextrasurf. Om din surf brukar ta slut ofta kan du byta surfmängden som ingår varje månad i ditt abonnemang via Mina Sidor.

Enclose  is a letter send  to him  which is refuse  to answer.

I  have even  filed  a  case  easier  which was not taken  up  and they found  it was not me.

I demand  compensation  or good well  under  my  terms

another  sent

May 22  2015 
to johan.dennelind,  
 Dear Mr  Denelind  ceo  TeliasonneraBLEMISH 
Non  binding means   pay as  you  go. If you  do not  pay  you do not get  it.
What  does  it have to do  Credit? 

So much  to write about hard to get it straight

 June 11 2015 written  a little after  midnight on the  12

I am  working  on the next  case.t just  doesn't  seem to have the  right words. I am trying to  get it right. When I get it  right it just as well as  you  would  have  done.I have so many matters  that  they  are  doing purposely to make me suffer or  sick.

I know  I will overcome it with  your prays or good wishes.  Keep up the good  work.

  june  10  2015
People and companies involved on this  case 

1.. Lars Wollung  ceo of Intrum Justitia.¶r.
2 Rickard Westlund. verstallande director managing directorVerÃllande /director  in  sweden of   Intrum Justitia
.Günes Mellbin, Intrum Justitia  is  an Agent for  Intrum JUSTITIA   and  attorney on the file  for  this  case
4..Björnar  Magnus Berg, VD,.Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB

5.Vingåker Vatten och Avfall AB part  of  (Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB )

6.Judge Marianne Wikman Ahlberg  in  the  Swedish Water Supply and  Sewage   .   She  was  called Rådman in  the  secret trial  I knew nothing  about    in  2014


Does  a  Contract  count in Sweden ????

 re My appeal or  ??????? There  is not  any contract 

June 9 2015
Dear Judge Marianne Wikman Ahlberg

I  request removal of all  Credit   companies   (Intrum Justitia ) and  stopping    them  collecting  any   money  from  my poor life immediately to wait  to see how  the  case  is  investigated   and settled.  Also  stop  them doing  credit checks on me.

Also the case  between  me  and  vatten aVingåkersvfall ab (or Sörmland Vatten) which includes  garbage  and  water.

which  they are part of.

This  is because I never  signed  a contract  after  2006 when they turn   my water off  without  warning  which caused me harm  etc.

Before 2006   I  do not  remember  signing  a  contract  either. Please have  them send  me  a  copy  of my signature on the  contracts.

When they turned  my  water on   years  later  they sent  the  water  supervisor  to my house  to put  a  stone  in my water to limit it ,until they said the  bill  was paid.

The   Water  supervisor seemed apologized  and saying he  had nothing to do  with them  turning  it  off or  putting  in the stone  in my water  pipe.

My water  was  turned on    in a  secret  trial years later between the Community  and     .   During that   time.  There   note  on my  door  stating that  water would  turned on  and it was not the  truth. You  do not know  what  it  has done  to me.

The other  court trial against   with  me I won which proved the  community  trees caused  my  plumbing  problem.. The Plumber only  charged  me  because I  called  him. it   did not make  a difference with  the community  they just wanted  me to  suffer and live without  water.
  Even though  I  had  a  Doctor's note  to  give any  by the  Social  Director  even though  I was  using  my  own money  not  Social money. 

Another  reason  could  be    Gunilla Porsvant                     

who is  a politician  and my neighbor   has  a  lot  of power in the  community..When  I  rejected  her  sambo  she made  my life  a nightmare. It  is  rumored   he   was a pedofiler  or   beat her  
but she  still has  his name  on the  mail box..It  was  rumored  he  was in jail.

I  never  changed  my community  from Stockholm  due  being an abused  woman under  sekretess.  It  was  changed  my  unknown person I  was  told   by the  Tax  authorities.

I do not  have any agreement to  pay for garbage or  water  while not there.   The  credit  company  themselves  said  if that was  the  case  it  would have  been different. I sent    letter to tell the to  turn  it off years ago. Also they  sent   me   letter to reduce  the  bill  to  25 %.
. t
It over  3 years  since  I  lived in the  house. It is over the  statue of limitation. Vattenfall ceo took took away their  bills  because  they  knew  it  was   not  true.

In the  court  the  consumer person went against me in  the  water  tribunal and it was  surprising  because  I thought she  was  suppose to help  people.

I was  all alone but  they had  their water  and  did  not care  if I  had mine.

Then turned  on  after  damages  was caused  to my house 
 the  Water       Tribunal  in vin   refused  to wait  for  my  decision  from  a court.

court refused   to wait from  a  decision in another court. The  Last minute  I   begged  and had loan  the money  and  I was  told it  was  too late.
They wanted  to turn it off  and  nothing  I  could do about  it.

This  was  done  out  of pure  discrimination and  they  even told  plumbers  etc  if they work for  me they would never get  another  job.Also  I did not  pay  my  debts.

