
Court case about my Fundemental Rights being violated that Swedish Court refused to hear

August  18 2013  my   fight is  under  to  get  it  heard because  it  is  worst
Read  under   the  post

Swedish Justice by the Courts if  you  want to  know  what  is  happening.

 In about  August  14   I am going to began my  fight for  my water  and  electricity

to stockholms.tingrätten      (  Stockholm  court )
Dear  Your  Honor In  the  Stockholm  court

This  is case in the court . Why  cannot  transfer  it or take the money  from the other  court?

  Breach of fundamental Directives or Rights in the EU

  My  name was written
bELOW  WERE  NAMES  OF THE  CEO WHO  i  tried to gett help from
Defendant name(s),
Øystein Løseth

Jonas Abrahamsson secretary Gunillia Henriksson

Said he only uses the address below.

Carl Gustafs väg 1.   ( company  address )
205 09 Malmö

Lars G Josefssson.

Kurt Ove Håkan Buske  (Håkan Buske  )
address removed for the  internet

Lars Frithiof.
address removed for the  internet

Thomas Lars-Erik
address removed for the  internet

Protus Nilsson

address removed for the  internet

Konsumenternas elrådgivningsbyrå
: Sturegatan 10
11436 Stockholm

Vattenfall AB
Sturegatan 10 
SE-162 87 Stockholm

E.ON Sverige AB
Stone Sjögatan 3 , 217 65 

Carl Gustafsväg 1
205 09 Malmö

E.ON Sverige AB
Carl Gustafsväg 1
205 09 Malmö

Case no.T 814-11.  Breach of fundamental Directives or Rights in the EU
The court statement “ according to the rättegångbalken (Judicial Procedure )if you file your complaint at Norrtälje tingsrätt and later some of the defendents object since they find that the Norrtälje tingsrätt is not the right court, you could be obliged to pay the defendants cost of Litigations no matter the outsome of the case if they do not live in that area.” - is forcing me to ask the court for a change of venue. Even though I do not beleive that the parites I am suing gives their correct registered address (folkbokförda).It is obvious that the court knows and will transfer it to the correct one.
Many people have told me that the people who serve subpena in Sweden have even went to their job to serve a subpena. If you do not to serve these CEO people on their job it put them above the law. It is not equal if you are a poor (a working person) on job but they can come to your job but if you are rich they cannot us that the rich can hid?I propose that the law is changed or amended

   I am writing this   the  best  I  can  until  I can find.  an  attorney

I can only  write  the  working  address of the  defendants, and the  court   should  find out  their  residential   addresses. 

i  am doing  the  best  i
In Sweden, it is  hard to get an attorney that lives up to the requirements the American Embassy wrote that an attorney should have in a foreign country. When I finally found one.
He was only interested in the money as soon as my insurance company paid him. He quit when asked questions by me about my case. If he did his job, I would not be filing this. I will like time to find an attorney since it is on my Blog on the internet it might be easier.
I cannot get legal aid because you must have a lawyer first. The statement echoed by many foreigners  as showed in statement below made by a Canadian/Swedish :. I am white, Canadian and speak Swedish, "Racism exists in Sweden and sorry to say so does corruption.
I hold a Swedish passport but was born in Canada and my lawyer and I feel that 'that' my case is being handled differently  than a Swedish born citizen.
because of this my lawyer has stated on more than one occasion that he is amazed that
the courts are treating me so differently.. you tell me this is not Racism." That was a statement by a foreigner. I am  brown  not  black.

a. ''
I request that not E.on or Vattenfall not sent out any collection Agencies while this case is in the court and under discussion
as they had in the past.
b.. I request that the password on my account be working on that belong to both E.on and Vattenfall.
It was very hard to check information about me which I supposed to be able to see.
c..That I do not receive for at least 5 years due to the trauma and way this has to be treated
d..If I lose,I am on a pension and would like to make a plan that I would not starve. furthermore
e.I request to make unharassed payment not stressed with threats from them, collection agencies or anyone regarding the allege bills.
If I am harassed the case is reopened and heard in the EU courts. This request is made because in the past even though it was against the law I was harassed and forced to make a payment.
They broke against many fundamental rights of the EU directives. I may have written in the wrong field
but some Directives which they broke against belong in both fields.

This can never be worked out by the defendants due to the abuses of power by everyone on me.
The injustices should not have never had been committed.
Paying the money would make them think again before they do it to another person.Whether it be a foreigner like me and even a Swedish person
This could have been stopped and corrected if any of the defendants
involved in the case took the time to investigate or appointed and checked on the people involved. They could have made changes
and making changes instead of threatening and punishing me.
They have the responsible. They are paid a high salary and have done nothing or very little to help me. I have attempted
to settle this matter but the VD of the companies had not been able to help. They have not control over
their company. I do not have any hot water and without that. I cannot live. My radiators are not working.
I had oil at one time and a heat pump at another time.. My bills should never be that high or the
same if I am not at home I have been sent threatening letters, There is proof out there that meters can make
a mistake. I will send the article by email if the case is accepted.
I need a (rättstolkar ) court specialized interrupter for my case. because of the importance.
This includes all bills that are open that are not (preskriberas )not under status of limitation has passed.
. They broke against
the Fundamental Rights of the EU directives. I have been embarrassed and humiliated,
and my rights denied due to their power. My fundamental Rights according to the EU has been denied.
I live under a constant threat that when I come home or at any time my electricity will be turned off.
.My food will spoil and not be able to live there due to not have hot water.
They take the time to make a secret agreement about their salary and take care of their employees
That is admirable but that does not help the customers like me.

