
Bill Gates.-Microsoft. read , answer. or call

 October  16 2012

Computer  and  horrible windows    8

October 11 2013

Is Bill  Gates   realize  there  is something  as  Bad  Karma  due  to  what  he  has  done to me?
If he  does  the  right  thing   by me it  will help him.
I have   read  this  "

Microsoft Investors Want Bill Gates Out as Chairman  "

 Many   people  have  tested  it   and by    buying  it   Windows  8  maybe  it  should  be owed  by the  people  (  Public )

October 7 2013
 The  problems   my computer  had

There  was not any  partition
A file  was missing
The  hard  disk is  broken
A  program file has  crashed my  machine
If  I went  to outside  computer   company  they  can  save all  my files on my computer
I need  a  recovery  disk
Reset was  missing from  the menu
 Finally I could  not  start  again   ( erase ) because  of the  reasons  
The  company  which program  crashed  my computer      said they  would  sent  me  a letter
that it  could  not  be  their  fault.

 by Microsoft , the software  company which is  suppose  to have crashed it  and the  company which is the  computer support  departments of  3  companies

It now  starts  but  many  time  I must  choice  the country  and language  etc each time  which  means it works but  I  fear  it  will   happen  again

I will   keep you  update to  what going to  happen

October 6 2013

I  was in the library  not in the  city  where  I live. I  was  crying  softly   and   a woman noticed  me.
She  offered  me  a tissue  and  asked me was  what the matter?
It  took  a while  for me to  tell her.  Then  she  told me   her name  was  Agneta   and  could  trace her ancestor  back to the   Vikings  time.  She was  was  very very  tall  and had  long  blond  hair
and  that  she  was a  Amateur   in  fixing   computer and only  did it one time..  Agneta   asked to took at mine
Anyway she fix  my computer  in   less 10 minutes. It  was  something    the  profession or the  support  Department  could or would not  do.
Some skill   that  the program  company  which  crashed my  computer   the company   which I  got the  computer  from   could  not  do or
 Microsoft  when  they could not  do it  said   the hard  disk  was  broken etc
Thank  you Agneta where you are again.. Maybe those  companies should  hire
Amateurs  since the  people who  give you  support  cannot do.  it

 Amateur  means NOT  having had training or education for working  with   computers
Support or  professional  means   HAVING having had training or education for working  with   computer

     Some  Microsoft   employees pride  themselves on not  helping  people like  Donald        
October 5 2013

Donald  is  a  supervisor  in  Microsoft Stockholm who contacted me  on  10-4-2013
Donald  contacted me  because on 10.32013 I tried to  get help  from Stockholm  Sweden  Microsoft by phone,
Donald the supervisor in Stockholm said he had the power to help me but would not. It is like a person holding water in their hand in a desert, They tell you to go to a town far away to get water.Microsoft is for the very special. Customers. I ask him about windows 7 he said if he had it he would sent me it .l asked if he could ask another office. He  could  not  do that.
He made it seem like all Microsoft are individually owned .He did not care that they wrote if l could not get help from where it came from come back and Microsoft would help me.What a lie they have not even answered my email. This Donald would not  even  let  his  employees   could not say name or when he was coming back. What a company with Bill Gates leading the way as bad example if you believe in that kind of service.  One thing we all know. Mr Gates believes in money.If l had the money l could buy anything from him..Remember you cannot trust what a Microsoft employee tells you or writes.. That superior of Customer service said it did not count.

october 4 2013

Someone send  send him pictures of money and you will get his

window 7 not 8 because even though his employees offered me help for money they were not sure how to fix windows 8. l am lock out of it . l will keep you informed.

l. lt is a shame that a person has to get help this way .
  1. Someone ask BIll Gates to call me.Microsoft still does not care about customers.
  2. I cannot see what I am typing

to speak to a supervisor which   en they would not help me.
I was told there was not any on duty.  The supervisor name was Jan and he would call me back.The Supervisor could call me back  whenever he felt like He made me feel like nothing l asked to check with people at the company but he said it was separate did not matter what someone else said he did not care
yes  over 5oo Swedish kronors they could help it did not matter that wrote if l could not get the help from the company it was made they would help me free.
Maybe someone out their could get his attention for ,me.
Try waving money in front of his face

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