
Unions (Union) to join or not to join.

October1 2013

 The  reason while  I like and believe in Unions  is  because  when  I worked in Sweden'

I  worked all the  time.  I mean  Saturday and  Sunday  and nights many times.   

My  salary  was good  and they  wanted me  to   pay back money and  said  I  received too

There  was  a court  trial  paid  by the  Union  but  I had to  FORCE  the attorney to help me to make  me  ready  for Swedish courts. I won the   case  and my  employer
backed  me  up in court.

Another   time-

I   was   in the  Renters  Union in  Sweden  and    they  wrote  about the  bad  condition when they   came  out   and saw   them. They  did nothing  about  my  conditions  I  had   overpaid  for them  and  soon  will  seek  my money  back
I will   keep   you  informed

september 3o 2o13

Swedish pensions dump 'union-busting' Walmart

The state-managed funds that invest Swedes' pension contributions have retracted all their investments in Walmart
due to concerns over how the American retail giant treats its employees.

see  the  story  at http://www.thelocal.se/50516/20130930

The  Pension   lower  my  housing  supplement    because their  employee  knew  more  about  the  the  size of my house than me. Do  they  really  ??? It  was less  than 50  kronors
to punish me for  complaining.

The  Pension system   call  foreigners    vulgar    and  racial  slur    They  did nothing.

Read  the  article  Anna Skarhed Chancellor  of  Justice on  my  blog

My  belief is  that I believe in good ones  and  will explain  more  tomorrow.

I agree with 1 comment and partially  with the other  comment   below

 "I am very sure Walmart does not need their funds and couldn't care less. Walmart follows US's rules.
The only ones to lose are Swedish workers who will not get a better return for their investment.
For this reason, i think I am going to get involved in politics, I hate to think that some self-righteous pension fund board can use my pension contribution for such activism. "

I think  the  workers  should  vote  on  it.

"Why do pension funds take such arguments in consideration when it comes to investing people's well earned pensions. The only thing that matters is profitability and the ability to increase pension income. I want my pensionfund to be managed with rationality and financial sanity and not influenced by highly subjective "ethics".

Unions are killing companies by forcing them to pay unrealistic wages and benefits, getting rid of them should be an absolute priority and Wallmart should be giving credit for not giving into the union demands. There are plenty of countries and markets that work perfectly fine without unions, also in Sweden."

I think  some  unions have  helped others  not. It  is up  to the  person  to  vote  for the  right  people  and  get  rid of  the ones who do not  represent  them


Treatment of the Elderly and etc.

September  29 2013

They authorities   try to  say they did not  turn her   down but they  did.

I have  been  in that  situation   so many  times  I have lost  count.

I  agree   with the  person who wrote the  comments  below

 "This woman is from the generation of Swedes that contributed in building this once farmland into a first class nation. She worked hard, paid her taxes and today when she request to live her remaining days next to her husband in dignity, it turns out that it is not the government responsibility for her care? You are saying her enslavement to arbitrary social conventions, sacrifices while paying taxes has been in vain??

  •   She didn't ask for medical care, she asked for assisted living. At 84 years old. Its a reasonable request given the average lifetime contributions of somebody her age. This is why elections are held. So Swedes can decide if their welfare state exists to benefit themselves above others or others above themselves"
  • Elderly woman leaps to death after care 'refusal'

    Published: 26 Sep 2013 16:07 CET
    Read  about  it at the  link


    An 84-year-old woman in western Sweden committed suicide on Thursday by throwing herself off her own balcony during a meeting with case officers there to determine whether she could live in an elderly home.
    The woman who died had asked for help from the municipality, which is near Gothenburg on the west coast of Sweden. She had requested permission to move into a elderly care home with her husband, but to her understanding, was refused.

    "She wanted help, she was old, she couldn't manage any longer. She wanted someone to take care of her in her elderly days," one of the deceased woman's grandchildren told Sveriges Television (SVT).




    Home School

    I  have  heard  that Sweden  has  started Home  Schooling   again.
      Many  people  have  left  the country  because  of it. I will be  glad  when all   have heard  the  good  news and  will  return.
    Sweden is  a country where  everyone  has   freedom   of  Education
    I  will  send   a letter  to   find  out  the  exact date-Prime Minister  in  Sweden Fredrik Reinfeld it  has  started


    Anna Skarhed Chancellor of Justice - vulgar names and racial slur allowed in Sweden

    September  20 2013
    Jävla Utlänning eller  Mother F..... are   accept  to call a foreigner  in Sweden.

     Anna Skarhed Chancellor  of Justice in Sweden allows foreigners to be  called  vulgar  names
     and  racist  slurs
    I thought  by asking  for  compensation  and  the  way I was  treated it would   put  a  stop  to anyone
    calling  foreigners thoses  names.
    Below  is   the  copy  of  the  letter  sent to me.

     Re: Your claim for compensation

    I hereby conñrm that the Offlce of the Chancellor of Justice has received
    your e-mail dated September 2, 2013.

    In that e-mail you state that someone representing the Swedish Pension
    Agency has insulted you over the phone. The phone call made you feel bad
    and you claim compensation from the Swedish government.

    Of course it is regrettably if you have been treated incorrectly by someone
    representing the Swedish Pension Agency. However, on the basis of the
    Very brief information you present in your e-mail, the Office of the
    Chancellor of Justice has decided not to take any further action regarding
    your claim for compensation.



    Karin Ahlstrand Oxhamre

    Postal address Visitors' address Phone (switchboard) Fax E-mail
    BOX 2308 Birger  Torg l2  46 8 405 10 00  46 8 723 03 57 registrator@justitiekanslern.se

    SE-103 17 STOCKHOLM


    problem on google.

    There  is problem on update   date  and  saving. I will  return  as  soon  a  it is  fixed or
    do it  another  method.  Thank  you for  reading  what  happened  to  my life  and the
    people  who care  or  make  it worst


    Racists tried to kill baby under 2 years old

     Racists  tried to  kill a child in  Sweden under 2.

    You may wonder as  I  do  how  can  this  happen ? Would  you  have  stepped in or tried to help ?
    The woman who  stepped in to help  should  get  an  award
    Why  did anyone  not  help
    I will let  you know  when and if they find  them the  Racist

    see  in  English  at

     http://www.dn.se/nyheter/sverige/pappa-och-ettaring-mordhotade/   in  swedish  in  the  Dagen  nyheter or  other  swedish  newspapers


    Bill Gates microsoft chairman temporary post

    September 5 2013

    Someone  who know  Bill william  Gates   chairman  at  Microsoft tell him  to  read  his  mail PLEASE

    This  post  will  move   to    Bill  Gates Microsoft post when  the  site  is  fully working again.

    He has not  answered  my important mail.
    ``Help People and Business Throughout the World Realize Their Full Potential   ```

    That  above  sentence  is   from  Microsoft  do  you  see them  helping me   get
    water  heat  or housing.  Is that  he helps  rich  people  or the ones  who
    people  would  write  about.

    Otherwise   paying  for the improvements   I have made  in his  company  which they now  use
    and  change   my  windows  8  to windows    7

    This  says alot about his company or maybe  people working   are  keeping his  mail  from  him.

    I have  sent the mail  to various  address you  or someone  may know him  or he  just  does  not

    I will  keep you  updated  only  time  will  tell