
Quotes that might apply to life in Sweden

1. "Man people  are so poor that  the  only thing they have is money"

You  see how many  rich people (ceo  and etc. ) ignore  my  cry  of taking  my  money  and  forcing  me to  live  poor...They  sit  down  and waste money and food every day.. If someone  took  their money   what would they have left ??????


Magdalena.W. Andersson/ Finance Minister

October  15   2015
This is  the  google translate for  the  letter.below IN  October 14 2015... It is  a pity that they did  not  hire  someone   who  could write in  English  too. It  was  well written  in Swedish. Blame google for  the  translation.  

Case Number  filled in
Hi My first name
Want to Magdalena Andersson's behalf to thank you for your email concerning a case with the tax authorities.
The Constitution, which is one of Sweden's fundamental laws, there are rules to ensure that an individual minister may not comment, give advice or assistance regarding an individual case handled by another authority, in this case, the Swedish Tax Agency. Our authorities, however, under the supervision of the Parliamentary Ombudsman (JO), where you can turn if they feel that an authority acted improperly. Anyone who considers himself entitled to damages because of any act or omission by a public authority side can turn to the Chancellor of Justice (JK).

Person  name
letter Administrator
Finance Ministry

In  Swedish it  was 
the person  name

October 14 2015
  Below is the  answer  to my  letter  written  in  English  to  them below. .It is  strange   her title is
letter witter. She   cannot write in  English.  .  I translated  in  google but   you  can use  your  own

Stockholm den 13 oktober 2015

Dnr. Case  number

Hej My  name

Vill på Magdalena Anderssons vägnar tacka för ditt mail angående ett ärende hos Skatteverket.

I regeringsformen, som är en av Sveriges grundlagar, finns bestämmelser som innebär att ett enskilt statsråd inte får kommentera, ge råd eller hjälp när det gäller ett enskilt ärende som hanteras av en annan myndighet, i det här fallet Skatteverket. Våra myndigheter står dock under tillsyn av Justitieombudsmannen (JO), dit man kan vända sig om man anser att en myndighet har agerat felaktigt. Den som anser sig vara berättigad till skadestånd på grund av någon åtgärd eller underlåtenhet från en myndighets sida kan vända sig till Justitiekanslern (JK)


I regeringsformen, som är en av Sveriges grundlagar, finns bestämmelser som innebär att ett enskilt statsråd inte får kommentera, ge råd eller hjälp när det gäller ett enskilt ärende som hanteras av en annan myndighet, i det här fallet Skatteverket. Våra myndigheter står dock under tillsyn av Justitieombudsmannen (JO), dit man kan vända sig om man anser att en myndighet har agerat felaktigt. Den som anser sig vara berättigad till skadestånd på grund av någon åtgärd eller underlåtenhet från en myndighets sida kan vända sig till Justitiekanslern (JK).


 oct 2  2015
Dear Magdalena.W. Andersson/ Finance Minister

I  was  told that  you were her  boss and  hired  her. I  am  asking  you  for  at least  1 of  the  items  below l while I  carry on  my  struggle to be able to  live  a  normal life.

I  am requesting  that I  received  my  tax  return  money  which  is not  a surplus
but money  I overpaid to the government. the people  who  unpaid   must pay you  back  at  tax  refund  time.

2. I  be allowed   Jämkning  ( paying  the  correct  taxes  now ) instead  of later which  you pay to allege Debt

3. That  taking of any money from my  pension   be stopped until I had  a court trial which  I am present   and then  allowed  to appeal and  it is  finish.

I  could  understand If  I  owed  the  money  I  would  ask for a payment  plan.
  I believe    you  should  pay  your  debts   but I  also  believe  that  a person is  entitle to their day  in  court   and  not secret  hearing  as has  happen  to me

You  allowing  me   deprivation  of   , electricity  water and other items through out my life  in  Sweden

    I  do  not  know  any brown  skin   person as   I   or   either  black skin at the time   who  owned  a  condominium  in  Sweden  who  is  a foreigner. It  maybe  be  a  few   now but  in  Sweden  it hard  to  break into Swedish  society.

