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Dear Your Honor In the Stockholm court
This is case in the court . Why cannot transfer it or take the money from the other court?
Dear Your Honor In the Stockholm court
This is case in the court . Why cannot transfer it or take the money from the other court?
Breach of fundamental
Directives or Rights in the EU
My name was written
bELOW WERE NAMES OF THE CEO WHO i tried to gett help from
Defendant name(s),
Øystein Løseth
Jonas Abrahamsson secretary Gunillia HenrikssonSaid he only uses the address below.Carl Gustafs väg 1. ( company address )
205 09 Malmö
Lars G Josefssson.
Kurt Ove Håkan Buske
address removed for the internetLars Frithiof. address removed for the internet
Thomas Lars-Erik
address removed for the internetProtus Nilssonaddress removed for the internet
Konsumenternas elrådgivningsbyrå
: Sturegatan 10
11436 Stockholm
SE-162 87 Stockholm
E.ON Sverige AB