
SAVING JOHNNY Depp Dogs and other pets

Johnny Depp Dogs sadly left their owners  to  fly home  in Luxury

 May  17 2015
  .The  Dogs really  feel  it  more  than they  realize and money or Luxury will not  change that .

I  am glad that  the  Dogs  left even though  it was  on a corporate  jet Luxury with   extra room  to  fit me and my  dog. They had  been living in  Luxury at Mick Doohan beautiful  house.

 ""But federal Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane said the owner was given the option of taking them out of the country and bringing them back in if he so wishes through a proper process.i 
I wonder if the  owner who  are poor cannot  pay to live  the country  can do it on   on  credit or  do they  kill them     ? 

"it  is  along flight  and big  adventure without your owners  but  at least  Pistol and  Boo  are traveling   in the lap of  Luxury "

I bet Pistol  and  Boo  would  trade  that lUxury to  just  be  with  their owners.. I hope  Johnny Depp and  his  wife  Amber Heard really understand and miss their  Dogs. Their  Dogs  are  very  very  very  sad.

Below  see  the beautiful   plan that  JohnnoDeo Dog  went  home in


May 16 2015
Since   I am not in my native  California but  Sweden. I don't really know  what  is true  or  not. I hope that  this  case brings a spotlight on  that   animals and their Owners.

I will  say  again say  use  quarantined   if necessary but  always let the owner stay with the pet or  at home  and not allowed out.

No animal ( Dog)  or  otherwise  should  be killed due the owner carelessness.

I gave  up food  etc  on my income  to  get  my  dog  a passport  

when I  able  to  leave.

I hope  this  has  a  good  ending and  all  the  rest  of the  animals even  Johnny  Depp
2 innocent  Dogs

May 15 2015

The  Australian authorities  threaten  to kill Johnny depp  Dog  is  wrong. Some people called it  to  put  down.  

 The reason  is the  agriculture minister did not step back from the threat to put the dogs down, saying "Australia’s strict biosecurity laws were in place to protect local flora and fauna.  Quarantine  with  the owner"
is  fair.Animals  miss  their owners . Dogs  have  feeling too do not  punish the  dog for  the  owner  mistake

The  Dogs  should  be    under house quarantines  and not allowed to leave until  they  have the proper shots 
to protect the  dogs  and  other  animals etc  who  can  be  sick

If  quarantined  away from the owner.  the owner be allowed to see the animals everyday. Otherwise  the owners  should be able to stay at the  same  place the  dog is. It is the same as taking away  your child  or someone other family member. This applies to  all pets . 
This has  brought up something  far more  important  that  a  Dog  is not  just a  dog but  part of a  family.
some people have come to realize  that and  maybe more will  now. Laws  should  be  changed  for  everyone .

The question  of  stateless is wrong. again. the  dog  should  be  quarantined  and the  rules  above followed

 Amber Heard I   hope you   love your  dogs too. There  are  so many rumor it is hard to know  what is  the  truth.

Australia  is just  trying to protect their  animals  but my  way  will help  both sides so QUARANTINE  them.


Act of Kindness by people,companies etc


Det nordiska arbetsmarknadsprogrammet Nordjobb kan erbjuda ovanligt många sommarjobb i år.

June 5  2016
Sommar Jobs  for foreigners teenagers  in  Sweden  who  have  knowledge  of  Swedish.
This  will be a big   act  of kindness if  the Foreigners  who  speak  Swedish   or  Foreigner  born  in Sweden  get  a chance  to  earn money  and new  experience.  They  are usually  left  out. Also  poor Swedlish people  children  who  are  in  need  of money
The accommodation is free and pay about 120 crowns per hour, plus the ob -ons . But it is not all that should apply for the job . It is also continuing in the ad :
Many  many Swedish  people  of  foreign  background  and  Swedish  who  need  sommer  maybe  find  a  job  for the  summer. I consider  anyone  born in  sweden  or   who become  Swedish  citizens  Swedish but many  people  here  do not.
"Det nordiska arbetsmarknadsprogrammet Nordjobb kan erbjuda ovanligt många sommarjobb i år."
I  hope this  program  does  what  it  says  and  find  many  teenager
sommer  job  some  for the  experience  and others Nordic  country.
I  was  once  went ot  program   by the  EU  where  the  staff  children  got  paid  and I did  not  for helping out  the last  day.  Also  once  a  week they  brought  food  etc  for  themselves 

