
Funny but serious

November 14 2013

I have  read  both  statements  in black   background on  a  site

If you pass by  a  bus stop you will  see this most of the  time.
When the  bus  comes  the  people  rush forward.You may see this  when you  are lining
up somewhere.

Don't stand too close to other commuters when lining up
This is such a well-known Swedenism that it became a meme. If you stand too close to someone, others might think you are drunk or insane, so why risk it. Worse, you might be trying to start a conversation with them, something that is strictly forbidden. The horror.

imI have  seen it on the  Buses and  Trains it looks very  strange. Sometime  even  people  with their  friends  take a seat in front  or back of  the people  they  are traveling with.

Don't sit next to someone. Ever. Unless you have to.
You know you're in Sweden when you get on a bus and every single pair of seats is taken by one person sitting by the window. Prepare for a glare if you sit beside someone and there's a double free. You're breaking unspoken rules. And don't you dare try to start small talk.


November 12 2013
 This is  a story  about  a criminal who  stole 2  computers  but
left  be hide  more money than they were  worth.

You  may  read  the story  at the  site  below
and  translate  it.


They  did tell  us the amount  or  around  the amount  to protect

the Criminal.

The Government and newspaper  protects Criminals more than the  Taxpayers  or the

Public  in Sweden.

The Tax authorizes  which uses   kronofogden , public companies   and other Government  sell the information about  you. 

The information  may not  be true which I found  out  1st  .hand.
One  government  Agency  like  the   Försäkringskassan told another
government  Agency   something about my house. I wanted  to change it  and  was not  allowed  due to the fact that  a Government  Agency
would  believe  another person over you  about your self. The government in Sweden makes  their own  information. There  are some  good   people inside  and outside the  government. trying to  change it but they need the  Public support.

They  sell  the information unless you have a  protected  address  which I had due to  my  violent Physically  and mentally ex husband.  I  said  i would never  be  safe. they throw   me out without  notifying me  after  a. few  years. I was  forced to  protect  myself.

So now you now there is a lot  false information  about me out there. Unless I confirm it you know it is not  true.. Hard to believe it but true.

I have problem due  to  people being  allow to make their  own information

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