November 12 2015
Folk får inte dra upp rasistkortet bara för att vi kontrollerar folk med mörkare hudfärg.”
''People cannot call it the Race Card If we control people with dark skin.''
Of course it is the Race card or maybe it should be called the skin color card.A duck is a duck no matter what you do.
– Och det kan bli så att svenskar med mörkare hudfärg frågas oftare än andra.
And it may be that Swedes with darker skin are asked more often than others.
How horrible you a born and raised in a country you love and because of your skin color you are treated different
Det kan vara så att den som är blond och blåögd inte stoppas lika ofta när polisen ska göra en utlänningskontroll, enligt polismannen.
It can be that a Foreigner that is Blond and blue eyes is not stopped when they have Control For foreigners according to the Policeman
A foreigner who is blond hair and blue eyes is more trusted than you .
Swedish people who really loves their country. It must really hurt because I know you love your country .
Maybe people can test if they are brown enough by coming to Sweden,
Anyway there are many Swedish people who do not judge that way
by unfortunately many are not in Power
The ones in power need to be told that you know what they are doing and removed when they are causing harm.
I am against anyone doing bad things regardless of who they are
I learned recently many foreigners are discriminated because of their last name . being a Foreigner but this might be the worst.
Read and translate it below
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