Welcoming Letter from the Electricity Company June 2012 was a lie
When I received a letter from the electricity company welcoming me back. I was happy and a little suprised because I thought someone had helped again When I went to check my house it was not turned on.
How can they play with my feelings that way. It is very hard to believe in most things and here is a big examples of why I do not do that.
In about the beginning of October 2011 My electricity was cut off without any warning. The attorney at board of Electricity company and the Director at that Agency said
The electricity Company cannot turn it off if the case is in the court or life threatening. “ in my case it was both life threatening and in the court. .” My case included all outstanding bills if I lost I asked for a payment plan acceptable to us both. I did not know the Jonas.Abrahamsson CEO at Eon and Vatttenfall AB CEO Øystein Løseth. were both above the law ,Mr Jonas.Abrahamsson
Abrahamsson and CEO Oystein.Loseth are aware of what this caused me. They have killed my beloved pet frog of almost 10 years this Christmas and my fish plus destroyed my house with the cold cold weather and the dripping water from the refrigerator and freezer.
The bills they asked me to pay is for 70,000 sek ( $10,000 ) my total monthly income is
10,000 Kr ( 1.44232 USD)before paying for basic needs. They probably changed it now.
When I asked them the questions because they were sending me 2 bills a month and charging me when I was at home and not at my house the same amount of money.
There small investigation showed I was right then they began sending me threatening letters.
Supposedly if I took them to court they would have to explain how one person . could use so much electricity.
However the court I filed the papers with said they can not find the papers and one I spoke with said it is impossible to because a summons can not be serve to them. I knew what the bills were for then I could have paid them.
I never sign a contract with either company
In Sweden there is a law called Ällamansrätt which means that everyone is equal. Swedish People or anyone who studied about rights in Sweden knows about it.. You can always hear the statement from someone Swedish or whom studied and lived in Sweden. I used to be one of them too.
“ We do not do that in Sweden “ implying it is better here. when an injustice situation happens in another country. That is not true as you can see here.
The CEO JonasAbrahamsson of E.on and Oystein.Loseth Vattenfall AB should have to stand up in court personally and defend themselves like everyone else. They can afford to get an attorney and one that believes in them . It is hard to get an attorney when you are poor and even harder to find one who believes in you. The court usually protect the rich or business..Which most people cannot do in Sweden. The fact that is Ällamansrätt should include both CEO of of the companies CEO should be forced to go to court too. They should have to stand up in court as a normal person does. I want my case heard in taken to the European Court because of Basic Human Rights violations and have an impartial jury. Also to stop any injury or dead again as see