Many  Swedish people  might  commit  suicide  because  they are  in  the  same position   but afraid  or trained  not  to fight   for  their  life  which  they should

I  have  enclosed  one of  the  email  sent  to        HER NAME
which she rejected   even though  it  said  on  the  paper  I had  the  right  to  appeal

It is  hard to understand  how  an  agency   Kronorfogden    (collection Agency )  sold  my   Condominium    over 10 years ago  very  cheap  and now  want  me to pay  interest for   something   they done wrong.

   I  am   an abused woman  who had been abusive  both mental  and physically by  ex Swedish  husband

I  am not asking  you to do something  to help me. In  Italy  the Prime Minister  of  Finance
overruled  the  court   in the  case  below.

see   http://www.thelocal.it/20150924/98-year-old-woman-compensated-for-wwii-riggaly mininster  ( ITmight been taken  off )

  Her legal battle dragged on and earlier this year was rejected by a judge in the Italy's Court of Audit on legal grounds. But Italy's finance ministry subsequently stepped in and granted Rosa the damages.

I  hope  you  not like  the  200 people   on the  beach in Sweden    below who  watch a child drown in   Sweden and no one help
Please ask   erica.wass/  acting rikskronofodge and   ingemar Hansson     General TaxDirector   for   my appeal s about   September 2 2015

I   would like to  know  the   salary   for Acting Rikskronofogden   and  General Tax Director if  you cannot  help  me.  They  seem to think  the
cost  of living   in low  in Sweden and My cost  of  living  has  not   gone  up.

Thank you  for  taking the  time out  of your  busy day to  read  this letter
 My  name

  Do not read google problem  read down


Please return my money to me Urgent 

 oct  2  2015

Dear Magdalena.W. Andersson/ Finance Minister

I  was  told that  you were her  boss and  hired  her. I  am  asking  you  for  at least  1 of  the  items  below l while I  carry on  my  struggle to be able to  live  a  normal life.

I  am requesting  that I  received  my  tax  return  money  which  is not  a surplus
but money  I overpaid to the government. the people  who  unpaid   must pay you  back  at  tax  refund  time.

2. I  be allowed   Jämkning  ( paying  the  correct  taxes  now ) instead  of later which  you pay to allege Debt

3. That  taking of any money from my  pension   be stopped until I had  a court trial which  I am present   and then  allowed  to appeal and  it is  finish.

I  could  understand If  I  owed  the  money  I  would  ask for a payment  plan.
  I believe    you  should  pay  your  debts   but I  also  believe  that  a person is  entitle to their day  in  court   and  not secret  hearing  as has  happen  to me

You  allowing  me   deprivation  of   , electricity  water and other items through out my life  in  Sweden

    I  do  not  know  any brown  skin   person as   I   or   either  black skin at the time   who  owned  a  condominium  in  Sweden  who  is  a foreigner. It  maybe  be  a  few   now but  in  Sweden  it hard  to  break into Swedish  society.

Many  Swedish people  might  commit  suicide  because  they are  in  the  same position   but afraid  or trained  not  to fight   for  their  life  which  they should
I  have  enclosed  one of  the  email  sent  to        HER NAME
which she rejected   even though  it  said  on  the  paper  I had  the  right  to  appeal

It is  hard to understand  how  an  agency   Kronorfogden    (collection Agency )  sold  my   Condominium    over 10 years ago  very  cheap  and now  want  me to pay  interest for   something   they done wrong.

   I  am   an abused woman  who had been abusive  both mental  and physically by  ex Swedish  husband

I  am not asking  you to do something  to help me. In  Italy  the Prime Minister  of  Finance
overruled  the  court   in the  case  below.

see   http://www.thelocal.it/20150924/98-year-old-woman-compensated-for-wwii-riggaly mininster  ( ITmight been taken  off )

  Her legal battle dragged on and earlier this year was rejected by a judge in the Italy's Court of Audit on legal grounds. But Italy's finance ministry subsequently stepped in and granted Rosa the damages.

I  hope  you  not like  the  200 people   on the  beach in Sweden    below who  watch a child drown in   Sweden and no one help
Please ask   erica.wass/  acting rikskronofodge and   ingemar Hansson     General TaxDirector   for   my appeal s about   September 2 2015

I   would like to  know  the   salary   for Acting Rikskronofogden   and  General Tax Director if  you cannot  help  me.  They  seem to think  the
cost  of living   in low  in Sweden and My cost  of  living  has  not   gone  up.

