June 23 2014
june 20 2014
I had a nightmare because of everything that happen yesterday.
June 19 2014 Would this make you feel sick and not safe ?
JuNE 18 2014
Is Sweden a Police State ? Is your country the same ?
Dog is traumatize by the police and the Social workers.
He could not protect his housewhole. He scream now and his behavior has changed.
Does the 4police come to your house without a warrant and made the dog sick
by checking your house when everyone inside said not to do it ?
june 20 2014
I had a nightmare because of everything that happen yesterday.
dream I was somewhere and they want to give special ID cards to all
foreigner regardless if were refuges or foreigners. they want to put
me in a camp like
the Concentration Camp the Jewish people were forced to live in
I called Swedish television expresen tv 4 aftonbladlet they were not interested.
They believe that the Police has the right to
come into your home without any warning and search. Think about
you being anywhere and anonymous person calls the police. they can
come in.
The Social came back today. they refused to write
down anything with 3 social workers. They tried to call the police to
come out again. I guess the police
have other more
important things to do than search houses without any warrant
ordered by anonymous people. They have a hard job
Well now you know how the Police and Scocial workers work in Sweden.
I had a nightmare because of everything that happen yesterday.
dream I was somewhere and they want to give special personal to all
foreigner regardless if were ref or foreigners. they want to put
me in a camp like
the Concentration Camp the Jewish people were forced.
I called Swedish television expresen tv 4 aftonbladlet they were not interested
most of the staff gone because of the holiday
They believe that the Police has the right to
come into your home without any warning and search. Think about
you being anywhere and anonymous person calls the police. they can
come in.
The Social came back today. they refused to write
down anything with 3 social workers. They tried to call the police to
come out again. I guess the police
have other more
important things to do than search houses without any warrant
ordered by anonymous people. They have a hard job
Well now you know how the Police and Scocial workers work in Sweden.
I called Swedish television expresen tv 4 aftonbladlet they were not interested
most of the staff gone because of the holiday
They believe that the Police has the right to
come into your home without any warning and search. Think about
you being anywhere and anonymous person calls the police. they can
come in.
The Social came back today. they refused to write
down anything with 3 social workers. They tried to call the police to
come out again. I guess the police
have other more important things to do than search houses without any warrant ordered by anonymous people. They have a hard job
Well now you know how the Police and Scocial workers work in Sweden.
June 19 2014 Would this make you feel sick and not safe ?
I feel so sick and cannot eat but must force myself due to not feeling safe.
Knowing that Sweden is like a police state that the police can come into my
where ever I am without a warrant and because of an anonymous source.
I had problems with my neighbor trying to sic his dog on me on more than one ocacion ( trying to make his dog bit me his dog bit or attached not one policeman showed up or when my husband raped . There are other instance. In this case 4 police showed up unannounced and demanded or else they would break down the door.It was not a good situation
JuNE 18 2014
Is Sweden a Police State ? Is your country the same ?
In Sweden they do not need a warrant to search your house.
I was shocked and now feel afraid because when I was visiting someone the police said they had to come or they would break the door down.
First there were 2 police people.and 2 social workers. then 3 more police came.
It was a horrible situation
Where were the police when I needed them
They was looking for the woman nephew who was a
child and not going to school . This is summer and there is not
any school/
She said she was American and they could not do it. They said " this is Sweden and we can do it. "
Police supervisor said to the woman Listen to me quietly
and if say one word I will hang up. when she was speaking to
the police supervisor to ask if they need a written warrant They
were looking for a child under 15