
No real Animal hospital or There is not any real Animal Hospital until now

February 28 2016
     I  have  went  to the best  Dog Vet and  Nurse

It cost me over 1000  thousand  and  I  have to tighten my belt  but it  was worth it. It included the medicine needed

My dog was taken care of Vet Johanna    and  nurse Hanna

If you  ever  in need  go  there

Valla-djursjukhus-linkoping   Tel: 013 - 31 54 40
Westmansgatan 21

I have been been busy  taking  care of my Dog
and myself 
December 4 2013

Another place
 is Brommadjurklinik  Bromma Animal  Hospital

08 290740

I was very impressed by the Veterinarian  manner and that they  do operation
in the morning, Your Dog goes  home with you the  same  day, I never heard of that until I went there. I understand more  places do that now but  I have  given  you  2  of the  best  places.. Also  both places  speak  English. 

December 3 2012

Örebro Djursjukhus

 019-127 000
THe hospital is  a  very nice  place for  people

  who care about you  and your

Dog or  pets. The Veterinary   (  Animal 

 Doctor ) thought  I made  a mistake about  something  but  her 
 honest staff  back  me up with  the  truth. 

Most staff in Sweden not  all would  have 

 been afraid to  lose their job. The place even 

encourage their  staff to be honest.

They  are  very courteous  and efficient.  I

 hope they stay that  way  because  they  are  
new, I wish  I  could  say that  about 

all Veterinarians . The most   are  ok but that 

is not 

enough  when   you  care  about your  pet. 

There is  only another  place  in Sweden  that  I  will highly  recommend which  

I will write  about  later.

I  was forced to pay  or  have this the bill  

because  of   Ann Sommer - Chairperson  ON

 Agria Board and  part of 

Länsförsäkringar  which  made  the  mistake.   She  gave  her  word that I would  be  reinstated    but you  see it is   worth nothing.

Also  Birgir  Lövgren, who insulted me and  said  he does not know what happening in 

AGRIA. He even found  out he made a  


and never  even  apologized . I had to  take  

my Dog to a  vet  even  though she  was still

under then Agria They had even  sent my 

money   back  when I  sent  it  in until  I  paid

 this  extra  cost.

It  was their  mistake but  because  I did  want to put my personal number  on  an

 envelop for all to see  they ended  my  DOG 

insurance unless  I paid  for another 

 examination. It was   nice  to find  out there 

2 places  who  really  really  care. That 

hospital and  another Vet in  Stockholm

August  18 2013
 Dog  and  animal  treats  ( food  you  give it for training  dessert  etc  sold one  by one.  )

Sometimes  it happens that the  dog  treats in the  store is spoiled.  I am  talking about the ones you  will buy it  by   kilo  pound  or  piece.

If  it  has   a horrible  smell  take it   back and  tell  the manager  in the  store.
You will  have to  put it  to your nose  :Get use to how the food  etc  should  be.
Dog  and other  animals   need  fresh   treats and  food .
Take time to  look  at the  expiration of the  food  treats    on the  can   bag or  etc
for  your   pet It may  be past.  

Dogs and other  animals  need your  protection and  love.

August  17 2013

 Göran Grell / VD/CEO  of  Arken  zoo   Pet Store Company would  make  a  great  vd  or  Chairman  for Agria animal  insurance.
 He  cares  what  happens to animals.  He  is not  heartless  like   Birger Lövgren, vd  and
Ordförande Ann Sommer  (CHAIRPERSON)AGRIA He would  have lived  up the  agreement
and  I would  have  Insurance  now. They would  be making more money  now.

Also good place is the  people  at http://www.marsvinshjalpen.se/

Guinea pig help. Any help  given to  them would  be appreciated

Also  the  woman and man  owner at  the Djurmagazinet  (  Pet store ) in .Nörrkoping.
The woman would make a competent Djurmagzinet   CEO and  I would  never  had  any  problems.
She  or  her  partner  would have  been able  to solve  the problem in  the  first  place. They would never  have  acted  like  Ola Nyberg.-djurmagazinet.Ceo ( Pet Store  Company)

People companies  stores  association ( förening or  Organisation )
never  know  who  is  watching  you. So  if  you  want  good  service
listen to me.  I am sure  and  hope  their  are  many  others
that  care  for animals.

