
Medical miracle

Read about a person in  a  coma who  woke  up

December  29  2015

Are people brain dead  really  dead? Should people in  a coma  be declared  dead?

All the  people that  are   worrying about  donation they  are making   so much progress with artificial limbs. I  do not  want the ones  on the list of  donation for body  parts  to  die., but I do not  want to  kill someone  in  a  long sleep call  Coma

Read the  story  below which  my  change your mind.



Christmas in Sweden

 December  25  2015put on  December 26 2015 .
  "We want to believe that everybody has someone. But that is not the case. Many people do not have any relatives, or family."
So when  it is  Donald  Duck cartoon and the  street is  empty about  3  or 2  P.M/    (  14 or  15  )
It  feels like  you are  on the planet  alone  in  Sweden

It is  true  that almost   only 98% of  the people  only  celebrate with there  family.
There are so many people are  so so  lonely
Read below about the  Swedish  woman  who  wanted  to  kill herself  or  die  because  she  was so lonely.
   I  hope  you  have someone to  share  Christmas with.

December  24   2015written   December 25 2015

Yesterday was  Christmas  in  Sweden for  Swedish people.
Jellied pigs' feet,I never  seen or read  about on a Christmas  table
 Vienna sausages  and  prinskorv, prince sausages  are not the  same.  Prince korv usually  taste better..It like  a  frankfurter but  small.


Glögg  not  alcoholic    has a  very   delicious  good  taste . It  is  served   hot warm  and better  with raisin  and nuts  at the bottom. Even  without  it  is delicious
Donald  Duck   and  you  can  walk  the  street  and  find  not  anyone out

Julmusk -Christmas musk
Julmusk  is like  a  soda with a  special unique  taste      Glögg is  much  better

Read about  it below. I wrote  about  the  above  ones  which  were  wrong


December  23 2015  written December 24  2015

I feel very good even though I am poor in Sweden I gave 100 krona  to a beggar who I have seen many times.   He always   smiled  or  said  hello .Someone  I  know  brought him something hot to drink and  food.
Everyone should to give to someone you know first and then others. It feels great.

 Swedish  people  celebrate   Christmas  today   December  25. I  celebrate  on  December 25

Merry   Christmas  to  all who  wish me well

 To all  thoses people  who  do not  wish   me well or  do things against  me. I wish  you  blank..  You fill in the  blank  yourself  and add  a little more.

Jag känner mig väldigt bra, även om jag är fattig i Sverige gav jag 100 kronor till en tiggare som jag har sett många gånger för någon som jag sett många gånger och alltid log eller sagt Hej .Someone jag vet fört honom något varmt att dricka och mat.
Alla bör ge till någon du känner först och sedan andra. Det känns bra.

Svenska folket fira jul i morgon. Jag firar den 25 december

 Till alla de människor som inte vill mig väl eller göra saker mot mig. Jag önskar dig tom .. Du fyller i de tomma själv och tillsätt lite mer.


Lena Gunilla Apler- Founder and CEO of Collector AB now colligent owned by Collector bank

 December  15 2015 I  resent the letter  to the bank  this  time

Dec11, 2015

Dear   LenaApler

Colligent Inkasso AB 

Lena Gunilla Apler- Founder and CEO of 

 December 11 ,2015

Collector AB now colligent ( Collector  Bank

Colligent Inkasso, owned by Collector Bank AB.
Dear MsApler

 It  has  been settled  long before  2008  which you  metion  and  it is  past  the  status   of limitation which is 3  years.
I wonder  how many  old  bills not owed  you  waste  time on   instead  people  who really  owe  you  money. ????

I  am not  sure  if  you are  aware  that  your  employee  his name is
trying  to make   your  company seem   not professional by trying  to collect bills passed the  status  of limitation  and  not  owed.
I  believe debt owed   should  be paid.

The Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too the  case number you  used  was number
My name