Thank you  for  taking the  time out  of your  busy day to  read  this
 letter   My  name


Is Jon Fredrik Baksaas really one-of-worlds-best-performing-ceos ????????

  October 13  2015

 Is  Jon Fredrik Baksaas really  one-of-worlds-best-performing-ceos  ????????

 I am  still  waiting  for  good will or compensation  from   Jon Fredrik Baksaas  and   his   former  company. I  am soon  to be  involved with his  former company  again..   It  has  been over  about  5 years  but  his  company  does  not  care  about  the  statue  of limitation  or  helping  me.. If  he had helped  me it  would  have  the problems now .   Did  respected Harvard Business Review know or care  about  how he  led  his company ?????????????
Former Telenor head Jon Fredrik Baksaas has been ranked the seventh best-performing chief executive in the world by the respected Harvard Business Review.
Baksaas left the state-controlled mobile phone company in August after a 13-year reign which saw him turn Norway’s national operator into an emerging markets champion with operations in 29 countries.

Someone  forgot  to  remind them  about what Jon Fredrik Baksaas and  his   former company   telenor  did to me.  ?????

Below  are   statements  out  of  my   correspondence 

"Also note that the CEO of Telenor Sweden is Lars-Åke Norling, and not Mr Baksaas to whom you have addressed your complaint previoulsy. Hence, Mr. Baksaas should not be contacted regarding this issue."  
I wrote  him  because   Lars-Åke Norling  did not help and   i thought Jon Fredrik Baksaas  might  care  and  help.  It  is  not to late.

My  email  address @gmail.com

to jfb
Dear Jon Fredrik Baksaas-ceo for  Telenor and  bredband

 and  it  ended


My names

There are  lot of  letters.

What is he going to  do ????? I  will keep you  updated



appeal court case Kristina Svahn Starrsjö - Director General the Swedish Data Protection Authority

 It  was  sent to me  October  5  2015  and  I   will   answer  it too. It  still brings  up  questions

October  6  2015

 Dear My first  name,

The Swedish Data Protection Authority (Datainspektionen) is the supervisory authority according to the Debt Recovery Act. Datainspektionen receives and handles a large number of complaints from individuals. In some cases the complaints can lead to supervision. We decide independently whether to initiate supervision and how it should be conducted. How long time the supervision takes is individual, a couple of months is common, sometimes more and sometimes less.

The decision after supervision is sometimes published at Datainspektionen’s website as a press release. Also, according to the principle of public access to official records, the public has the possibility to turn to Datainspektionen to access more information, e.g. the decision after supervision or information about whether a company is under investigation or not, provided the information is not classified.

Best regards
Her  namr
Legal Adviser
The Swedish Data Protection Authority


 Hur skydddar  i  manniskor  i Sverije mot olagliga beteenden 

av  inkasso/kredit  foretaget  )

How do you protect people in Sweden against illegal behavior collection/credit companies ?

SEPT  28 2015
 Who can protect people  in  Sweden against illegally  behavior  from Collection/Credit  Companies
 sept 24  2015
Kristina.Svahn-Starrsjo -General
The Swedish Data Protection Authority
and as her voice
Legal Adviser

Collection/Credit   Companies  who   not  follow the  law
I have  a  direct  question  to you
There  are many companies  in Sweden  who  do  not follow the  law of  the
Statue  of  Limitation  of  3  years  even  if  the    Debts  is not   owed like mine

 You wrote  you  can  stop it. I would like  to  complain in  Public because  these  are  companies and  they  deliberately are  doing  wrong. I  am  suppose to  be  still under   secret  address  so  I am forced to do it myself just  because" I wrote  I  never would  feel safe.'I am forced to help myself  the  best  I   can

[Just be aware that your complaint can become a public document. This means that anyone has the right to take part of what you have written to us so long as the information contained in your complaint is not protected by confidentiality. Do you want to remain anonymous, the best advice is to send the complaint by post without disclosing your personal data. ? 

 See below in  Swedish.