Please  tell  let the  court make a order  first  while  you investigate the  facts   to stop the checking  on  me  . removal from  any  credit  bill directory 

I  do not  have  an attorney  so  I know  there  are many things  I am saying or  doing  wrong.I am still trying to find  one.

Thank you your honor  for taking the time to read this letter.
My  name

In  Sweden in the  court  system  where  they   do  not  always  translate for you ? Is  that the  Sweden you know ???

June  6 2015

 I  received  an order  from the  Swedish Water  Supply  and  Sewage Tribunal  sign  by Marianne Wikman Ahlberg .It  stated that they  were

not  going to  translate  all the  Documents  for me. Judge Ahlberg  wrote me  that " it  is done on  a  case  by case  basis etc?

Günes Mellbin, Intrum Justitia  is  an Agent for  Intrum  Justitia  but  an  attorney  on  my  cases. .She  was  rude  to me on the  last  case.

Lars Wollung  ceo of Intrum Justitia.¶r. Rickard Westlund. VerÃllande /director  in  sweden. I  do not  know  if  he know  how unprofessional  they are  in sweden.

Vingåkers Vatten och Avfall  aka AB   Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB,Björnar Berg, VD Björnar Berg, VD,
Mr  Berg  does not listen  to me.

This  is like  a  small  town or " the Old Boys club " and  I am  an outsider

I do not  understand all   what  is happening  but in the EC  or  Eu  which  has more money  everything  is required to  be  translated for free for those  working  there.

June  6  2015

May 22 2015
Is Johan Dennelind ceo of Teliasonnera using false  advertising too? Waiting for  an answer

Th  letter  below  was  sent to him  and his  secretary . Let  see  his  view

May21 2015
Dear John Dennelind  ceo  teliasonnera
 I am writing  to you because   are  the  ceo  and  set  the policy

and your  employees  have  denied  me  internet  communication  for years.

What does non  binding  time mean   to your Customer?

If  you say  non binding  where  does  your  company  lose  out on  giving  the subscription?I will  get my  own router  if that  is   problem but  I want  100  gb  each month for  399  with  Trådlös mini-router or 

Hemmarouter. If  not  paid  it is turned off. Why would you stop it.?

Please  answer  the   questions  above

Your  company  advertisement  below.
Välj mellan fast bredband via fiber eller telejacket eller mobilt bredband. Skaffa ett supersnabbt och stabilt 4G-bredband som passar dig.Choose between fixed broadband via fiber or telephone jack or mobile broadband . Get a super fast and stable 4G broadband to suit you. No terms

Choose between fixed broadband via fiber or telephone jack or mobile broadband . Get a super fast and stable 4G broadband to suit you. No terms

I would  like   40 gb  a month  if you  advertisement  is true

Telia Mobilt bredband Plus

Välj mellan 20 och 40 GB surf/mån.

Abonnemanget kan köpas av dig som har fast bredband från Telia. Du får varje månad 100 kr i rabatt jämfört med abonnemanget Mobilt Bredband 20 GB och uppåt.

Is Thomas  Ekman  vd  advertising  wrong wait  or his  answer,  ?

Below is a  letter  sent to  him

May 21  2015

May 20 2015
Thomas Ekman, VD Tele2 Sverige, 
Urgent  Carolina Larson  Executive Trainee could  or would not answer my  questions

Carolina   Larsson   who you referred to me  could not help or  will not

Your commercials  say "give your  customer what  he  wants and  non  binding  time.

What does non  binding  time mean   to your Customer?

If  you say  non binding  where  does  your  company  lose  out on  giving  the subscription?I will  get my  own router  if that  is   problem but  I want  100  gb  each month for  399  with  Trådlös mini-router or 

Hemmarouter. If  not  paid  it is turned off. Why would you stop it.?

 May 20 2015

Watch See if  Thomas Ekman   Vd  tele2  helps  me  with  get  a unbinding  subscription
which  they  advertize  about . Everyone understand  how important  the Internet  is  today.  I wrote  the  letter  below

Thomas Ekman, VD Tele2 Sverige, 
May 20 2015
Dear Mr   Ekman

I have filled out  your application  for  Wide  band and  router   subscription. and  have  been denied     with a  binding
subscription.  Which meant  I pay each month . I  need the internet  in today's  world  to look up  phone number etc  

If  you say  non binding  where  does  your  company  lose  out on  giving  the subscription?I will  get my  own router  if that  is   problem but  I want  100  gb  each month for  399  with  Trådlös mini-router or 

Hemmarouter. If  not  paid  it is turned off. Why would you stop it.?

Please  help me .

My name
My personal number

May 9 2015

Kronofogden greedy hands ready to take money  not owed    again

To  my amazement  I  got  a  form  even though  they know  I  am going to  appealing  and  my poor  economy. Kronofogden    keep taking money from  me  for me to give  to a  credit company. Of course  they are  being paid by the  credit  company

To my  astonishment the kronofogden  has sent a paper  to continue taking  money  unowed

from  my small  pension  again, They wrote   I have the right to keep  7000 kr. You know the  high  cost of living  in  sweden.