Chapter I
directive: dignity (human dignity, the right to life, the right to the integrity of the person, The Nailing of information on my private house ( villa ) should never have been done.
It was to just to humiliate me and tell others about my life. Nothing should have been done, since I was appealing and the fact in disputes. I was chocked and humiliate to find it on my door. Since my bills were in dispute, and I had an attorney.
Nailing should not exist it is degrading for everyone. I should have been allowed a court
trial, as promised, many times. .The electricity's companies want to charge money for writing to the social Department
cannot or will not help me. They are spreading information to embarrass me. I have the letter from the social department telling me they cannot help me.
I do not have an impartial and adequate represent, which should be allowed in this case since against
serous body harm. Equality before the law is not used to when they nailed the notice while telling they would not
do it. Furthermore, I was communicating about the case. It was too embarrassing and humiliating to me. Trying to take
or threatening to take my electricity being declared as trying to take my civil and human rights away.
It is against my civil, human rights, United nations and EU laws. If something goes wrong
a person should have the right to appeal and not be punished. As they have done to me.
The Electricity Company forced me to deal with a supervisor who was taken with me.
When I asked him to stop. A person sent out by an electricity went a someone and through the door told about me, and that they were going to cut off my electricity. That should never be done.
Chapter two
directive: freedoms (the right to liberty and security, respect for private and family life, protection of personal data, the right to marry and found a family, freedom of thought, and other items.

a. My right to a private and family is not being allowed. The Europe court rules for a life.
There are known problem with the new type of meter which everyone should know it. I can send the newspaper article by email
c..All parties' disregards for the way I have been treated in trying to get it solved. They want money for services not given. I would
LIKE to know how much money all the people involved are charged because they might NOT care because they do not have to pay for it. It is important to case to know how much they are paying like their discounts, etc.

d. Charge for a letter when the social department cannot help but contributes to me feeling worst.

e. The secret agreement to pay the former vd Lars G Josefssson. Josefsson was exposed by Westerberg and Gejrot and has now been found to be in breach of government guidelines on remuneration.They can have one about me or anyone else.
The parties can have a secret agreement like that to treat me and others the way they have.
" An Electricity Market. The lack of competition means that power companies actually earn extra money in downtime and poor job data. The bill goes to consumers and tenants. This has to stop writing Reinhold Lennebo and Christer Jansson, property owners on the Swedish side Focal Dagbladet debate today.
believe that the strong concentration of ownership is by far the biggest problem with the electricity market do not have support for the perception of the state's expert authority in the area,

f. . They do not live up to their mission statement. They put their employee rights in front of the customers.
g. I cannot see the information on their sites t because their passwords given do not work or they will not let me on

h. Employees hang up on me because I speak English sometimes.
g. Bills are sometimes sent two in a month which caused me to pay just one.

10. They wanted to cut my electricity off in the Swedish winter even though in a dispute and harmful and gave me only about two days to get the money.

VI: justice (the right to an effective remedy and a fair trial, presumption of innocence and the right of defense, principles of legality and proportionality of criminal offenses and penalties, the right not to be tried or punished twice in criminal proceedings for the same criminal.
a.A . I am not allowed any representation. The electricity companies threaten to turn off my electricity
even though there is a dispute and life threatening
b. Maria Eliasson who is a lawyers/advisor at the (Konsumenternas elrådgivningsbyrå)Consumerpelargonins)ConsumerElectricity Advice Bureau
said if it
causes damages or in dispute that is not supposed to turn off the electricity.
I am considered guilty and not given the
chance to be proven innocent which any western law country or by EU laws.
. c. Since is the so serious case I want to appeal to the Eu court.
Vattenfall and E.on 10 reactors in Sweden and have influence which would make it impartial trial in Sweden.
They EU court should hear the case.
The weakest and least able to fight back that why I was treated this way.
I read this statement and hear over a '' Many Swedes are racist, and less socialized to people they do not know '' They do not know me.
.The evidence
a. Emails to the various CEO and people involved in the case and their answers to me.
b. How they are interested in money and not solving the problems. An example is how Vallenfall and re going to withdrawn their money from a German environmental fund to punish the people. They care about money and not solving the problem. Their treatment of customers did not count
c. Newspaper articles that show the meters can be wrong
d. Statements from people stating how as a foreigner,I would not get a fair trial in Sweden.
e.. Show how their mission/Policy statements work against me. and how they are not living up to it.
f.Show in my letter how they sent me two bills sometimes in the same month.
g. How E.on and vattenfall acts as one company.
h. Have their employees testify to their policy concerning billings
i . Copy of my list of complaints from the years.
j. Ceo that referred people to supposed to help me did not check back to see if it was solved
k. My complaint list at least two times, which do not include just the bills

1. Can my electricity be turned off from the outside? Before they changed my meter, I was told they had to come into my house to turn if off.````````````````
2. Can you get MY vattenfall bills from the beginning?
3. Why are Letters to turn off electricity sent out unsigned
4.Why are Letters to turn off electricity sent out unsigned

1. Customer should have a contract to sign for E.ON and Vattenfall like they do in other companies abroad.
2 I become a paid consultant for foreigners who feel discriminated do not anyone who listens at those companies, but tells them they are wrong.
3. Letters not being sent to the social if they cannot help. it is like they did in my case,
it just causes embarrassment and humiliates and information to people who cannot or will help. Check with the person
4. They should have to go to court before turning without electricity is a life threatening.
Especially if you like me have to boil water to wash and to clean wounds, etc.

The I signed  it

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