Is  there  any  Government  Agency  who  can  stop  them  on  the  behalf  of Tax Payers like me  without   using our names.? Then   we can  sue then in  regular court after you  showed  their  illegal   behavior They  are  out to  Blackmail people  because they know  if they do not pay they will not  be  able to rent  have a phone  electricity  etc  That  might  be  reason` many  Swedish,people  commit suicide  in  Sweden
  They  are  embarrassed  and  afraid  and   companies know that  since the Kronofogden  (Government  Agencies  works  against many  people  who  do not  owe money and sell property  like mine  in  Stockholm cheaply and  still want us to  pay  10 years  their  for their mistakes It can  be one of  there many reasons  people in Sweden  commit Suicide. ()Det kan vara en av de många orsaken svenska, människor begår självmord i Sverige )

Please email me  that  you received  this email.  Also answer  by email if you want to make sure  I received  your mail. You may send  by snail or regular   mail too if  you  must. This  was documented  by the  post  office. that  I do not always receive my mail.

 My name

New Message


 sept 15 2015

Is the correct Behavior or Practice from an collection Agency in Sweden ?

    Dear   2 jurist   and  Kristina.Svahn-Starrsjo  -atainspektionen   chef
Jurist, Datainspektionen
I would like  to know if  I can  sue  them for damages, harassment , or not following the law etc. . The  Debt  is false  and  the    status of  Limitation  is up . I written  them  a  letters years ago

that I do not owe that  debt.  Can  I  be  consistently  be  harassed  by the  Bank Collection  Agency.Your  answer  will help me understand  the  statue  of limitation  and be  harassed  by  a Collection  company that is   owed  by  a  bank

   I had  filed a  claim in   the  renters  court  and  the Judge  told  me  that  nothing  could   be done  because  I  had  bought  a  house.The  Judge  said  I moved  and  the problem was solved and  could not  sue them for  discrimination  harassment  and everything  they done to me.
  I moved in 2005 I  had  called  the  Renter  Union    earlier about  the building  they  came out.and  document  everything  that  was  wrong but  they did  nothing because  the  Renters  Union  was  to weak. They  agreed  the  items I wrote  to them  was wrong for the  company  to do to me.. The   
Apartment building   discrimination  against me and  was  not  doing things  legally.  

Their  letter to me below
We have  received Your e/mail date  August  22
The debt concerns  unpaid rent to Company name  for the  following month
mars 2004 April 2004 may  2004     June 2004

The Debt has  not  be  settled  by  a  default judgment  in 2005. We have after  that sent  You a number of reminders letters without any relation  from YOU.The  case  was  sent  to  Konofogden in2012. The Statue of  Limitation  has  therefore  not  expired.

Since  the debt still  has  not  been we will continue   sending reminders  letter for payment.

Please do not  hesitate  to contact  us.If You have any further questions  regarding  this  case

Best Regards

Marginale  bank chairman  has  asked to send the letter to me  below

Name  Operativ  chef  wrot on behalf  of Peter LÖNNQUIST  Acting  Chair man    (VD 9of  Marginale bank    in charge  of  Inkasso MarginALE.


Please email me  that  you received  this email.  Also answer  by email if you want to make sure  I received  your mail. You may send  by snail or regual   mail if  you  must. this  was documented  by the  post  office. that  I do not always receive my mail 

My name
sept  13 2015

"Can you  trust  a  Swedish  Credit Company or Rating  ?????

The Data Protection Authority supervises that authorities, companies, organizations and individuals follow:

The Credit Information Act

."Negligence on the part of a credit-rating agency can result in a liability to pay damages and those responsible may be fined or imprisoned." It  seems like  in my  case  /the Date  authority  led by Kristina Svahn Starrsjö   does  not  do their job.in201 Many collection  Agencies  or credit  rating Agency  in Sweden are  not doing  their job. As you  can  see in my case . Charging  people who  do not  have bills or owe money.  The  Data Protection  Agency  ** Datainspektion  should be abolish.( Datainspektionen  gör  ej   sitt jobb .Du  kan inte  tro pa  skulder eller rating i Sverije. Read what happen or happening  to me.///
Sept  12 2015
I received  this answer  Sept 11 2015  by email and   I will  try to understand  it  but  before  this  I  had  sent  another letter  to them that  you  have  read  earlier.
I am sure  that    Attorney  or  Lawyers.  would  understand  everything right  away.

i My name ,
The Swedish Data Protection Authority (DPA) is a public authority. Our task is to protect the individual's privacy in the information society. The DPA is a supervisory authority and one of our tasks is to contribute to compliance with the Credit Information Act. The DPA handles complaints and carries out inspections in order to contribute to compliance with the mentioned Act. The DPA receives questions and complaints regarding personal data handled by credit rating agencies and the way debt-collection companies and the Swedish Enforcement Authority handle debts. All complaints do not lead to an inspection carried out by the DPA.

