
Serious but Heart Warming

  This  is about  a tortoise had been found with a badly infected leg after being abandoned by his owners.

Doctor who took an extra step and  gave him a Lego leg.

You can  see and  read about it   below  and  see  a  short video


Dr. Panagiotis Azmanis and his team of vets at the Bird Consulting International 

What is  the difference  between a  turtle and  a  Tortoise. Read below  and  now   you will know too.
Tortoises and Turtles are both reptiles from the family of Testudines, the major difference being that the land dwelling ones are called Tortoises and water dwelling are called Turtles. The body of a tortoise and a turtle both is shielded by a shell, the upper part of which is called Carapace and the lower portion is called Plastron. TheCarapace and the Plastron are attached at the end by a bridge which means that though the head and limbs may be withdrawn from the shell, the whole body can never be totally detached from it. These reptiles are generally reclusive and shy in nature.

 read  more  about it  at  http://www.diffen.com/difference/Tortoise_vs_Turtle. You will  also  see a  picture

When  you have  extra money    it should  be sent to Dr Pangiotis  Azmanis  and his team  At  Bird  Consulting International  in  Germany.  Keep up the good work 

Dr. Panagiotis Azmanis 

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