 Sparbanken  have  their  own Real Estate  call < svenska Fastigheter  svenskafastigheter.se 
    similar  in sound to  a  tick  which  is  a  Blod  Sugger 

How  many people unknowing  do  business with Swedbank aka know  a Sparbanken   in  Sweden . Swedbank  .

How many  business may find themselves in  a  financial  stranglehold because they entered what they thought  was  a deal with a Swedish company. Business  from  abroad   may find  out  that a swedish companies  have unwritten  contracts which  they  hold you  too.

JZ can afford to lose money  in  his  swedish  company, Will Smith  does not live always in his apartment in Sweden,  he can afford  to lose money,. If they did this to  Will Smith he  can afford to pay  it.

 I cannot  afford  to  have a   car  home or basic nutrient  foods  and medicine etc . everyone knows  the high cost  of  living  in Sweden, You  have found out how the  Swedish welfare  works 

This is  .financial strangulation

Why  cannot court do anything  because most courts  are part of it  in Sweden

May 7 2015

skatt, jämkning

I hope  I do not have  to appeal to get   my money  back  and  start  them taking out  the  correct amount  of taxes each  month. /below is  a letter sent  to correct my taxes

Dear  Ingemar.Hansson /General  Director   Tax authorities

Please have  one of  your  employees send me back the money  that your agency forgot to give  me since  January 2015

I have filled out another form  again this  time  on line  and it  cannot  get lost because it  is  on line.

I am now  waiting for  you to  correct  the mistake  and this month payment  to  reflect the change

One who filled   out the correct form  but you lost  it  and  kept  the money

My name

April 11 2015

 My revelation. on  how to appeal

On  April  10  in the night  I  had  a  revelation.

I do not  want  to  talk  about it  until  it is done.

I think it is  from God and others   may call it  by another name

I  do not know exactly  how to do  but realize  that  it  will   a  better  world
for  everyone

It  has been right in  front of me the whole about  my  appeals
and it makes sense.

It  will take a  few days  for me  to write it down

April 10 2015

2 appeals  on  the  same  matter

I am now working  on     2  appeal  cases  but on    the  same matter 
but different parts. I have many cases that they do it that  way.

1. One  is them  taking money  from  my pension  on a  case I never appeared  in court  because I did not know.This is  done to  make me suffer

2.The  second is getting it  dismissed because  they sold  my condominium  . they made money  by doing  it .

I  will  explain more  when  it  is  finish. It is  very hard because  I am  not
an attorney . Also the  fact  Sweden is  a  welfare  Country  but they force many Foreigners Tax Payers paying  Swedish  Taxes to   suffers  and  a  few  Swedish person  who  try to help to suffer too..  Being  a  Welfare  country  they  are not living  up to  their own laws.

You will soon learn in this  Welfare country If you  are  suffering  during  a appeal if  they  can  stop it until  a  decision  is made.

You will find out if you  are guilty until you  are lucky to win a  case


april 9 2015

Change my pension back to normal until a court decision

Ingemar  Hansson-      <generaldirektör    Skattmydigheten >The  General Director  in the  Swedish  Tax Authorities

This  is  sent to  you first  because  I believe you  have the  power to  right this wrong or correct it first

without  the  court  being involved. Your agency decided  on the  amount and knew of my hardships.

Due to your employees hatred  of me or because  of me being a  foreigner  they picked that  amount despite my protest

If  not

What  is the  email  address to the   the Swedish Enforcement Authority? I am going to appeal both  decision.
It  should  not  be   of  attachment  of   salary but pension  which  mine is  very low and  unfair.  It  should  be  stop  until  another <real>  court  decision.  Otherwise  it means    any  person  is  guilty until  a  decision.  It  can and should  be  stop  until   court decision is  made. I  was  never present or knew about  the hearing  and it is wrong, this  show  how  Sweden welfare works
below  I was  told

 "Case number is the number of the debt to Lindorff Sverige AB.

If you wish to appeal your decision of attachment of salary the number of that decision is  case  number .
The procedurs is the same in both appeals."

You  will  then  send my  decision  to the  District court. If that is not true  let me know ?

A  Foreigner  paying  Swedish Taxes  who is  forced  to  suffer  due dare  Swedish  Tax collection  Agency
<Kronofogden? punishing  me.

April  8  2015
April 8  20

removal of my name from bad credit My Condominium

Ingemar  Hansson-      <generaldirektör    Skattmydigheten >The  General Director  in the  Swedish  Tax Authorities

Since  you  are the  General Director   you  are  the only one  who  can  do this or appoint  someone to do  it   

I request  that you have  my name  removed   from  a  bad  credit rating    which  does not   allowed  me  to  rent  or  do business  on  credit etc It is because  you have  a allege debit which  is over  20 years  and you  took and sold  my Condominium without letting me having my  day in court over  20 years  ago.
 At  the time  sold  it  was   official that I was  a  woman  in hiding and  very afraid of  my Swedish  husband  who abused  me both   mentally and  physically

One  day  before .about  10 years  your  agency  the  Tax  authorities  Collection  Agency the  Kronofogden took  up my  case   and  your employee     said to me  1 day  more  and you would  be  free from paying.  Your agency sold  it without  giving  me   a  chance to  protest. You  earned  money  from doing  it.