The DPA will currently not take any actions based on the information that you have provided to us. The DPA can only give binding information in decisions in connection to inspections. Furthermore, I cannot give you any recommendations or make any declarations regarding the legal procedure carried out by the Swedish Enforcement Authority or the debt-collection company that you mention in your message. I recommend you to contact them in order to get a clarification about your case. 

I can give you general information about the provisions of the Credit Information Act based on the questions in your messages.

The record for payment default is drawn up in a register by a credit rating agency. The register contains notes about persons and companies that have not paid their debts on time. A record for payment default may be the result of, e.g., a default judgment issued by the courts, or debt(s) registered with the Enforcement Authority, a default judgment from the district court, an unsuccessful seizure attempt, the decision on debt restructuring and residual implemented taxes and fees.

You have no right to have a record for payment default removed from the register of a credit rating agency, but if the register contains data about you that is inaccurate or misleading the agency has to correct it. To assess whether the data is inaccurate or misleading, the prevailing circumstances at the time the note was added must be considered. You can find further information on the link below regarding situations in which the DPA considers that data should be corrected (in Swedish):

If you consider that data regarding you is inaccurate or misleading, you should contact the credit rating agency and request correction. The agency is obliged to promptly investigate the issue.

If the inaccurate or misleading data has been taken from the register of the Swedish Enforcement Authority, you should turn to the Swedish Enforcement Authority instead to get the data corrected. If the Swedish Enforcement Authority corrects the data, a notification will be sent automatically to the credit rating agencies. The decisions of the Swedish Enforcement Authority regarding correction issues can be appealed to the administrative court.

A debt-collection company that has caused an inaccurate record for payment default should inform the nationwide credit rating agencies about the inaccuracy according to good practice. If you are unsatisfied with a correction, or if the credit rating agency considers that a correction is not needed, you can turn to the DPA. The DPA then investigates whether your complaint should lead to an inspection of the credit rating agency or not.

Her  name
Jurist, Datainspektionen
Tfn Her  number


 This is my answer to the letter send  to me below.
Dear her name /Legal Advisor
Sept 11  2015

The  various  credit companies is not  following  the accepted practices  and  you  are   suppose to stop them
They  should  have never   have  this  case in the  1st place.  and taking  of any money  should  stop until this  is investigated and  settled

1. The Collection Agencies  are not parties to my case.  They  just bought  it.  Is  that true  and  what  are  the  facts nameplates  etc.

2..    . They  have never  showed the original contacting.they  have  been there  with
their hands  out  taking money  to make me suffer

3.How did  the Collection  Company  end up  with  case  I think  after  10 years
They  said  1  day  before    statue  of   limitation 10  years. How did it  happen and who  was involved? It  had  been undersold
 4..My condominium  was sold  for a very  low price.Everyone  in the  world  knows  the
High  cost of property  specially  in  Täby   Community.STOCKHOLM
(Täby kommun)
  a  very  high  area  in  Stockholm.. It  was  deliberately  sold for a low  amount because I am brown not  black  a foreigner .See  the child NOT ANYONE  WOULD HELP

5..I  was   forced to move with only  2  days notice  on a  holiday  weekend.  I was sick and  afraid  Due to my  ex violent  and  abusive  husband

6.My  ex  had  friends  in the  government   law  and politics at  the  time

7.They  are NOT  collecting  much  in interest race  by the National  bank.e central bank of Sweden left its benchmark repo rate unchanged at -0.35 percent on September 2nd, 2015. Interest Rate in Sweden . I  tell I am suffering they   just laugh  at me. They  are  collecting  to  high.