August  16  2013

   The  People do not  care  about Pets
Ordförande Ann Sommer  (CHAIRPERSON)AGRIA  pet  insurance
 Birger Lövgren, vd djurmagazinet  AGRIA  ( djurförsäkringar ) pet Insurance
 Ola Nyberg.-djurmagazinet.Ceo  A pet  chain
 It  is time  to  name  a  few   names.
One  is  chairman of the  board or person at one of the big  animal company AGRIA
for  animals.Ordförande Ann Sommer  (CHAIRPERSON)
I called  her  mobile  phone and   spoke to her  son  who seem to be a  person  at  least  18.  I had   called more than once. 
Anyway  the first  time  she  was nice and  then  she  turned  into
 heartless liar. She  would not  live  up to  her  word
After  taking  my money  for over  8 years something  went  wrong.
I went to the bank  in person  which  they  are  connected to Agria and  send  by  mail  my application.The only left  off my personal number  due to   theft  ID and  she had it  rejection.
Also  the head of the  company   Birger Lövgren, vd  is even  worst  He  said it  was not  his  job.  He  said  I lied about  everything   because  an employee  told  me something  and later  he found  it not to be  true  not never  apologized . I  seek  compensation  . The  only  way   he  and she  are   both  going to  feel  is by money paid  to  me and  getting  my  dog  insurance  back
I  sent  money in and they had  mailedl  it  back to   me  while  I thought  they  were checking on it.
His words  to me  ´´it  is  not  my  job.´´ keep ringing  in my head. Imagine  if all Ceo  
in their  companies by not caring.
He  receives   a large   salary  benefits and   who know  what  else  and  this  is not  his  job to  know  what is  happening
If  you  are on  the  boards of  anything to  do with this company or   people  you  must  vote  them out  and  get  me and other  cheated   justice. It  may you  your  pet  next who is  treated  badly and left without  insurance.
Another head  of    one  of   animals stores Ola Nyberg.-djurmagazinet.Ceo .He was  afraid to part with any money and could not  get one  of the stores involved  correct  what they did  wrong . It  a good things some of their   stores  do not follow  his  lead  and do  bad jobs.
One  of their  stores  was  the one in katrineholm. Imagine being told on the  phone  they could  not  reserve a item and  you had to come their
in person.  After  a long  trip When  you come in  person  they   get  a phone call  and  say  someone  just  called
by  telephone.They knew it  was wrong but they did it.   Not  being open on Sunday ans most of the  other ones  are  open and not  having the  item on sale  until  after  the  due  date that  Monday. Since  they  did not  have  on  Saturday. It the only one for  miles around. I  think  he   has
changed  for the  best now and they  want him out.   owner  I think  he is in d in his  70 `.

You can  read  more about it  in  another  section  in the  future
Maybe they do not have the  positions and  the   new  people  will  correct  their  mistakes

August 15 2013

There are many companies. business.  association and  people
   that  should not be in the  business of taking care  of animals
You might  have thought  that  it  was    just  a  bad   day doing  business . Otherwise  you  might  have got  a feeling  there is something  wrong. Seeing  it here  in   black  and  white
You will  know it  was  true now..  You  cannot  now not  say ``I did  not know `` -
Those   should  not have anything  to  do with  animals  at  all

August  14 2013

There  is  need for more  supervised  Animal  Shelters  and part of  Society to help  set them  up.

Most  Veterinary or  Animal Hospital   before they  help you  want  your money ,   insurance   number or  details. . It will  depend on  how  they help  you

If you go to a pet  place that  treats  your animal  first ,  you  have already found  a good place for your  pet.

I know  if the people   really loved their  animal  they  would  work  out any conditions
to pay  the  bill. People  who love  their   pets  want them alive .
 The first  question   `` Do you   want  to put  it to sleep``

That  should  be outlawed  unless  the person  brings  it  up.

Most places in  Sweden  when  you go a place  for help

Ask  for the  money  first.and 

ask if  you want to end the  life by euthanize   ( put them to sleep by  a  shot  (needle )

Many people do not  have enough money  and you  hear them  say `` I did not  have  the money that is  why I  put them to  sleep `` I think it is  a  very poor excuse and they  must   be  very  desperate   otherwise  was not so attached to their pet  specially  Dog

If you  are  finish  with  a regular  veterinarian   or  try something different  go to  a

  Homeopathy  for dogs or other  animals. It is not  just when  they'   are  sick but to  keep your  healthy. Also problems  like  fear not  eating  etc . It  may  help you.

 I have  heard   good things  about them..If you do  not like one  trying  finding  another one'
who  you  feel will be better  for your  animal.

Also  if you  are   out of  hope you  can  try a Homeopathic   for Dog or  other   pets. 

August  13  2013

(jourkliniken)¨djur animal   means   emergency clinic  for animals

 Emergency  to me means   you need  the help now.  It  seems like  it  does not  have that meaning  in Sweden.

The title  should  be removed   from any Emergency  Clinic  ( Veterinarians  Office  )  not doing it  and they  be fined  and the money  goes  to free  animal  ambulance for  all animals
 It  seems to me that most  and  I am not  saying all Veterinarians     cannot  help  after  21 or  on weekend or holidays .  

 When you come to Sweden  and  their is not a Veterinarian for your animal  regardless if   he is Guinea  or dog if  it  is  after  the times   mention on this  site.
Also  if  you  spoke  English or  another  language.  it  might  be a  problem in the  daytime.

I called many places  and  left message  and  only  1  place  contacted me  back the next
day and left  a message. It  was a   ( djursjuhuset ) animal    hospital and  not the closest

Sweden needs  to have these  words  taken  way from the  jourkliniken   Emergency Clinic  Taken  away  from  the  ones  who do  not do their  job  Their is a  need for Veterinarians to come  here  and  help.

They  should  let  people   buy  adrenaline then  we could  give to your  pets  yourself  It might prolong  their  lives.

when I  am taking  off this week unless   it meant  only on things   pertaining   to this  topic.

VETERINARIAN-  animal  doctor
 Djursjuhuset -animal  hospital

August 11 2013
I am taking  off this week unless   forced  to answer a letter  due the sudden  death August 11 of  an  animal which I had been fond of.  He  was a Guinea Pig so full  of  energy  and life.He will be missed and his friend another  Guinea Pig
 is  walking  around lost.

I  have  a strange  feeling in the  pit of my stomach  and  cannot  stop  crying  when  I  think  about him

We  return in the   evening  about   21 to find  a   slightly  heart  beat on  a  side  Marsvin and  first  aid was use to no  prevail.  There  was not an  emergency  or   animal  Hospital  close by.

 I found  out there was not any  real  animal  hospital or  Veterinary office   which a are open on the  weekends.

There  are not any real  animals  hospital  in Sweden  or  a way to get to them.

Guinea Pig is  a  Marsvin  in Swedish

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