August 11 2013
Who does the Försakringkassan believe the person or any one working in a government company without proof.
August 7 2013
August 4 2013
This is about the housing supplement which even the King get which
has nothing to do with the Social Department. Except the king does not
need any proof. This is money we have paid with our taxes as public insurance.
I talked to the woman from the Förskringkassan on Friday she was nice and
admitted that without any proof they took away the money that was suppose to be given to me. She said that that it depends on where
you live and your Neighbors bank loan etc. I told her I would like to see it in writing. Also other times that that agency did not pay me the correct amount of money. I am not waiting for some answers. I thought she was going to talk to me about other matters.
She is going to write it up as a appeal again even though I already had
wrote one. What they usually do is lower my money when I complain and do not accept the appeal. An on going policy
I asked if they had the name and title of the person please give it or else
sent me the money.Money was taken from me because someone in a government -agency said your house was smaller.
On the other hand I remember people complaining me King 's Daughter in New York Princess Madeline living in New York -city can just ask the government
for more money without any proof.
I will let you know if the tax payer can be punished financially without any proof.
August 7 2013
Dan Eliasson had someone answer my mail. I will talk at 10 a.m on Friday morning with
someone who represents him.
someone who represents him.
My money was taken on unsustainable proof. They said my house was a certain measurement which was never measured by anyone.I am asking if they sent the money with interest today if they cannot tell me the name of the person who measured it and the date.They have punished every time I complained that my
housing supplement was to small except one time it was raised for two months.. They raised it because of my house & forced to live somewhere else too.. which I am still doing and He know it. Then Dan Eliasson lowered it again without it being sustained proof. It had raised by an employee and a wonderful supervisor who understood my needs . I thank them both again now. He might want make me suffer like the woman on
Read it if you have not already done it.
Time will tell.
On the other hand Princess Madeline living in New YORK CITY in the USA is living on MY tax money and does not need to show any proof to ask for more money.
There are many other matters to be discussed again with them. . I will keep you informed.
August 4 2013
I have written you about this mater.
You have more than enough time to push the computer to see
the money you have taken from me for May-June. has not be corrected
Please do it this week.
July 24 2013
Thank you Dan Eliasson you said it is being investigated. It should not take a long time because it matter of pushing the computer keys. I will keep you updated on my site.

Dan Eliasson- General Director (Generaldirektör)
I sent a letter to the and his twitter site. He has time to go on twitter but cannot answer his
own mail. I will keep you updated.
Read and answer your mail from me. You know the story about the 85 years old poor Swedish woman stealing see 49266/20130725/
gets a copy of my complaint first and if not fixed I will put here or
something I feel I am made to suffer to much for and I feel it is
wrong might be put here at the same time.
I wrote a complaint to the Pensionsmydightens (Pension authorities ) and they said it was the Förakringkassan fault. Let see if I am going to be treated like a Tennis or Ping Pong Ball again.