
call Sweden talk to someone Random in Sweden

You have read my bog and now you have the chance to talk to someone in Sweden. I hope you get one of the nice people in Sweden E,          l am having problems putting this on. I will write about where you can call for 1 cent a minute

Call+46 771-793 336


Did Zlatan Ibrahimovic get justice faster due to money or him being famous ??

April 10  2016

 Does  having  the  money  to  sue  make  a person  back  down ?
As  you know   Zlatan Ibrahimovic  was  accused   of  using  Dope  by  a  coach

He  hired  An  attorney  Or  Lawyers.  The   coach Ulf Karlsson,
 back  down  when he   heard That Zathlan  hired  an  Attorney or  lawyers..   Also   he apologized for  saying it. Some  say  he  is  a  former  coach.

I  was surprised  as  well  as  a Sport  Famous   Person  well  liked someone  would say  something  so  damaged   against him  if  it  was  not  true??

Maybe  people  will  think  twice  next  time

I   heard  now  said  he  does not  take  an  aspirin.    I wonder  what  he  takes  for    pain ?  That  is a  good  example  for   children  and  even  Adults  who follow them..

I  am  not  a  Fan  but  think   he is  a good  example  for doing  that. More Famous  should  stand  up  for the  good lifestyle  they  live.

I  take  baby aspirins  only  sometimes   if the  pain    does  not leave.

If   all   I had to      do  was  hire  Attorney or  a lawyer  in the  various  matter  and   threaten to   sue  then   I would   have  a  normal  but  great  life My  threats  would not work  because  unlike  Zlatan  I  do   have the   money  to  prove  them wrong.Now  it  is  just  slower   for   me to get  there   because
as  opposed  to Zlatan Ibrahimovic  I  do not  have  his  money

I  hope  it  shows  in the  end the  people  like  Ceo or  in the  responsible  position    cannot  get  away  saying they  did not know  because  they do  and  you   know.
They cannot  go around  and  saying  how  great  or competent  they  are.

Read  below  about the  story  or  check it  out  yourself

It  was once  written in the  newspaper  that  owned  an  apartment  building  in Vingåkers which   he  fixed up


president and CEO Johan Dennelind TeliaSonera AB call Telia (Teliasonera aktieägare (

Below  is  a letter sent to me  from  John Dennelind  after  many  years. I   hope   he  will  solve  my  problem or maybe  part  of  it.The letter  was sent  this  week. I sent letters  asking  more  than  that

April  9  2016

 Hi  My name

Thank you for your e-mail to Johan Dennelind.
I have been given this errand and will try to help you to the best of my abilities.

We only have non-binding services, except our TV-partner Viasat and their channels. If I understand you correctly you’re interested in getting more gigabytes for a less sum of money on your mobile broadband, is this correct?

Looking forward to your reply and added information!

Have a nice day.

Vänliga hälsningar

March 26 2014

Stockholder   *(shareholders ) (Teliasonera aktieägare) your  CEO Johan.Dennelind is refusing  to take responsible for mistakes  the company  has made.
The  facts  still  remain    made Teliasonera AB  made a CONTRACT with  me and  after  they fact they change it? It was not  the  first  time.

Will Teliasonera AB do that   to you ?
What happens  when   Teliasonera AB makes   an Agreement to pay you dividends , do you  want  them to  say to you

" You   will not  get any dividends" and not  give any explanations
You  as a  Stockholder ( Teliasonera aktieägare would  want to know the  reasons

It like  them  saying in  a nutshell " HA ha " we   took your  money  and  we  do not have to do  anything . "Is this  professional   way to do business ?

What  is you   Johan Dennelind  or    Teliasonera AB hiding  this  time ?

 Is  this  the company you   want  stock in   TELIASONNERA   AB?

As you   have  read  I  am  trying to  correct  debts   on my blog read  Inegemar Hansson  General Tax  Director    section.
Why  will TELIASONERA  not answers my questions. What  are they hiding ?

  Below is the  letter I   received  from my  Johan Dennelind  Ceo  at 
Teliasonera AB

Hi My  Frist  name,

I am writing to you regarding the email you sent to our CEO and President Johan Dennelind.

We spoke last year, and then I explained to you that you can’t sign a new subscription with us because you don´t go through the credit control that we conduct when a new subscription is requested.  

Because you have, on several occasions,  asked the same question and since Telias response is the same every time, we will not answer question 2 to 4. I will have to direct you to previous replies you’ve received from Telia on the matter.

Best regards

 Her  name
  Kundombud, Kundrelationer

March  24, 2014
This  was  emailed March 24 2014  to help get   my  internet back
Dear   president and CEO Johan Dennelind
Since  it has  happen so many times  you  are the only one  who can make  it  right

I demand  that  you  immediately  investigate  this matter  against  the  Teliasonera AB and  turn  on  my  Internet  immediately. because  of the  reasons  below

1. You  cancelled  a  contract  that  was  agreed  on March 22  2014
for  my Internet by   your company   tape  recording me.

2. You  cancelled  a contract  years  earlier  that  you  agreed on  and  the  person  was  suppose  to  call me  back  and  I am still waiting. I was  given
my phone  number at that  time. It was  for Internet  too  I  think.

10 years  Teliasonera  punished  me. but  never  gave any  compensation
10 years  earlier   TeliaSonera would  not  give  me  a phone  for about 10 year  because
your company  said  I had a sign contract. Someone  checked  and found out  what  I  was  saying  was  the  truth. They  said  it would  be  OK  after paying

4.  I  want  my  telephone number   back.I did not  give  you  permission  to  change it  . It  was (  (The   old  number ) you forced on me is  ( the new  number )

The  last CEO  and  President Lars Gunnar  nyberg  left  beause  of bribe scandal. I hope you  do not leave   because of  it.

I  think  I have  given  you more  than  enough  reason   to investigate  and  put  on my  Internet, now.

Please  answer  in English  and let me know  you  received  this letter.

My  name
One  who  rights  have  been  violated by Teliasonera  due to discrimination or  incompetence employees

BLEMISH. http://www.basichumanrightstoday.blogspot.se/