I am now  in the  process  of appealing  

It  was  sold  without  giving an opportunity  to find  a  place to  live or go to. 
  you  just  sold  it to anyone as  quickly  as you  could but to whom ??

There  was  fraud   between  the RESTATE company ,the  bank and  maybe the  credit  company

While this is investigated  I  want my  credit  record name  cleared.

It  it that  in Sweden you  are  guilty  until  proven  innocent

I wrote 20  instead  of  2015 but  the  computer   when sending  puts  a  date on mail.
You will see if  you  are  guilt  until proven  innocent  in the  welfare  Swedish country

april 7   2015

April fool Joke or Swedish  bad judgement  ??????????

Maybe this  could be the reason I  have problems in Sweden because  this is not  a joke to me but  a  crime.
To a  few Swedish I told this to thought it  was  wrong  also. 

To me  it  seem like  a crime and waste of Police time.

It was  considered  bad  Judgment  and nothing  was done.

 "A father in southern Sweden was the victim of a cruel April Fools’ prank on Wednesday when his partner texted him to say that their nine-year-old daughter had gone missing.

This particular prank may not have been particularly clever - or funny - but there were plenty of April Fools' jokes that did manage to raise a few laughs in Sweden. ?

I am  not laughing

Read  about  on the page below.



case number va/namnd Secret Hearing  < they did  not  tell  me about  it>

April 6, 2015

Office supervisor Her  name
Statens va-nämnd   

I am sending  this  to you because  you  wrote  that it   

   "It is important for Va Board that we get back notification receipt as it is proof that the mailings we have done has been received. By law, we must know that the documents have been received for us to be able to continue management of the case.  "
  Office  supervisor va-nämnd      water  and  pipe boar

 The  copy 25  and   31 is missing  . You have  24  and     25  on the  same document  is that
a mistake?

Are you  going  to translate  the  documents  so I can  understand them?

If  not  where do  I appeal court name and  email address

My name

April 5 2015

Is  it possible that  there  is some truth in  any  of the 
Opinions or  others  experience under  that  heading below

Another legal case  now is  over  water and  the  community of    Vingåker depriving  me of  water  with permission of the  VD   Björnar. Berg    at   Sörmland Vatten  .They had secret hearing if you remember  in reading, The collection  Agency Intrum Justitia   they  had  a secret  hearing  but  said  there  was  one coming.   Another  hearing   the  court and  took  my money but I did  not  receive  feedback  of what  happen at the hearing,  You  read it on my blog

Someone  should  deprive  Björnar. Berg  of  water  since he thinks it not  important. I  feel  and  witness his hate. 

Theses  are comments  I found on a  site  on the internet  in  an  article.. by reading what  has happen to me I think  some  might be  true.
also  I must say  I have met some of the  nicest Swedish people  in the world not  fake but real but unfortunately   they do not  have power to help.  Some have  become afraid  because  they  did not know people with power  in Sweden  could  be so cruel and unfair.

Make up  your own  decision  discus with  your friends  and  relatives.I  know  people  are  told that not  to say
the  truth outside of Sweden.. I was once  married  to  a Swedish man who abused  me both Physically and mentally.

I do not  have nothing  against Swedish men    if they  are nice.  Also met  a  few  Swedish  really  cruel Swedish
woman who could  have help me  but  did not..My help came  from mostly  Swedish  men  and  Russian  Ukraine. and  native  Arabic speaking who speak Swedish
men  and  woman. They respect me because  I do not  swear  smoke or drink and even know  I  am  a  Christian,

Of course most foreigners  who understand  how  it is  to  live in another  culture.

Below  are  some  of the  statements  I have heard  over  and  over  again, Maybe  it  might  explain to you why  I have  problem

Opinions or  others  experience

"Sweden is very incestious and corrupt when it comes to business - although nobody will tell you to your face - but there is always a "valid" reason as to why they turn "foreigners" down.... The Swedes are very good at making "excuses".....

"I agree 100% with everything said. I have to add after 9 months spending in here as an expat that Swedes are mostly in love with themselves and have a superiority complex which makes their "niceness" really fake. We are much disappointed with the country both from business perspective (insane taxes and the medical care is not even close to British NHS) , lots of bureaucracy and from cultural perspective , well Sweden is great only if you are a Swede! And I lived n 8 different countries including Finland which has a tough climate, original mentality but really inexistant hypocrisy so sorry but the Finns won my heart over the Swedes despite all their "beauty"(!). going back soon from where we came :)! Can't wait

I speak the language here, but trust me, i hate pretencious smile and fake politeness. In Sweden it isnt your CV that matters as much as your last name. Its that bad.

to be fair so do people in most other countries, I think the issue with Sweden is that they pretend not to. Probably part of the culture, like say if someone skips in the queue, no one will say anything to that person but the people they skipped will stand around and bad mouth them behind their back

Sweden is the worst country to date, and that goes for all the Scandinavian countries. Nordics prefer to date people with the same cultural background and origin. Call it racism, call it inbreeding, the thing is that they rarely date immigrants, maybe for a while until they get tired of them. Same goes for jobs, they prefer the inbreeding even if the business/sector doesn't work or could work better with an international crew. They like what they already know and they don't want to change even when they know what they do is not working. They stick to the old and the corrupt practices because it's more comfortable.

