
Earth Hour

 March 19 2016  This is  how  I  feel  today

#EarthHour  is  a  hour   I will remember with lights  on   to mark   because  it  was taken  away from,me more  than  once.
  I thought Electricity  or  any means of keep warm in a   cold cold country like Sweden  was  a   fundamental right 
   read on.

I even  paid money  to  the   court  in  Stockholm and they  held  a  private  trial without   me  about  my fundamental right     which  I do not  understand  still today. I  named  names  and  companies. How  do they live   with  themselves.??? 

A copy  is  on  this  blog not  written  well  but  I  had  only  me.

I do not  blame  the workers but the  CEO   Vd  or  anyone  with  authority. who knew  what  was  happening.

I did not know at  that  time  without the  water  or lights  it would  ruin  my  house.

This   year  I  received  a  warning about  it   from  the  community    and  everyone  knew  it here  but me.

Swedish  Lying   Lawyers (  Authorities )and   Swedish  Reporters  keep promise  to  help me  but  now  I  am fighting  on my  own  to  get  everything    back

It  was  drilled  into  my head  over  and  over  again  in my   studying courses in Sweden
but  when  I came face to  face   the  Electricity  companies  left  me  in  darkness. without  a   trial.

Swedish  Social is suppose  to help everyone if  they had  not  water or electricity because  they  are notified but  refused to help me.

The Swedish  Social Workers   wanted    me to   have  an  apartment   which  they  used  themselves from  times to time  but  the  Social supervisor  there  over  them said  No.
A Doctors  note  or anything  could  not move them to help me get  an  apartment  because  of  the Debt  I  was paying  for another  condominium   which  they  under sold,  It  could  have  been  over   if  I  went to court in  person  and they did not hold  a  secret  trial .Otherwise  sell  it  for  such a  low price. I  was  still paying  my  rent   there  when it was sold from  under  me.

It was in one  of the  rich  Areas  Täby  Stockholm   and   Penthouse. the  very  top   floor.

Yes  once they offered  an agreement  where if  I  took  an  apartment  they were  allowed to come in anytime.

I was not  a  Drug person   or  alcoholic  but an  Abused  woman  from  a violent  both  mentally  and  physicaly exhusband. I was in hiding  and  that   was very scary. .    I thought  if  I  was  on  the  toilet  or  in the tube or  shower  they would let anyone  come  in.  they demanded all the  keys on that  contract. I would  be  paying  with  my  money  but they would  have the  control .

They  always  brought it  up  because  I  worked  in the  Society  and  They  said I  had  a good  salary   it  was  about  14000 Swedish Kronors  after  taxes because  overtime  because  my  regular  hours too   I  was not  eligible   fr  any financial  help.
I  was  forced to say  No.

I could not make  a  simple  phone  call because then  I  did not  have  any  mobile phones.
I  felt like  I was the last one on  earth. It  was  me  my Dog  and God.
My water  went  first.

  "The Fundamental Rights are defined as basic human freedoms that every  Citizen to enjoy for a proper and harmonious development of personality. These rights universally apply to all citizens, irrespective of race, place of birth, religion, caste or gender ? "
I  was   and  still  are  paying  taxes,

noun: citizen; plural noun: citizens
an inhabitant of a particular town or city.
synonyms:inhabitant, resident, native, townsman, townswoman, householder, local; More
Earth Hour is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The event is held worldwide annually encouraging individuals, communities, households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights for one hour, from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. towards the end of March, as a symbol for their commitment to the planet.[1] It was famously started as a lights-off event in Sydney, Australia in 2007. Since then it has grown to engage more than 7000 cities and towns worldwide. Today, Earth Hour engages a massive mainstream community on a broad range of environmental issues. The one-hour event continues to remain the key driver of the now larger movement.
Earth Hour 2016 will be on Saturday, March 19, from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. during participants' local time.[2]

.      are enforceable by the courts, subject to specific restrictions.

March  29, 2009

Today  you  get  a  little  feeling   how  I have it at  my house . When  It  was  10 - degrees outside  it was  colder  inside  without any  lights electricity  and  water.It was  riped  from without any warning while  I was  waiting  for  a  trial against  the  electricities  companies. It  was  because  of  E.on and  Vattenfall ab.

You  should  appreciate  that  you  are not living where   many people    are   guilty

without  a  trial  in person  and companies  can  take  away   your  electricity  and  water it  away  without warning.

   Earth  meaning   from wikipedia  in English  and  Swedish


 Earth Hour (Earth Hour) is an international campaign calling on households and businesses to under an hour in the first place extinguish lights, and if desired also turn off non-essential electrical appliances to pay attention to climate change. [1] The campaign takes place annually during the last Saturday in March. Earth Hour is always going between the set the hours of the local time, ie when Earth Hour is over in Sweden begin hours in the UK since the two countries differ by one hour. Earth Hour is a visual signal to those in power to take climate change seriously. The campaign is run by the World Wildlife Fund.

 Earth Hour (jordtimmen) är en internationell kampanj som uppmanar hushåll och företag att under en timme i första hand släcka belysning och om så önskas även stänga av icke-nödvändiga elektriska apparater för att uppmärksamma klimatfrågan.[1] Kampanjen sker årligen under den sista lördagen i mars. Earth Hour pågår alltid mellan de satta klockslagen lokal tid, d.v.s. när Earth Hour är slut i Sverige börjar timmen i Storbritannien eftersom de två länderna skiljer sig åt med en timme. Earth Hour är en visuell signal till makthavare om att ta klimatfrågan på allvar. Kampanjen drivs av Världsnaturfonden.

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