8..Why  are  they  collecting  interest  and not  mortgage.  How  is this  done  in economy where any  lost amount  of money can  change   a life  style.

When  was  it  supposed to end ?  A collection  is    not  suppose to  be  about only interest
9.  I  was forced  to   pay  a higher down payment than  usual  in order  to buy it  
company which   gave me the  terms.
10. The collect  Company missed the  term  by the  Restate Company  ( they  sold the condominium   to me  (   and I never went  to  the  bank )
11. I was paying  rent  to the condominium  and my others bills  each month..It should never have  happened.

12. there  are  other  points  I  am not  an Attorney and  feel the  Eu  or  EC    can   deal with  it  better  due to
Sweden's true  feeling towards   Foreigner,  and  me
13.  I  worked in  the  Swedish  Society and  did  a  great job  and had  recommendations  by   by  supervisor but  I was  and am  not  treated   like  a  Human Being  when asking
for  my  right  as  a person  paying  Taxes in  Sweden



 Sept 10 2015

 I  had   good  day today  I  received  an answer to my email from Kristina Svahn Starrsjö - Director General  the Swedish Data Protection Authority  . It seemed  she  had  appointed a    competent Legal  advisor  to answer my mail.

Legal Advisor: Job Description and Education Requirements


Typically, legal advisors are lawyers specialized in a specific field of the law and are employed to prevent their clients from any legal implications or consequences. Individuals or organizations may seek the expertise of a legal advisor after a legalbattle has already ensued for a recommendation on a plan of action.


Dear Kristina Svahn Starrsjö - Director General  the Swedish Data Protection Authority
September  2 2015
case numbers  - I am  not  sure  they  are  correct due  to court  trials happen be hide close  doors without my acknowledge

 I am sending  this to  you  because  you  are  the ceo  or  General Director  of your Agency and  a miscarriage of  Justice  has  been happening  for many years. Only  you  have the  power  to do it yourself or appoint someone  who can or  sending to someone  who can.I  have  been complaining for  years  how  and   about various people  who  were doing  wrong. Please   take  care  of the  part that involves your agency.
 OBS I  will  acknowledge  on  my  page  below any  document  I receive  because in the past many have been lost. Also the Post Office

  acknowledge  I do not  receive  all my  mail.  Send  it by email  if  you want  me to receive it   and it by  regular if  you must too. Also acknowledge by email when you receive my documents.

 WHICH decision you appeal

1.  That the  Tax Authority  has given  Kronofodgen   the  right  to take  over 1000 Swedish Kronor each month    from my low  pension on a debt not owed 

That my name    be  immediately taken off the Debt  list  until  this case  is  settled

3.. A real trial held with  me being there.

4. That Collection  company  Lindorff Svergie AB. or any other   Collection Agency involved  be taken off  the  case and the  real parties involved be included.   

5. All money pay  back with high  interest and  damages.

 6. Why did Kronofogden  sold  my  condominium in  Stockholm without being  a  hearing    and   for the lowest  amount they could  get paid

7. Explained exactly  how  after l day before  10 years   kronofogden selling  my Condominium  take up their  claim and  start  taking  money  not  owed   out  salary  and  now pension for a apartment  they  sold

8. I  be allowed  to live  rent  free  in my condominium apartment  sold illegally.  If  not  find  in  that building  that I  approve of  until it is  settled

 9.I  am allowed  find  an   internationally   attorney or Lawyers   outside  of  Sweden  to take my case  to the  EU  or  EC

10.. There are other  reasons  but  due  to the  fact   I am not   an Lawyer    or  Attorney  cannot  think of it 

Why you think the decision should be changed and what change you want

1   The Tax Authority  has stopped .Kronofodgen    before  by     making  lower  or  stopped it.It  is not  a  real Debt.The  property  was  sold  so  low  .I could  have  sold it  myself for much  more.

2.My name should  not  be on  a  List that  ruins  my life  for  trial for  a  case  never   heard  in the  court   or  I knew  about.