But do you understand the culture of humbleness, equality, of not being confrontational, or too direct, of fitting in and showing respect (Swedish style) for everybody else ... It isn't just about language or qualifications ... and there are many reasons why a Swede might not want to employ a highly qualified 'foreigner' who doesn't even recognoise when they are upsetting things or people because they presume the people and culture are the same as theirs ... they just arn't ... It's just most Swedes are too polite to tell you directly ... you do understand this right ?

I am the same Dune as is my wife who speaks 5 languages fluently we lived in many other countries and never had any problems that I  icould attribute to the country or culture. Sweden is somewhat different. I don't think they are racist I think they just believe they are the best at everything and have the best culture and no foreigner could possibly match that level. This theory matches with their desire to tell the world also how to behave.

Humbleness..hmm I would say rather fake. Equality between Swede and Swede ...nobody presumes the cultures are the same. I found it was more easy to adapt in China (!) than in Sweden, no kidding."

The  above  statements  were  from http://www.thelocal.se/20150402/single-immigrants-less-likely-to-settle-with-swedes#disqus_thread

Again  I  say  I do not  agreed with all of  it   but there  but look at  what happen  to me  and  ask yourself why ?????

April 3  2015

 I  sent  this letter  to the   Swedish Tax Collection  Agency called  the

Kronofogdemydighen. I should  have probably asked more  questions  but it is  a  beginning,

April 1 2015

 Do  you mean  case  and the other  case have  the  same number?

If not what  case number  do I appeal with ?

What is  the email  address to the  Swedish  enforcement  agency ?

My name 

April 2  2015

One  case  is about  over  a year  and  I never  knew  about  it. The Second case has  2 parts. One to get  the money stopped and the.  second  to  take  it  away. I  have  written then a letter. I will  send tomorrow. It may see easy to  you but hard  to  me since  I am so close.I  have other people sending  me bills which I do  not owe,  I  have  learned  new knowledge I hope

 Dear My  first  name,

Private action   Mycase number   Lindorff Sverige AB  

How to appealIf you consider the decision to be incorrect, you should first contact us and request redress.

This should be done immediately. If we find that the decision shall be revoked or changed, such correction can normally take place within two weeks from the decision.

If you want to appeal the decision, you should write to the district court, but send or deliver your letter to the Swedish Enforcement Authority. If you have appealed in due time your letter will be handed over to the proper district court.
The district court will accept your appeal if the letter has arrived at the Swedish Enforcement Authority within three weeks from the day you received the seizure decision. In your appeal you should state:
  • What decision you appeal
  • Why you think the decision should be changed and what change you want
  • The proof you want to adduce and what they shall prove
  • Your name and your personal identity number or organization number
  • Your adress, email and phone number
You or your representative shall sign the appeal. Written proof shall be enclosed in original or confirmed copy. You may also include other material you think can be of importance for the decision of the district court if you not already have delivered it to us.
If you need further information please contact us. If you are calling from abroad call  +46 8 564 851 50 or contact us by e-mail at kronofogdemyndigheten@kronofogden.se

Best regards,
the person name

An authority for those who require payment,
and for those obligated to pay.
Call us for advice.
You can find more information about the Swedish Enforcement Authority on our websitewww.kronofogden.se/InEnglish.html

April  1 2015
I  wrote this letter  to the  tax  Authorities General  Director
march  27,  2015

Dear Ingemar Hansson  Tax  General  director  in Sweden

Since you  are the Ceo you can order them to refund my money.

I did not owe Company  name  so l glad it was cancelled. Since it was cancelled   5.28. 2014 why did not the amount you deducted on April 2014  go down? I  was never   informed .
You know l do not have a good economy,

The  employees  name   wrote  what  was  below.

When looking at closed cases there has been one case registrered with applicant  company  name represented by the collecting agent In Collection  Agncy . This case was cancelled by the collecting agent on 2014-05-28 and thereby closed by Kronofogden
They  never told  me  that  and still  continue to take  the  same  amount. Tomorrow  I will show you their answer

March 28 2015 
 written  March 29  due to Earth Day and   no connection t.o  the internet

As I have  written to you I am going to clear up the illegal debits  one  by one. I do not have  debits I pay my bills.