Good  Luck

Det nordiska arbetsmarknadsprogrammet
"Vi har arbetsgivare som erbjuder väl betalda sommarjobb, men ändå inte hittar personal. Vill man ha jobb i sommar är mitt tips att man hör av sig till oss direkt", säger verksamhetsutvecklaren på Nordjobb, Alma Sandberg, i ett pressmeddelande.
På Nordjobbs hemsida söker just en arbetsgivare efter unga nordbor som vill arbeta på fiskfabrik på norra Grönland.
”Ni kan inte räkna med internet i byn, eller avloppssystem för den delen, det går, dock, att få mobilsignal”, står det i annonsen som är märkt med Brådskande.
Boendet är gratis och lönen omkring 120 kronor i timmen, plus ob-tillägg. Men det är inte alla som bör söka jobbet. Det står också vidare i annonsen:
”Detta jobb är för folk som är sugna på en unik upplevelse/utmaning i sommar och är mentalt starka nog.”
För de lite vekare finns bland annat jobb på djurmatsfabrik i Norge, vandrarhem på isländska landsbygden, restaurangpersonal i centrala Köpenhamn eller jobb på en färöisk bondgård.
Nordjobb är ett program som finansieras av Nordiska ministerrådet, Föreningarna Norden, medverkande arbetsgivare samt nationella arbetskraftsmyndigheter. Programmet riktar sig till ungdomar mellan 18 och 28 år som vill ha ett sommarjobb i ett annat nordiskt land. Varje år förmedlas cirka 750 jobb till nordiska ungdomar genom Nordjobb.
Unga i andra nordiska länder kan söka jobb i Stockholm. Sommarjobben finns främst inom äldreomsorgen, sjukvården samt turistbranschen. Även lastbilschaufförer är eftertraktade.
”Det är viktigt att åtminstone kunna göra sig förstådd på svenska och visa att man är flexibel och inte rädd för att prova på nya saker. Har man det med sig kan vi erbjuda en sommar med arbete, bostad och sociala aktiviteter i en av Europas vackraste städer”, säger Alma Sandberg i pressmeddelandet.
It is important to at least be able to make themselves understood in Swedish and show that you are flexible and not afraid to try new things . If you have it with them , we can offer a summer of work, housing and social activities in one of Europe 's most beautiful cities , "said Alma Sandberg in the press release .

May 12  2015

Li Jinyuan chairman  and  founder of  Tiens  Group   act  of Kindness  to about  6400 employees 

  •  Jinyuan  LI  took about  6400 employees on a trip to France

  • He booked up 140 hotels in Paris and 4,760 rooms

  • France is expected to be 33million Euros better off thanks to the all-expenses-paid staff trip.

  • This  is the  way  employees  should  be  treated. This  I have  read is not the  first  time   another  time  they went to the  United  States 

  •  "The tour group -- the largest to visit the country -- was given a private tour of the Louvre museum and a private shopping session at luxury department store Galeries Lafayette during their four-day trip "

  • Read more  about   at  http://edition.cnn.com/2015/05/11/asia/china-france-company-holiday/ and  other  sites.

  • It  makes me  feel good to  read  or  hear  about  things  like  this  that happen

  • 5/10/15

    Companies who binding time are not true.Save time begin here first

    May10 2015

    1. TeliaSonnera  <TELIA >
    Companies who  binding  time  are not  true.

    There are many companies  in Sweden which use

    false  advertisement  like  TeliaSonera  They are called Telia  by most people in   Sweden.,. Those Companies  advertize  there  is not any binding time.  but that is  not  true.

    If  that was  true I  will be a member   of  thm.  because it means you pay from month  to month. Then      everyone would  be  a  part of it. 

    Many people  who like me  are  embarrassed humiliation  when   we go to   sign up  and  are  rejected. the reason is  simple  they  are not open for everyone. It is useless it he   Consumer  bureau  because they  are on the  side  of many companies.

    I have  tired and  complained  but nothing  has happen 

    On the  Stock Market TeliaSonera like to  a lot of  money to ceo who do not do their    job.. the Stockholder could  be  earning  more  money or have more 

    If any company changes  their policy and pays  for  humiliation they  have  caused me  etc

        then  I will remove  them