3.It is  the  Swedish  Law that  I should  have  had  a  trial with me  being  there. It was   drilled into my head  by   Swedish courses people  in authority and Swedish Taxpayers and  people  who  knew about Sweden 

4.The  Collection Agency Lindoff Sverige AB  are  not parties involved in this case.The Restate Company which make the  agreement  and the  Bank they  made  an  agreement with  are  the  only  parties  involved. Any other  parties would  be  wrong

  5.The money  should repaid  to me with  high  interest  due to   my condominium  in  Stockholm was   deliberately  sold  my    for a low price.  They  forced me 
to  lived a  life  unlike  I was used  to if they  had  not  sold  it.. Things I  was  not legally  being  able  to rent
buy  proper clothing  food  heath  care  etc  for my self  and  dog

6.The apartment  should never  have  been sold  for  high price  it  was  a penthouse on the highest floor with a  great  view.
I paid  my rent and  the loan  as  agreed on by the  restate company

7.Explain in detail    how  Kronofogden step by step just  1  day before 10 years  they could start   taking money  from  me   every month because  they  sold it to low. Was  it  really 
10 years ? 
In Stockholm  people  always  want  to  live there and  there  is  a market. It  was  Racist  motivated because  I  was a  foreigner  a  brown skin  and  not  A black  skin foreigner.  I  am one  of the  few   I  do not  know  or heard  of  another  case at that  time .

It  was my  home  and   due  the  fact  I was  under  secret address and  The  Tax  Director in Sweden Täby lied to keep me and my information  secret.  My  apartment  should be  return  and   rent  free  due to   the nightmare I have   been  put through. I was  suppose  to  get help and  I  was not  asking  for  money

9. 9.See    the story  below  not  1  person help  a drowning  5  years old. Also woman  killed  her  children  in  a  situation  like  mine  years ago.  It  was  wrong but think  if someone  did this to someone  you loved  or yourself.
Why  would  they help me?  I have  tried   and  been told  by an
American  Attorney  practicing here  that  I cannot  get  justice  in Sweden

10. Since  I am not  Attorney  or Lawyers  do not know all my rights. What  they  seemed  to have  drilled  in head  seems to be  wrong about  how  right and  Justice  the  Law  in  Sweden  is.. It is  changing  strongly  but there  is a  strong  Racist Party in the  Government anti foreigners  even though  we  have  worked and  contribute  to
great lives  for some  people in Sweden as  I have  done.

The proof you need to bring and what to strength

.1. Check the Kronofogden Tax Records
and  the Tax  Authorities record  and  it  would show how  they could  lower  or  higher  it  whenever  they  want. They  have  the  power  to  do it
and  have  done  it.

.2. My  name  has  been on  and  off  the    Bad Debit more than  once in the last 10 year  they have  been  taking money. Check with the  proper Agency

3. There  were  never papers  signed  by me to show  it  was  served as  everyone  tells me it is  stated  in the  law. The
post office  was  even  aware  that  I did not  always  get  my  mail. 

4.  The  Collection Agency  are not  party  on the case  and  never produced the  real  Contract which was  between me and the  Restate  company  and I was   forced  to  pay more  than higher  for  the  down payment  ( hand penny)

Show  how much  they paid to take over the  case and  who  they  talked  with


5. The  real contract  be Allowed from  the  restate  office  be allowed  . I was forced to pay more  than the market price  for  down-payment (hand penny ). I  could not buy  it if  I did  not. Interest  was  higher before. Explain  why   they  were  charging  me  for   interest  and  not  mortgage

.6.I  It  was  sold  for  to low  amount  and  yet   it  was  Penthouse  condominium  in  Stockholm

7. the apartment was  sold  to quickly. Was  it sold  to a  relative  friend?  What   was  the time limited  and  having  about  2  days to move in  a holiday   for a woman living in   fear  was  wrong

8. All the  evidence  collected  and let  me move  in the  apartment immediately or one  close by due  to how  I   have  been treated

9. My  case  should  have  been  done properly and  If  I could have  found  an  attorney  in Sweden it would have  gone differently. .My  whole life would  have  been better . I   want  to prevent what happen to me to happen to anyone else.

10.This  would  never have happen if  I knew the  rules.  I want to make  sure  that not anyone  has to live  the  way I have  done and make the same  mistakes. I am  sure some of things that  has happen  to  me internationally it  is wrong  because  it  goes against  human right  or maybe even  civil  rights.