I  have done 2  already. In my fight you will see how Sweden   treat   foreigners  who pay Swedish taxes. Also If Sweden  living up to their reputation  as  being a  welfare country. Also   other information on  People who show one face to the  world and  another  face behind  your back.. Most People are not  all bad. I could  write  you maybe  about the one you do not know,

March  27 2015

Good  news

  I found  out  that another  Collection Agency which  had  withdrawn there illegal bill.  I am going to straight  out everything.     I will write  more  tomorrow

March 26  2015

I  sent the letter below to thee  court  of  appeal
Fredrik Wersäll-   Svea Hovrattenpresident    

This is a  MATTER OF 

jäv and I  just  found out  I had  to  until  March  17 2015 but  did  not   know  since the  case  was in  

Swedish..  My Dog was  sick before and on March  17 2015  I  went to  a  Vet Hospital.

All I  could  do  was  think  about  my Dog and  I  am helping her get  better

Can  I get  an  extension or must  I go  to  the  ec  or  eu  court  for  an appeal  ?

  I request to  have my  Svea  Appeal court for an extension.

I  received the  letter below from the  Judge. I hope this  is  sent to the  right court.

March  25 2015

Extensions comes  from the  Court  of Appeals

The Letter  below was  sent to me by the Judge.
I never  knew  it  was a  District court . My  appeal was suppose  to go to Svea hovrätt, but now to Svea court  of Appeal. I think it  might  be the  same  tomorrow  I will  write to them tomorrow.

 Unfortunately, the District Court is not allowed to grant an extension.

An extension can only be granted by Svea Court of Appeal. “Återställande av försutten tid”, chapter 58 sec. 11 and 12 Code of Procedure (rättegångsbalken).  

Yours sincerely
The  Judge  name

March 24 2015

On March 23 2015  I  sent this  letter  to the Judge  on the case. It had the same  address  I  receive  mail from  him. It  returned to me.. Today   I sent then  to the  court  and  and his  assistant  or  clerk .  I  am not  waiting for a  an answer  to my  letter  below

My appeal FT21-15 extention orwhere can I do it

Your Honor  Judge  name

I just  found out  I had  to  until  March  17 2015 but  did  not   know  since the  case  was in  

Swedish..  My Dog was  sick before and on March  17 2015  I  went to  a  Vet Hospital.

All I  could  do  was  think  about  my Dog and  I  am helping her get  better

Can  I get  an  extension or must  I go  to  the  ec  or  eu  court  for  an appeal  ?

If  not  why not  so I know  what to appeal on ?

March   14-23 2015
 I have not  written due  to in December  2014 my dog  was  got a bump on her. It broke  during March 2015 . She  has a
bump on her  that received  that bleed and had pus in it. My Dog received medicines   4 kinds plus  I  had to  get
her a cone for  her head   so would  not touch it. I had to watch  her in the  day and  at night use  the cone. I will write about it in the future.I must wash  and shrinking.It  stretch my  budget but it was  very important.  Medicine plus   Veterinary   visit  cost extra money. I  am sending  my

appeal tonight

Sometimes  I felt weak due to lack  of food.My Dog is  feeling   much  better.

March 12, 2015

Swedish Law   is  they let    the  same Company  have same   cases on the  same  matter. in  different courts  and  sometime in the same  court.  

Be Happy  that  in your  country you  are allows  Lawyers <Attorney> or someone to represent  you. Also  you  have impartial Judges which  most  are not   in Sweden. They 

have institutional  Racist  system. There  are more foreigners in prisons  than  Swedish people.

"Immigrants were found to be four times more likely to be investigated for lethal violence and robbery than ethnic Swedes. In addition, immigrants were three times more likely to be investigated for violent assault, and five times more likely to be investigated for sex crimes. Overall, North Africa and Western Asia were strongly over represented in the crime statistics " Which  mean countries  like  Russia/

I have found that  most  of  them  are very very good  manner need  like the  unusual  very good  Swedish people   who   try to help foreigners.

Swedish People need your support because told  not  t

"                                                                  "

  told not to talk about it abroad and   especially to foreigners. 

When  I  went  to school in Sweden and they  drilled into my   head   that in Sweden you  have  fair  trials. Never the many  Secret Trials  that  they
have  held on me.

The   water  and  the  Garage  Department  <  Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB > is  the  same hateful employees  Department  run by  Björnar Berg, VD, I  have  been told  it  is  really anders bjornar.berg Sörmland Vatten och Avfall AB VD  I  do not know.
I communicate with the  company and  Ceo      The collection Agency does not  understands  what  it  is  all about.
collection agency  are not   the Defendant in  my  case,  When  companies know  they are wrong they should not  be allow to  hide  .In  Sweden you  have profile against non Swedish people and  the  few  Swedish people  who   have   tried  to  help us

Katrineholm should take over the   vingåkers  community  because  they do not know how to  govern  themselves.

 March 10 2015 and  march  11  2015

Fails to offer therapy in English. It should read failure to offer help in English.

