
Lena Gunilla Apler- Founder and CEO of Collector AB now colligent owned by Collector bank

 December  15 2015 I  resent the letter  to the bank  this  time

Dec11, 2015

Dear   LenaApler

Colligent Inkasso AB 

Lena Gunilla Apler- Founder and CEO of 

 December 11 ,2015

Collector AB now colligent ( Collector  Bank

Colligent Inkasso, owned by Collector Bank AB.
Dear MsApler

 It  has  been settled  long before  2008  which you  metion  and  it is  past  the  status   of limitation which is 3  years.
I wonder  how many  old  bills not owed  you  waste  time on   instead  people  who really  owe  you  money. ????

I  am not  sure  if  you are  aware  that  your  employee  his name is
trying  to make   your  company seem   not professional by trying  to collect bills passed the  status  of limitation  and  not  owed.
I  believe debt owed   should  be paid.

The Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too the  case number you  used  was number
My name 

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