Is  an article  at site  at  the  bottom. I  have a thick envelope of  information  of the  Secret  Hearing  that  the impartial 
Water Board  sent  to me that  I must  appeal..The  case  was  brought  by  Vingaker Vatten   & Avfall AB   bjornar.berg  the  vd. They  have  turned  my  water  off  and  on with special meeting. Put  a stone  in my  water  to  limit  it  etc. I  do need a Lawyer to help
from  my United  States or  the  United  Kingdom . Maybe
any  country  in the EC or EU would  do

The statements  below are true even thought  they  applied to Addicts  I have had  some of the  same  experiences.

Many  people believe Sweden has  a  strong health care  then  there would be  not any  need for  this  service

 "One of the main problems for addicts in Sweden is a bureaucratic system that leaves many addicts with the feeling that they are falling between the cracks."

You  can  see  my problems  I am left falling  between the  crack

"There is no treatment in English in Sweden and yet there are many people who use English living there who are addicts  not just those from English-speaking nations but other immigrants who speak better English than Swedish and who would therefore benefit from this"

Those of  you  who think every  Swedish person speaks English.Now you should  believe  what I say  below. There is  a   need  for English  translation in the  court matter  and sending  out  information

This reminds me of  search  from Law  offices   Agencies  and Organization   in   Sweden. They never  came back. they said no  or never answered  my mail sms  or  phonecalls

"I really had to keep asking for help in different places - Vårdcentralen [the doctors' surgery in a municipality just outside Stockholm] sent me to the local hospital and they then suggested a psychologist. I had to wait four months to get an appointment. They day I should have met the psychologist they cancelled because they were sick. Then it was summer and they never called back. Then I went back to the hospital and got prescribed terrible tranquilizers that made me so ill I could not work," she said. {

March 9 2015

 Teaching  Racism  and  still have your  job  left
What this has to do with me is seem that type of people are in the community of Vingåkers and the  State VA NAMND in Vingåker

This  same  types of  people  are  left  to judge  my  cases and  make me  suffer.
Now is the time the ones who believe in justice to stand up for the truth
in Sweden and Abroad

What happen was
"A teacher at a company that educates bus drivers have been trained in racism rather than driving,writes Göteborgs-Posten, who studied the recordings of lessons.?

The school did not make a formal complaint at first. The person removed from the job but not the company

The teacher is now removed from the current program but have left their employment. wrote another newspaper.

Read about it and translate for yourself

March 8 2015

I have 2  appeals to do . one  the garbage and the other water for a secret trial in  an  impartial court.. this is just the  beginning

 Intrum justitia inkasso  lied and the Decision would have  been different  If  the  Truthwas  known

March 5 2015

  Intrum justitia inkasso lied that they  did  not know  that I was there. It  is   law  in Sweden when someone  has  their  water  or electricity  turned  off  they  are contacted.
No anyone  can  live like the way they want  me to.

 I have just  remembered  the    Swedish social < Socialförvaltningens > Swedish  Service received   letters about me.and  my  situation..regarding the water &  garbage
 That  Social  Workers who  came to  my home   said it  was horrible . They refused to  sit down   and offered  a  place   <apartment temporary > if their    Socialchef said  yes.  in  Vingaker  s Sweden      He  said  NO. Even if you  are like me  and under Social Services. That  is  how    the Welfare    help people.

I had  received    some paper about    water and garbage services  which  I returned but  

I wrote on  that "how in the near  future they could think I could  live there."

Everyone is  this  community is  aware  how  I  am  treated  even the  Ombudsman or Consument  ad-visor  went to  court  against  me. /they  represented   the  Community  not  the   people

There  would have  been another  decesion if the facts were  known or  the  truth came out then

"The Swedish welfare state is world-renowned for offering comprehensive benefits to residents and employees. " Now  you  see  what  happen to me  so  next time you  open  your
mouth bout  the  swedish  weflare  system  think  again.  They  do help some people.

Last week l went to court on  2 cases l have been writing about.  +

March  4 2015

One was statue of limitation and the other was water but it turned  to  be about   garbage pick up.

The bottom line was the Vingåkers Community  <vingåkers komun > wanted me pay for service's never carried out. I was not there and  they knew it.

I had even in the past pulled the garbage can to the place where the other people had theirs.

I saved them gas for years.. The garbage men  one was was friendly and one was silent

It is  known l am not there but the   Vingåker Community has spread rumors l do not pay my bills,

They are the the one the Plumbers took me to court  because the Community said I caused the blockage in my pipes.

That Plumbers said the only reason he had charged me was because  l called him. l won the case but the Racist water court in Vingåker community said the would  not wait
and turned off  my water years  ago before that decision,.. I say this is a Human rights cased not for an impartial court.  Vingaker Water  court  is not impartial  and  it has  been  proven.

Also the  Intrum Justitia Inkasso  on their case was not so nice ,when l asked  her name she said it was in the papers sent to me. etc

Also she they  she did not know l was not there. If l was not there the case would have not gone this way.

The  Other Collection  'Agency had  professional  manners.

She said there was going to be a case in  water court hearing .It not true they had already  held  a  secret  hearing .

The case was filed next to the last day one more day and it would have state of limitation said the judge.

I had a choice to let  this judge to make a decision on  this matter. or go to another trial. 

I picked the judge because l am not an attorney and thought the facts speak for themselves,..

I found out  that was the only choice  the  Judge  could make, l lost but there is an appeal. Which can be taken it up.

NOW  THE  iintrum justitia inkasso <   Intrum Collection  Agency >   offered me a plan  to   pay=25% to th which l do not owe. under 5000  Swedish kronors.at the month .. If  I owed the money it would  be  a  good plan. 

That trial  seem professional  and impartial    even though  I  did not win both  cases. The Judge  seemed  fair. If all Judges  were  like this then there  would  not  be  any  problems  in  the  court system and  people  will feel  like  they at  least  had  a  trial.

Tomorrow  I will tell why  I must appeal  and  what went wrong.

March 2, 2015

 One  of my  Court  Hearing  Court  Hearings.

Last week I had  hearings . I  will write before midnight tomorrow  about my  experience.

I  will write  a little  about how I  felt the decision  and  how  both sides were.
How many  cases  I had  etc

 February  25  2015

1:02 PM (8 hours ago)
to Ingemar, bcc: huvudkontoret
Dear IngemarHansson-Sweden Tax Director

PLEASE send it today by email

I want a list of the companies and case numbers you  used to take  my money on  their  behalf .Please do not send it in pdf   form but a document to my email address. I have problems with my computer reading it

Thank you

my  personal number

The main  tax  office  sent   a  confirmed that they received  it so the Igemar Hansson    cannot  say  he did not   receive it.

I  am on my way to clear   up  my  life  or let  you know why  they will   not  do  it

February  23  2015

How many cases in  your  courts can one person have in a  day  in the  same  court.?  <Like  in  Sweden >

I have  a paper from the court asking  about me getting evidence  and when l  wrote and asked them to explain it l was met with silence.
I received another  letter  about a  month latter   stating everything will be  explained on the  day of the  hearing.

I asked them to  communicate  with me in document  form but they sent most in  pdf files which  causes me problems most of the time.

I am not sure now it if it 3 cases because 2 are at the same time with different case numbers and different people on the cases.

When  I looked up  up oral preparation it said you must have a good understanding of the law. 

That is why l want and need  an attorney.

February 22 , 2015

Am I a  Swedish  pet or a  foreigner  who  pays  Swedish   Taxes without   any rights   ??????

The first of many  hearing to  get  my  life  back  are both  in the morning on the  same day.

They are  both in the morning  an hour  and  half  apart.

I hope to get  justice   but  as you have  read my health  etc  does  not matter to  them.

I a human being   but  treated    like  a  circus animal . I do not  have  as much rights  as  most  Swedish pets.

My  tax money    I pay  my taxes  must not  go to the government because  I would not  be  treated  this  way.  Courts  are suppose to  be impartial.

February 19 2015 
2   unnecessary court  cases  on the  same  day

Just think  I  have  2  court cases on  the  same day in  Sweden,

Courts  in Sweden have lots  of  free time  that  they  must  be  forced  to take cases  that past the  statue of limitation  and not  owed  the money  My second case  on  the  same  day   is  a   human rights case 

 regarding  water which  I have not had   for  about  3 years. The  plumbers had   was  warned  if they help  me  would never  get  another  job.

It has  already been proven that the  community  has  caused flooding in my home  but  the  water court refused to  wait  for the  verdict  in  an  earlier   hearing  due to being  Racist  and  wanted  my  water  off  to make me  suffer.That was  an  impartial  hearing   over   5 years  ago. which they  had  turned  it  on again a   Magically after  a  few  years  being  off. it  was  turned off after  a  secret  meeting in the Community .

Lets  see if  the  court take the  business  or  Community  side again  .

what hurt  and  was  very  strange  is the   Ombudsman   was there  at my hearing  representing  the  community

Ombudsman  is  suppose  to investigate   the  interest of the   Public  . That  is not the  case in Sweden  because  they  can be  against  you like in my  cases

Lets  see  if they  will  let me find a  Attorney  < Lawyer>

The  letter below was  sent to  the

Nyköpings Tingsrätt‎

 court on  February 16 2014

 I   request  again  to cancel my hearing  until  I find an   attorney  <Lawyers > to represent me  because I  know the statement 
  statement below    is  true.  It  is  from  the The Nordic Committee for Human Right and  sent    to the
Secretary General of the Council of Europe
"         It should also be noted, that lawyers in Sweden who believe in the rule of law and the supremacy of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and who work conscientiously to protect the rights of their clients, are harassed and persecuted by the staff in the administrative court system " >

   <Only  a  FOOL < IDIOT >  represent  himself  and  I   do  not  want   the court  to make me one. 

I do not have any legal   knowledge     to  represent myself.

I am  in no present state to  represent  myself  because I am not  treated in Sweden as   human being.I  am not allowed to have  basic  needs. Water .electricity etc.
Also  letting  collection  Agencies  file debts not owed and over the 
statue of limitation 

It  considerate  cruel  to deny any  animal   water  and  shelter  and  you  aware  that  is  what is allowed me.

My name
